"Jingle bells..."

Just when the level 20 priest had just poured himself a bunch of inspirational chicken soup such as "Three Thousand Yue Jia, Thirty Years of Hedong, Mo Bully the Young and Poor", barely calmed the sadness and indignation in his heart, and planned to slowly clean up the mess and reorganize the old mountains and rivers, a rapid bell suddenly rang, interrupting his reverie.

Slightly irritated, he picked up the mobile phone, and after looking at the caller name on it, his heart tightened and a bad premonition arose.

After a slight hesitation, he took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed the irritation that rose in his heart, and answered the call.

"What's going on?"

"Lord Bishop! We were attacked!! Heavy losses!! The temple was ransacked! Even the floor was pried off and snatched away..." The

brain of the level 20 priest hummed, and then his eyes turned black, and a mouthful of old blood suddenly spurted out, and he passed out directly...

Wang Ye hummed an unknown ditty, dodged the bright and dark sentry on the street, crossed multiple blocks, and easily returned to the riverside villa.

As soon as he thought of tonight's huge harvest, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

However, it was late at night, and both Jiang Hongyi and Liu Ying had fallen asleep.

So he couldn't share the joy of his heart with others.

Shrugging, Wang Ye took a bottle of wine casually, came to the balcony to go to the lounger, and drank himself to the river below.

He is a typical night owl, his usual schedule is the opposite of others, and now that he has become a necromancer, his schedule is even more chaotic.

It may be too excited, a bottle of wine down, Wang Ye did not have the slightest sleep.

Just when he hesitated to get the bottle of wine again, he suddenly felt a trace of unusual abnormality.

The powerful spiritual power immediately surged out, sweeping towards the surroundings unscrupulously.

The mana in his body surged rapidly, ready to erupt at any time.

However, his scattered spiritual power swept the entire villa and the surrounding vegetation, and he did not notice anything unusual.


when Wang Ye was a little confused, a dark green flame suddenly appeared out of thin air in front of him without warning, startling Wang Ye.

"This is... Communication Skill: Soul Fire Communication? "

Mu Yuer!"

As a well-informed and experienced player, Wang Ye recognized the origin of this dark green flame at a glance and thought about who released the skill.

He stood up from the recliner with a solemn face, and reached out to gently press on the dark green flame.

The dark green flame immediately exploded, leaving several lines of small words in midair.

"Give you forty-eight hours to escape, and when forty-eight hours are over, I will use all means to capture you with my own hands."

Looking at these lines of small words, Wang Ye scratched the back of his head, his face full of doubts.

"This big sister of the gold lord, what happened?"

"Why did you suddenly want to get me back?"

"It shouldn't be!"

"Logically, I told her everything I should have told her, and I have no value to her now!" Why is she still chasing me?

"Could it be that this big sister of the gold lord deals with dead people every day, resulting in endocrine disorders?" Did the great aunts form a group to see her?

"Or what bottleneck has the brain domain development agent encountered?" Want to get me back?

"That's not right! If she really wants to arrest me, why did she summon me? "

Beat the grass and scare the snake?"

Wang Ye is now a question mark in his head, and he doesn't understand the situation at all.

Based on his understanding of Mu Yu'er during the months he had spent with Mu Yu'er, if Mu Yu'er really wanted to capture him, he would not have notified him in advance.

It is more likely that she suddenly appeared next to Wang Ye quietly, and then cleanly knocked Wang Ye away with a bone stick.

She doesn't enjoy the twisted hobby of hunting, let alone like to increase the difficulty of her tasks so that she can take the opportunity to experience her brain damage.


Wang Ye whispered to himself, but then shook his head vigorously, throwing this now unsolvable question out of his mind.

Although I don't know what kind of madness Mu Yuer has made, the road still has to be taken step by step.

"Forty-eight hours?"

"Hey, time is a little tighter..."

Wang Ye sighed softly, he originally planned to cut the flesh with a blunt knife, weaken the Misty Forest Sect little by little, and finally give the other party another painful blow.

In the process, he was able to gain a lot of experience points and grow quickly.

But now, after receiving Mu Yuer's summons, his previous plan is obviously not working.

If he wanted to complete this free task, he had to complete it cleanly in forty-eight hours.

No, it may not be forty-eight hours.

Because Tianhe City was already under military control at this time, he still had to reserve enough time to leave Tianhe City with Liu Ying and Jiang Hongyi.

Wang Ye scratched his head, forced himself to calm down, and began to think carefully about countermeasures.

After this period of entanglement with the Misin Sect, Wang Ye had roughly figured out the strength of the Misin Sect in Tianhe City.

The Level 20 priest priest and the mysterious leader named Jiang Luo were the two mountains in front of him.

With his current strength, against a single person, eighty percent will be in the downside, if he faces two at the same time, then he can only choose one way to escape, if he faces two people at the same time and a group of adventurers and believers, then he can only die in place.

Standing up on the balcony and pondering for a long time, Wang Ye did not come up with a clue.

A flash of morning light lit up in the sky, dispelling a large area of darkness, and when Wang Ye saw the soldiers patrolling the street across the river with guns, he suddenly moved and thought of a somewhat extreme method.

"It seems, feasible?"

Muttering to himself, Wang Ye opened his eyes wide, carefully looked at the guns in the hands of those soldiers, and the grenades hanging on the armed belts, then turned around and returned to the room.

After cleaning up a little, Wang Ye left a note on the table in the living room and left the riverside villa.

More than half an hour later, after some disguise, Wang Ye came to the somewhat depressed Tianhe Dungeon.

The changes in the Luozhou forest and the military administration of Tianhe City have seriously affected the prosperity here.

When the extraordinary group led by adventurers believed that not only could not make money in Tianhe City, but also worried about their lives, and left Tianhe City in large numbers to go to other cities, the depression of Tianhe Underground City had become a foregone conclusion.

The managers of the underground city of Tianhe City could only remain silent even if they were worried.

Both reasons are in front of them, and there is no way they can't solve it....

Wang Ye crossed the main road of Sisilala and walked straight into the store of Oubo Arms Company.

"Welcome to Orbo Arms, we have the best weapons in the world!"

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