"Hum..." The

majestic spiritual power penetrated through the body, forming a hideous ghost hand above Wang Ye's head.

Seeing this, the necromancer did not say a word, and began to apply spiritual defense skills to himself.

It's a pity that Wang Ye's target is not him, but the multi-legged centipede with a level of 27 at his feet.


The hideous ghost's hand pressed down violently and smashed on the head of the unsuspecting multi-legged centipede.

"Hum..." The

huge spiritual explosion and the continuous spiritual shock wave that followed instantly destroyed the multi-legged centipede's already weak spirit body and entered an instinctive dormant state.

But its spiritual body dormant state did not last long, and it was completely defeated by the second round of spiritual explosions and shock waves that followed...


The multi-legged centipede that collapsed mentally, the huge number of knots instantly lost all its strength, and it could no longer continue to support its huge body.

Looking at the multi-legged centipede lying on his stomach, as well as the confused necromancer, Wang Ye did not mean to stop, nor did he mean to defend against the oncoming purple fog, but cast an inexplicable skill.

Bone entrenchment.

Hard white bones sprang up like mushrooms.

The stunned necromancer, together with the two resentful ghosts who were weakened, and the multi-legged centipede that had died surrounded it, and quickly closed towards the sky.

In some cases, bone locking is used by necromancers as a defensive spell.

Therefore, the necromancer was confused at this time.

This guy, there is something wrong with the brain designation ....


After using the bone release technique, Wang Ye was unsurprisingly wrapped in the oncoming purple mist.

However, everything he has to do has been done, and the rest is to wait....

"Swish..." It

wasn't until Wang Ye's figure was completely wrapped in that purple mist that the necromancer had the energy to look up to see the source of the unknown whistling sound.

This attack of the resentful ghost is extremely vicious, whether it is a mana shield or other defensive skills, as long as it is stained with that purple mist, it will continue to be continuously corroded.

If you don't want to be corroded so that there is no slag left, you must continuously consume mana to maintain the defense of the body surface.

But that's how to cope under normal circumstances.

Now two level 27 ghost women use the skills of all mana in the way of self-harm, and their instantaneous corrosion strength, even a level 30 three-turn necromancer, needs to squeeze their own way, crazy output of mana, to offset the corrosion.

In the incomparably short exchange just now, the necromancer had roughly calculated Wang Ye's strength.

Level 28, or level 29 second-turn necromancers, and second-turn necromancers who have not yet changed jobs at level 30.

With such strength, in the face of such an attack, even if you don't die by luck, you will be wasted in the future....

However, when the necromancer saw the source of the whistling sound, he was not calm.

I saw ten yellow cannonballs, before the bone firmly closed, like a meteor into Bai Sensen's bone prison...

Seeing this, the necromancer instantly lost his heart.

He knew that the shells that could be used by Wang Ye to fight like death were definitely not ordinary shells, most likely extraordinary shells of the upper grade.

But at this time, the surroundings and the sky were occupied by Bai Sensen's bone prison, and he had no way to retreat...

Even if he knew that the bone could not hold him for long, but at this time, he had no time...

"Boom..." When

the tenth shell hit the ground one after another, all the thoughts of the necromancer fell

silent... Being blocked so lightly by the surrounding bone prisons, the original powerful Tier 3 cannonballs instantly greatly improved their lethality...

Firecrackers in plastic buckets....

The necromancer and the defensive skills on his body surface were like pieces of paper, torn to pieces by the huge shockwave, and scattered by the shockwave...

Two resentful ghosts who were already sluggish, not to mention more...

Wang Ye was in a somewhat embarrassing situation at this time, and when facing the purple fog that attacked, he had no intention of defending at all, but planned to directly "be generous and righteous".

As expected, he gave up resistance, and without holding out for a moment in the purple mist, he was "generous and righteous".

It's just that the next plot development left Wang Ye speechless.

He died, and the bone slag was corrupted clean by the purple mist.

He was resurrected in place.


There is something wrong with the place where he was resurrected!

He was resurrected in that purple mist!

"Ah! "Before he opened his eyes, Wang Ye felt a burning pain coming from all over his body, and before he could think more, he died again...

Wang Ye, who was resurrected for the second time, was obviously prepared, and as soon as he was resurrected, he forcibly endured the burning pain in his whole body, and quickly sacrificed a mana shield and bounced out the purple mist around him.

However, Wang Ye then discovered a very difficult problem.

Although this purple fog is dead, it will fucking follow people!

It's like a maggot with bones, you can't shake it off!

No, to be precise, follow the mana shield!

There was no way for him to get out of this purple fog!

Although the undead substitute for the dead is good, the resurrection will not be full of blood.

In other words, there were only three options left for him now, either to consume a part of the purple mist with the Empty Mana, and then consume it with his physical body.

But now he needs to continuously consume mana to maintain and expand the Mist Realm...

Or, simply do not consume mana and directly use the flesh to resist.

That is, the matter of dying one hundred and eighty more times....

Or, fill it with the lives of undead creatures under your hands or the lives or flesh and blood of other creatures....

But at this time, in Hill City, which was full of crises, Wang Ye really didn't want to do this kind of self-defeating thing, and he didn't want to waste too much time here.

Looking at the purple mist that was blocked outside the mana shield, Wang Ye was really speechless.

"What do you mean by this?"

"What a skill! How is it so disgusting!

"It's time dog!"

"Purple mist, why don't I remember that the resentful ghost woman has such skills

..." "Oh, well, I haven't dealt with the resentful ghost mother..."

"Purple mist? Mist? "

There you have it!"

Scolding, Wang Ye flashed with a flash of inspiration and thought of an idea.

He quickly issued a spiritual command, calling for the zombie fog insects that had long been released by him.

Mist bugs, feed on mist!

This purple mist, although the corrosion is quite terrifying, but it is indeed fog!

Doesn't this mean that zombie fog insects can feed on this?

In a short time, thousands of zombie mist insects appeared beside Wang Ye.

Wang Ye randomly selected a zombie mist insect and directly ordered it to devour this corrosive purple mist.

Under Wang Ye's spiritual perception, the lucky one who was selected slowly flew next to the purple mist mass, opened his mouth that was too small to be small, and inhaled a little purple mist that was too small to be small...

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