"Knock knock..."

In the thick gray-white fog, a behemoth of more than twenty meters was moving rapidly.

With every step it takes, it makes a deafening sound and leaves huge footprints on the asphalt road.

The earth is trembling faintly, like a wail...


A car abandoned on the side of the road was stomped on by the white bone giant foot that suddenly fell.

"Huh..." The

fuel tank, which was supposed to be quite loud, exploded, only made a movement not much bigger than a fart, and then immersed.

The wisps of black smoke that spilled from the soles of the white bones seemed to be trying to prove to the world that it was not that it did not work hard, but that the other party was too big and too fast to give it time at all....

However, with the help of the fleeting explosion fire, you can still vaguely see the general appearance of this behemoth in the thick gray-white fog.

Humanoid, upright, feet, hands, covered with gray-white bones, and covered with sharp bone spurs....

General Bones!

Elite Undead!

In the body of the bone general, a skinny necromancer was holding a sharp bone knife, slowly picking the sticky flesh between his fingers, looking very leisurely.

However, at this time, his heart was not calm.

Not long ago, the two violent explosions from the front made him realize that the enemy in front was not simple.


..." "Mist Realm

..." "Explosion

..." "Hill City

..." "Grand Duchy of Jinger

..." "Polita Commercial Federation..."

He quickly linked one known clue after another in his mind, trying to deduce the unknown existence.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed in his cloudy eyes.

"Those two lords' subordinates, in order to slow down our progress in Hill City, mixed up with the group of waste in Jing'er?"

"Eighty percent can't be wrong..."

After muttering, his eyes froze, and he immediately stopped the skeleton general.

Since the other party came prepared, and created such a large fog field, its strength should naturally not be underestimated.

He very much doubted that if he rushed over with such a big grin, he was likely to give the other party a thousand miles of heads, and he would end up with a small courtesy...

He groped his chin, pondered for a moment, and then made a decision.

"Fluttering..." An

owl messenger appeared out of thin air not far from the skeleton general, and after briefly communicating with the necromancer in the skeleton general's body, he flapped his wings and flew towards the sky...

As the Battle Five Scum, the owl messenger did not know that in the moment when it passed through the fog layer, a corrosive mist insect had quietly lurked into its body...

The central square of the city.

The old necromancer looked at the pool of blood of the dead below, which had already seen the scale of the dead, and his old face full of wrinkles was full of smiles, like an old chrysanthemum in bloom, which made people can't help but want to punch him...


Another 200,000 people will be able to complete it..."

"Ah! The wonderful blood essence of the dead, but I really look forward to it..." "

The weird laughter like a ghost..." The eerie laughter like a ghost scream continued to be transmitted from the tower, echoing the scene of the ghosts dancing below, corpses forming walls, and filthy blood pools, making this original resting place become an absolute ghost domain....

Laughing and laughing, the old necromancer suddenly couldn't laugh.

Because he saw the gray-white mist mass in the northeast.


"How did it get bigger again?"

"What are those three wastes for?"

"Why is it that until now, there is no news coming back..."


The old necromancer looked at the huge fog and only felt as disgusting as eating the poop of a green-skinned pig.

Since the appearance of the other party, the progress of the construction of the blood pool of the dead has been seriously disturbed.

And as time goes by, the area of that foggy area is getting bigger and bigger, and the interference with the construction of the blood pool of the dead is becoming more and more serious, if this stalemate continues, allowing the other party to sit and grow, thus making it difficult to hunt down the residents of Hill City, then it is likely to lead to a serious delay in the construction of the blood pool of the dead, or even failure....

The blood pool of the dead, once it is built, is not allowed to be suspended, and requires a steady stream of fresh flesh and blood, corpses, and the input of the souls of the dead....

If the time drags on too long, then the flesh and blood, corpses, and revenants that are first thrown into it will undergo an irreversible transformation in the direction of the undead under the nourishment of the rich dead qi.

Once that happens, then the final result of this vast blood pool of the dead construction plan is most likely a bunch of useless wild undead...

Such a result was unacceptable to the old necromancer, and it was also unacceptable to the senior necromancer above him...

Once something like that happens, then what awaits him is most likely a cruel end that is worse than death....

"If it weren't for this damn guy to make trouble, by this time, the blood pool of the dead should have been almost built..."

A fierce color flashed in the old necromancer's cloudy old eyes, and he immediately stretched out his hand and waved his hand and released a group of owl messengers.

"Suspend the construction of the Blood Pool of the Dead, gather with me, and destroy the enemy in the mist first..." The

owl messenger flew towards all parts of Hill City with the orders of the old necromancer...

Among them, several owl messengers rushed straight to the northeast misty area, wanting to get in touch with the necromancers in the misty area...

In the fog, Wang Ye, who had successfully transferred the place, was looking at the north silently at this time.

In his perception, the two necromancers who actively entered the Mist Realm changed their original course of action after he shelled the sick ghost.

A necromancer, after releasing the owl messenger, stopped where he was, as if waiting for something....

The other necromancer directly began to retreat, looking at the posture, it seemed that he was going to directly leave the Mist Realm...

"It's worthy of being a veteran necromancer, just this greedy and fearful nature, timid as a rat, is not comparable to my junior..."

Wang Ye was standing and talking at this time, so he didn't feel back pain and hand cramps at all...

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