A moment later, Wang Ye, who was completely uninjured, slowly got up from the ground.

This can scare a corpse witch on the side who is happily chewing the heart in his mouth.


He spat out the piece of heart meat chewed in his mouth on the ground, opened his cloudy eyes, and carefully looked at it...

He raised his head again and focused his gaze on Wang Ye's chest, who had already stood up.

Look at the intact left chest and feel the majestic and powerful heart inside.

His fairly smart brain suddenly fell into a state of downtime....

Just now, the host... Didn't he suddenly have a broken brain and release me from the undead space and let me dig out his heart and eat it?

I did it!!

I'm ready to extract his soul and refine the witch spirit!"

What a perfect soul!

Refining into a witch spirit can definitely become my strongest help!

In the future, it will definitely not be a problem to dominate the undead world and traverse the material world....

Can... How is he still alive?

What is the situation?

Can anyone tell me?

"What are you looking at?" Seeing the stunned look of the corpse witch beside him, Wang Ye scolded angrily.

Feeling the soul contract that suddenly trembled in the soul fire, the corpse witch's body trembled, instantly recognized the reality, quickly lowered his body, and respectfully said in a hoarse voice: "My lord's face, rare in the world, fascinated, unconsciously looked into the fascination

..." "Ask the master to atone for his sins..."

Wang Ye touched his face, grinned at the corners of his mouth, and his mood instantly became beautiful.

This corpse witch is good!

Can speak!

It is not in vain that Lao Tzu chose him out....

Looking at the pool of heart meat on the ground, Wang Ye couldn't help frowning.

One thing is to say, his heart is an absolute complement to these undead creatures.

Although it is said that you can't reinvent and reshape your body after eating, it's okay to simply strengthen your body....

Therefore, in line with the principle of not wasting, he casually let the corpse witch out as a mending ghost....

But, that was out of his sight.

It's the saying that out of sight, out of mind.

And, now....


A dark green Nether Flame was thrown by Wang Ye on that pool of flesh and blood.

Looking at the flesh and blood that quickly turned into flying ash, the corpse witch's face showed a look of pity.

Some things, missed, are really missed....

Wang Ye did not take care of the necromancer's emotions, he opened the undead space with his backhand, pointed to the corpse of the dark undead mage on the ground and ordered the corpse witch: "Take him and go back..."

"Hey, die twice, exchange for a corpse of a level 30 dark necromancer, blood earned!"

Wang Ye whispered softly, then discerned the direction and continued to march towards the depths of the war base.

In the previous "two-hand" collision, he did not struggle to resist at all, but directly rushed in....

In the opposite direction of Wang Ye's advance, that is, the direction when Wang Ye came.

The group of undead creatures who had just been pressed by Wang Ye with soul fire, signed a soul contract, and were sent to the battlefield by Wang Ye at this time, the battle with the Deshan coalition army had gradually come to an end.

The results are obvious.

The outnumbered Tokuyama coalition achieved the final victory.

Although, in order to obtain this victory, they also paid a lot of price.

But compared to the other stranglers who are still fighting furiously, they are extremely lucky....

"Strange..." a front-line commander, looking at the war camp ahead, whispered.

"It's really weird." Another front-line commander answered: "Since half an hour ago, no organized undead creatures have rushed to support this side

..." "Well, I also observed this, but the reason, I am very puzzled..." "I am also very puzzled, but I know, this doubt is something that I can't solve now


"Makes sense, there may be an answer ahead..."

You report the situation here to the headquarters behind, and we will rest for three minutes..." Wang

Ye stepped on the back of the lava corpse beast and quickly advanced in the war camp of the Dry Bone Tower.

In a short while, Wang Ye approached his goal.

Looking at the huge altar standing on the ground in the distance, Wang Ye licked the corner of his mouth greedily.

The undead creatures in the Tower of Dry Bones can be roughly divided into three categories.

One category is contract undead who sign soul contracts with individual necromancers.

This category, if subdivided, can also be roughly divided into three subcategories.

Summon, transform, manufacture.

They are the personal property of the necromancer, and the jurisdiction belongs only to the necromancer itself, and has nothing to do with the Tower of Dry Bones.

One is the contract undead who have signed a soul contract with the Tower of Dry Bones as a whole.

The origin of this category is similar to the first type, but the subject of the soul contract has changed from the individual necromancer to the tower of dry bones as a whole.

They are also nicknamed bus undead by necromancers....

Whoever has the key can enter the cab and drive a class of undead creatures.

This type of undead creature is the largest number of undead creatures in the Tower of Dry Bones, but it is also the lowest type of undead creatures....

Their strength is generally low, and they are the best cannon fodder for the Tower of Dry Bones.

They are usually summoned en masse from the undead world by the altar of the dead....

The last type of undead creatures is more amazing.

If the first two types of undead creatures are slaves, cannon fodder, and cheap labor in the Tower of Dry Bones, then they are alternative partners of the Tower of Dry Bones.

Their status, treatment, and authority in the Tower of Dry Bones are similar to those of high-ranking necromancers.

Well, among them, there are no weak ones, they are all high-ranking undead creatures, powerful, and able to reach some kind of cooperation with the Tower of Dry Bones.

Their sources, if subdivided, can also be divided into three categories.

One is that high-ranking necromancers feel that their limit is approaching and transform themselves into undead creatures.

Well, if a high-ranking necromancer dies for various reasons, other necromancers who transform their corpses into undead creatures will not be counted in this category, but will be counted into the first category of undead creatures....

One is the high-ranking undead creatures with whom a high-ranking necromancer dies and signs a soul contract.

They regain their freedom, but they don't want to return to the undead world, let alone sign soul contracts with other necromancers.

The high-ranking necromancer of the Tower of Dry Bone weighed the pros and cons, thinking that it was more cost-effective to give him equal status than forcibly accepting it, before he could become this type of undead creature.

One is a category of high-ranking undead creatures that are summoned from the undead world by high-ranking necromancers, but do not have the ability to subdue them....

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