"He~tui..." Wang

Ye, who was lying on the ground in the front, slowly raised his head and spit out the mouth full of mud that he had eaten when he fell to the ground.

Looking around, feeling the illusory soul body, Wang Ye immediately made a decision, quickly lifted the [Elemental Transformation], and changed the camp and occupation again.

The fire mage is offline, and the necromancer is online.

The sequelae of soul self-explosion are not offset by the undead substitute death.

Undead Substitute Death is a life-saving skill, not a healing skill, or a recovery skill.

The mana, spirit, physical strength, energy, etc. that were previously expended will not be restored to its heyday by triggering the undead substitute technique.

While lying on the ground, holding his breath, Wang Ye quietly raised his head and observed the surroundings, while linking the nearby red-eyed bats in his mind to collect intelligence on the nearby area and compare it with the previous intelligence.

After a moment, Wang Ye breathed a slight sigh of relief.

There was a dead silence all around.

The undead creatures were all wiped out by the spiritual frenzy set off by the self-explosion of the soul.

The human transcendent who was previously wandering in this area, responsible for covering and guarding, was assassinated by the ghost leader leading the ghost hunter long before the soul exploded...

Moreover, although the sea of fire created by Wang Ye before squeezing out mana had begun to shrink, it still blocked the group of law professionals.


Wang Ye cheered in his heart, then pouted his butt, used his limbs together, dragged his heavy body, quickly left the battlefield, and advanced towards the depths of the war camp...

The fierce battlefield did not show any cooling trend because Wang Ye withdrew.

Melee professionals are still strangling with the legions of the undead in the bloodiest hand-to-hand combat.

The restored Law Professionals have reselected the casting area, re-provided auxiliary skills for Melee Professionals, and exported damage to the middle and rear parts of the Undead Legion...

If you have to find out what's different.

The biggest difference may be that the fighting will and rhythm of the Tokuyama transcendents have changed...

Wang Ye used all four limbs together, and with the cover of the vegetation on the surface, crawled on the ground for a long time before he completely left the battlefield.

Slowly getting up from the ground, Wang Ye simply disposed of the dirt on his limbs... Well... The fifth limb, which has always been forgotten, did not fall, and it was patted and rubbed a few times....

Feeling the fluctuations of the battle in the distance, Wang Ye leaned against a big tree, rubbed his chin, and fell into thought.

As long as there is no absolute strength to crush, the role played by individual strength in a war of more than 10,000 scales is very limited.

And in a war with a scale of more than 100,000, the power of individuals is insignificant.

Wang Ye felt that his previous performance was already unconventional.

If that ghost leader hadn't been stupid, the biggest result Wang Ye could achieve would be to drain his spiritual power and consume him alive.

In addition, in the face of more than a hundred ghost hunters with a level of more than 20, Wang Ye could not do anything but carry the bucket and run.

"With the current situation, my best choice next is to blend into the camp of the Tower of Dry Bones, find a safer place, and seize the time to recover their combat strength

..." "However, the Leader's Skull has not yet been obtained..."

"Moreover, the battle on Tokushan's side may collapse at any time


Wang Ye scratched his hair irritably.

He understood that he was blinded by the impending benefits and dragged his feet.

But he didn't want to change.

It's not that he is not strong-willed, but his sister-in-law is too charming....

In this way, Wang Ye stayed in place for about ten minutes.

Mana, mental power, physical strength, and energy have only recovered once, and they are still in the state of soft-footed shrimp.

Fortunately, in the battle on this side, the Deshan coalition army did not collapse, and it was still stubbornly resisting the wave of attacks of the undead army.

However, unfortunately, the Tokuyama coalition army has been seriously reduced in personnel and is at a clear disadvantage.

In another fifteen minutes, it was Wang Ye's estimate of the limit of resistance of the Deshan coalition army.

And fifteen minutes is completely insufficient for the giant spirit zombies and heavy armored zombies who are cutting the altar of the dead with all their strength and looking for the head of the ruler...

"Damn, it seems that the head of the ruler is destined to have no chance with Lao Tzu!!"

Pinching his eyebrows, Wang Ye was ready to go deep into the war camp, bypass this battlefield, and rush to the altar of the undead, where the giant spirit zombies and heavy armored zombies remained, as well as the cut materials to reclaim the undead space.

To do all this, if nothing else, fifteen minutes, barely enough....

Just as Wang Ye was about to take a step, he suddenly received a spiritual feedback from the red-eyed bat before he died.

Wang Ye did not stop because of this, but rushed towards the depths of the war camp while analyzing and modeling in his mind.

But when the spiritual feedback transmitted by this red-eyed bat on the verge of death was analyzed and modeled, Wang Ye's galloping footsteps slowly stopped.

A fireball hits the red-eyed bat, turning it into flying ash.

Before the fireball occupied all the perception of the red-eyed bat, Wang Ye saw a dense array of human transcendents appear on the ground.


Reinforcements from the Tokuyama Alliance!

After determining the location of the red-eyed bat, the corners of Wang Ye's mouth rose, and he took another step and continued to gallop towards the depths of the war camp.

With the support of this wave of reinforcements, even if the Tokuyama coalition army cannot destroy this undead army, it can firmly nail it in place, so that it cannot rush to the altar of the dead.

In that case, the altar of the dead will rest easy!

Well, if nothing else....

And the best measure to deal with accidents is your own strength!

As long as the strength is strong, it will become a windfall unexpectedly!

As long as the strength is weak, the pie becomes an iron ball!

While running, Wang Ye opened the undead space and randomly pulled out more than a hundred undead from it to fill the façade.

And by the way, he found himself a mount and freed his feet.

After about seven or eight minutes, Wang Ye began to encounter the wandering undead squad one after another.

Wang Ye rode on the tall zombie war horse with an indifferent face, and the birds did not have these passing undead squads.

With more than a hundred undead creatures acting as facades, they swaggered past in front of them.

When encountering something unpleasant, Wang Ye will also command the undead creatures under his command to go up and slap them twice....

After another moment, several townhouses appeared in Wang Ye's line of sight.

Wang Ye's eyes lit up, and when he commanded the undead squad, he changed his route and ran towards the townhouses...


..." "Those who eat the Tower of Dry Bones, those who drink the Tower of Dry Bones, those who will take the Tower of Dry Bones, those who kill the Tower of Dry Bones..."

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