"Intermediate Qingqiu Fox Charm: Qingqiu Fox's charm ability to the enemy is enhanced, which will make the enemy subconsciously show mercy! The enemy's attack power is passively reduced by 10%! After all, the little fox is so cute, how can it have any bad intentions?"

"Farsightedness: Qingqiu Fox has the ability to see farther!"

Intermediate Qingqiu Fox Charm?


As expected, just as the Universe Lord World prompts, when the level of the Universe Lord reaches the integer mark, more abilities will be activated.

The charm of Qingqiu Fox has been upgraded to the charm of Intermediate Qingqiu Fox!

The most intuitive external manifestation is that under the blessing of the charm of the Intermediate Qingqiu Fox, the little foxes have eyes that are full of light, their skin is delicate, and they look better...

The 95-point appearance directly increased to 110 points.

Anyway, Ye Mo couldn't bear to beat such cute foxes.

Appearance is justice, the eternal truth of the universe...

It's no wonder that the enemy would passively show mercy when seeing this.

Ye Mo wanted to laugh.

Who would have thought that being extremely beautiful could also have a combat damage reduction effect.

10% damage reduction, very practical!

Another ability of farsightedness makes Ye Mo even more excited.

This is not an ability of the Qingqiu Fox Star Clan itself, but an ability of the Kryptonian bloodline!

Farsightedness is one of Superman's superpowers!

This is also as Ye Mo expected.

After fusing with the Kryptonian bloodline, as the Qingqiu Fox Star Clan continues to upgrade its level, it will slowly stimulate more and more hidden powers of the Kryptonian bloodline!

Looking forward to it!

With the ability of farsightedness, wouldn't it be easier to find cosmic monsters in the subsequent exploration ? The upgrade efficiency will also be greatly enhanced!

"Universe Citizens: Qingqiu Fox Clan"

"Qualification: One-star"

"Level: Level 10 (Experience 0/1000)"

"Strength: 1600"

"Speed: 1600"

"Defense: 5000"

"Health: 2200"

"Overall strength: 1800 (the overall strength of an adult is 10!)"

"Special abilities: 1. Charm of the Intermediate Qingqiu Fox. 2. Body of Steel. 3. Farsightedness."

Ye Mo glanced at the attribute panel.

After winning ten levels in a row, the basic attributes of the Qingqiu Fox almost doubled, and the comprehensive strength increased from 900 at the beginning to 1800 now!

In the past, it took three punches to break the shell of the evil bone beetle, but now, one punch skill can beat the evil bone beetle half to death!

The Qingqiu foxes also found that their own strength has become stronger.

These little foxes who like to imagine attributed the credit to the miracle that Ye Mo gave them to stimulate their potential.

When they were summoned, they also learned from the Lord's World that

Once they become a cosmic citizen of a certain lord, they will have a magical ability called"upgrade", which means they can become stronger by killing monsters!

Every level up will stimulate their potential and enhance their physique!

But the problem is that according to their understanding, this kind of strength is also limited, not like the speed of a rocket!

Even if they are one-star citizens, the maximum level is only ten, it is impossible for them to reach the maximum level directly after killing a wave of cosmic monsters! Needless to say, this is the power bestowed on them by the omnipotent master! The Qingqiu Fox Star Clan's admiration for Ye Mo deepened, and the master said that he was awesome.


"Ding! The Qingqiu Fox Clan has further increased their trust in you through their own imagination, and their loyalty has increased to 120%!"

"Loyalty Blessing: In the presence of the lord, the combat power of Qingqiu Fox increases to 120%!"

Ye Mo,"???"

What are these little foxes thinking about?

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