Lord Qin, Your Little Mute is a Full-level Boss

Chapter 1512: Is this the grassland above your head?

The nanny quickly smiled and said:

"It's like this. The young lady came over and kissed the two young masters in the morning, checked the bodies of the two young masters, and found that their bodies were normal."

"The young lady left."

"As for where Mrs. Young went, the subordinates don't know."

Qin Ruohan glanced at the nanny when he heard the words, and uttered two words of evaluation in a cold voice: "Long-winded."

Talking for a long time is still all nonsense.

Just say that you don’t know?

Qin Tian looked at Qin Ruohan, who was covered in black lines, and said with a smile:

"Master Qin, what should we do now?"

Qin Ruo looked at Qin Tian swishly.

"Nonsense, of course I went to get my wife back."

Qin Tian scratched his head, and said with some embarrassment, "Oh, where shall we find Madam Young now?"

"What do you mean?" Qin Ruohan looked at Qin Tian dangerously, and mockingly said in a cold voice: "Your brain stays at home for a few days, is it rusty?"


Qin Tian looked at Qin Ruohan with a gloomy face, daring to be angry and not daring to speak with a clear cough.

"Ahem... Maybe, maybe it's a bit rusty."

Qin Ruo looked at Qin Tian swishly, with a cold and scary expression: "I don't leave any waste here."

Qin Tian was startled when he heard this, and suddenly said in a flustered and nervous manner:

"Master Qin, please wait a moment, the book scares me to find out the whereabouts of the young lady."

Qin Tian left these words, and without a word, immediately took out his cell phone and dialed Ye Caitang's number as quickly as possible.

After a while, the phone was connected.

"Hello? Young lady, where are you now?"

Qin Tian left this question aside, and immediately turned on the hands-free of his mobile phone to keep him safe.

After a while, Lord Qin heard Mrs. Young's answer, surely he wouldn't think about expelling him again, right?

When Qin Tianzhen was waiting for Ye Caitang's answer with confidence, a cello-like charming voice suddenly came out from the phone.

"Hello, who are you looking for?"

When Qin Ruohan heard the words, his cold phoenix eyes suddenly exuded a terrifying killing intent, and he looked at Qin Tian coldly.

Qin Tian felt the icy killing intent on Qin Ruohan's body, and immediately said in a panic:

"Sorry, I made the wrong call by accident."

After speaking, he didn't even read the phone number on his face, so he immediately hung up.

After hanging up, he carefully found Ye Caitang’s mobile phone number from the phone book.

After three times of careful confirmation, the phone number was dialed again.

While waiting for the number to be connected, Qin Tian looked awkward and looked at Qin Ruohan cautiously.

"Master Qin, I'm sorry, I just made the wrong call, but I can assure you that this time, I definitely didn't make the wrong call."

As soon as his voice fell, the sound of a connection appeared on the other end of the phone.

Qin Tian didn't wait for Ye Caitang to speak, and immediately said with a dogleg smile:

"Hello, madam, where are you now?"

Qin Tian didn't reply to Qin Tian on the other end of the phone, Qin Tian turned on the hands-free and quickly said again:

"Madam, did you hear what your subordinate asked you just now?"

"To tell you a joke, when the subordinate called you just now, he made the wrong call. It was a young man who connected to your cell phone."

"Oh, then you didn't call the wrong number." The nice male cello voice suddenly replied quietly.

Qin Tian suddenly stiffened when he heard the words, and looked at the phone in his hand with shocked expression on his face.

Then he Shuran felt the terrible cold of Wannian Bingberg, as if people fell into the ice cellar in an instant.


What's going on here?

Did Mrs. Young really give Master Qin a green hat?


Mrs. Young and Ye Qin have just gotten married, and the sweetness of the newlywed Yan Er is too late. How could it be possible to give Ye Qin a green hat?

Mrs. Young looked serious, she didn't look like that kind of watery woman at all.

While Qin Tian was shocked and contemplative, Qin Ruohan had already used the phone N in Qin Tian's hand to add it again with a look in his eyes.


Seeing that Qin Tian didn't understand what he meant, Qin Ruohan immediately let out a cold cough.

Qin Tian heard Qin Ruohan's cough, looked back at Qin Ruohan in a panic, and then quickly asked wisely:

"Hello, you must be our young wife's colleague, right?"

"Did our young lady go to the bathroom, so the phone is on you?"

Before the man could answer, Qin Tian cleverly continued:

"Please wait a moment for our young lady to come back, and give the phone to our young lady immediately, and please tell us-Mrs. Young,"

"Her husband is looking for her in a hurry."

After Qin Tian found out that he had explained to the young lady in a disguised form, Master Qin's attitude instantly became gentler, and his air-conditioning dropped a lot.

"No." The man spit out two words casually and replied.

Qin Tian didn't react to this for a while, and asked reflexively:

"Not what?"

The man’s nice cello said gracefully:

"I'm not your young wife's colleague."

With a hint of laziness and smile in his charming voice:

"As for who I am, you can leave it alone."

"Besides, I won't help you spread the word."

"Why?" Qin Tian felt the terrifying killing intent on Qin Ruohan's body, and said with a numb scalp, "Who are you? What is the relationship with my young lady?"

"Because I am not your microphone."

The man smiled unceremoniously and said, "And..."

"Your young lady is taking a bath now. It is really inconvenient for me to inform your young lady."

Qin Tian:"……"

This this……

The gold content of these words is too high, and he no longer knows which passage he should listen to.

When Qin Ruohan heard these words, the killing intent of the whole body seemed to be condensed into substance, and the horrifying coldness of the cold gave the illusion of being in the ice cellar.

"Master Qin, you..."

Qin Tian quickly covered the phone's microphone, and anxiously explained to Qin Ruohan:

"Master Qin, don't be angry. There must be some misunderstanding in this. Our young lady is not such a woman."

"Please trust the young lady!"

"I know." Qin Ruohan held out his hand to Qin Tian with a calm expression, his expression as cold as the snow **** of an iceberg, cold and sacred and inviolable.

"Now give me your cell phone."

Qin Tian looked at Qin Ruohan who was expressionless, and could not guess Qin Ruohan's mood and thoughts at this moment.

He brought the phone to Qin Tian nervously, and whispered:

"Master Qin, don't be impulsive and give Madam Young a chance to explain."

As Qin Ruohan took the phone, he glanced at Qin Tian coldly, and spit out two words coldly: "It's troublesome."

After he finished speaking, he asked coldly and harshly:

"I don't care who you are, I order you to return my wife's mobile phone to my wife immediately."

"What if I won't pay it back? What can you do with me?" The cello-like voice on the other side of the phone said stubbornly.

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