Lord Qin, Your Little Mute is a Full-level Boss

Chapter 272: The duplicity of Lord Qin

Seeing this, Ye Caitang immediately covered her chest with a defensive face, and stared at Qin Ruohan with a flushed face.

"Master Qin, what are you doing?"

Ye Caitang hurriedly hurriedly put the broken phone that she had just put in her pants pocket into Qin Ruohan's beautiful and well-defined hand.

"My cell phone has been taken out. If you want a cell phone, I will give it to you now."

Since the phone is broken anyway, he will not see anything he wants to see.

Qin Ruohan glanced at the broken phone in his hand, a dim light flashed in his eyes, and he tucked the broken phone into his pocket casually.

Although the mobile phone is broken like this, the information inside can still be found out by the person from the Ministry of Science and Technology.

After this thought flashed through his mind, Qin Ruohan continued to express his expressionlessly and stretched out his hand to Ye Caitang's chest.

Ye Caitang unbearably raised her small white hand, and grasped Qin Ruohan's big hand.

"Excessive, I already gave you the phone, what do you mean by reaching out here?"

Qin Ruohan glanced at Ye Caitang's blushing face with an obscure look, and said lightly.

"Check your wound."

Ye Caitang's complexion was shocked: "..."

"No, the phone is blocked and there is no injury."

Qin Ruohan looked straight into Ye Caitang’s eyes coldly and preciously, and suddenly held Ye Caitang’s two small hands and placed them in one hand.

The other long slender hand, which was free of time, easily pulled Ye Caitang's collar.

Ye Caitang suddenly appeared like a cooked shrimp, and the whole body burst into red.


Without the consent of others, just like this...

It's too much, there is nothing?

Although Qin Ruohan looked expressionless and calm on the surface, in fact,

His heart beats like a drum, his chest is full of inexplicable emotions, and the blood in his whole body is inexplicably restless.

Looking at Ye Cai Tang Bai's red silky skin, he tried to ignore the inexplicable impulse and expectation in his heart, and carefully checked Ye Cai Tang for any wounds on her body.

ten minutes later,

Qin Ruohan held the tweezers on her face like frost, and carefully picked up the glass shards on Ye Caitang’s chest.

Although they are all small fragments, Qin Ruohan's face is still dark as a big devil who is about to kill his life.

"Ye Caitang, can you stop doing such stupid things in the future?"

Ye Cai Tang: "..."

What stupid did she do?

Qin Ruohan's hand holding the tweezers distressedly made his knuckles turn white.

"I'm a big man, do I need you to save it?"

He couldn't even think about the consequences of Ye Caitang if she didn't have a mobile phone on her chest.

"Don't be passionate in the future."

Seriously dropping this warning, Qin Ruohan lowered his head and continued to pick up the glass shards for Ye Caitang seriously.

Ye Cai Tang: "..."

The big devil actually murdered her?

The peat is really a dog biting Lu Dongbin, not knowing good people.

Ye Caitang lowered her eyes to look at Qin Ruohan's movements, her delicate little face suddenly burst into red, and at that moment she felt so red that she was about to bleed.

She felt the cold and gloomy atmosphere of Qin Ruohan Demon King, and she spoke in a low voice with some helplessness.

"Can you not be angry, this wound is just a small injury, don't you need to be so nervous?"

"Who said I was angry?"

Qin Ruohan was afraid that Ye Cai Tang would pick up the glass shards neatly, and immediately acted quickly to apply medicine to Ye Cai Tang.

"I just think you are too stupid."

His long and narrow phoenix eyes glanced at Ye Caitang obscurely, and said with an arrogant face.

"I can live well without you."

Ye Cai Tang: "..."

Does he think her behavior is too much?

She asked Qin Ruohan depressedly.

"Are you hinting at me, nosy?"

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