"Let me tell you, my sister Ye, used to be just low-key."

"She can get the first place in the whole year in this monthly exam."

"She is number one in the whole year?"

Old man Qin suddenly snorted in disbelief.

"I'm afraid it's your uncle who is taking care of her shortcomings. Give you the answers to her monthly exam papers, right?"

Ye Cai Tang: "..."

How bad is this old Qin's image of her?

Qin Ruohan squeezed Ye Caitang's weak boneless hand, and was about to speak for Xiaojiao's wife when he was suddenly preempted by Gu Junyi.

"Grandpa, you obviously have a prejudice against my sister Ye."

As he said, he took out his cell phone suddenly,

Select the video that Ye Caitang faced all the teachers and students of the school at the conference last time, calmly and intelligently answering one by one, and clicked to play it to Father Qin.

"Grandpa, you can watch this video yourself."

"Watching this video, you know that my sister Ye is very capable, but she is low-key."

When Mrs. Qin and Dean Zhang heard the words, they craned their necks and went to the mobile phone video in Mrs. Qin's hands.

After a while,

Old man Qin looked at Ye Caitang in shock and disbelief, and suddenly felt a silent slap on his face.

His face hurts.

He really didn't expect that this little girl is not a beautiful **** and dumb.

It can be seen from the video that her eloquence and her IQ are extremely good.

Mrs. Qin looked at Ye Caitang with joy.

"This girl is worthy of us Ruohan."

Dean Zhang gave Ye Caitang a thumbs up with admiration.

"Little girl, I didn't expect you to be a learned god."

Even if her medical skills are good, she did not expect her grades to be so good.

Qin Ruohan and You Rongyan hugged Ye Caitang tightly, lightly authentic.

"My chosen daughter-in-law, how could it be bad?"

His daughter-in-law is more than just good grades,

She is also good at computer and singing.

Old man Qin felt a sigh of gambling, and snorted suddenly in annoyance.

"What's the use of studying well? Isn't it because you have no family and background? Poor and white."

He glanced at Ye Caitang with disdain, and concluded.

"I think she is with us Ruohan, just because we are in love with Ruohan's money."

"No matter how good the grade is, it is only a superficial woman who worships gold."

Gu Junyi immediately said loudly, not convinced.

"Grandpa, I don't think you are right."

He took the mobile phone in Old Man Qin's hand, and continued to poke, quickly recalling the bank card balance.

"My sister Ye is not such a woman."

He sent the phone to Old Man Qin again.

"I think she must be true love with my uncle."

"Because she has the ability to support herself."

"You can see the balance of this bank card."

Father Qin suddenly felt dizzy when he saw ten zeros in the bank card.

"Why? How could she have so much money as a woman?"

"Did your uncle give this money to her?"

"No, I can guarantee it with my life. Sister Ye just earned the money this month, and it's still warm."

Gu Junyi quickly said to Ye Caitang.

"Sister Ye, the money in this bank card is all the tuition you earned. Come and take a look."

Father Qin: "..."

"Good." Ye Caitang was just about to walk over,

Dean Zhang and Mrs. Qin squeezed in quickly and craned their necks to look curiously.

Dean Zhang looked at Ye Caitang incredulously.

"My goodness, little girl, you have so much money, you don't have to worry about food and clothing in this life."

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