Lord Shadow

Chapter 1201: All of It Had Happen Before II

Faith to Him is not necessary. But, He does love creatures that prays to Him for he is Always Giving

But there is a difference between the faith of those who have never seen Him but felt His presence in each and every one of the Creations in the Omniverse and it is difference from the faith of those who have seen Him and know for a fact that He exist possess great power.

But at the same time, He is curious that the Five Seat of Orvan had been able to wait this long. They also seem to have predicted something.

One thing that he knows was that the Five Seat of Orvan had a very deep plot.

While they could not have predicted that the Demon King would appear and then kidnap Azief beloved, the moment that happens, a plan formed in the minds of the Five Seats of Orvan

The reason why they could not have predicted the appearance of the Demon king of the Seresian world is because the Seresian world itself is hidden deeply in many layers of dimensional barriers not to mention it was cut off from the main universe using magic from the Eternal rings.

Then there is also the fact that Destiny and fate and Time and Space on Earth Prime had become more and more unpredictable as the year's passes 

But the moment that they have got a location of the Demon King, then everything falls into place. 

They predicted that Azief, a man whose personality is sometimes simpler that what many would imagine would come to save his beloved

At the same time, the acquisition of the Seresian world and the Seresian demon would make them, able to ally themselves to the United Intergalactic Alliance.

Orvanians are a mysterious bunch, at least it is to the rest of the Omniverse.

And even among the members of the United Intergalactic Alliance, Orvanians are not known to some of them.

They rarely show themselves to other civilizations preferring to do their job in silence. 

Some that knows them are top tier civilization like Asgard, Olympus, the Jade Empire, the Deharians, the Merchants of Sarens and a few others

They have always remained neutral. Even in the other timeline, they remain neutral. But it seems that the Five Seats have new idea this time.

The Creator did not care about the plots of living beings. It did not matter to him since it would not affect anything and everything could be reversed

But His Lord has set a rule to His creation and it is a rule He abides by not because He could not break it, but because He wants to.

But He did not. 

Instead, He gave them something and He hopes that His creation who has been given the most precious gift of all could show Him what they do with that gift.

He gave them free will and what they do with it determines everything. Even when it does not seem so. 

And free will is not as free as one would have thought. Though the Creator does not want to debate free will with His creation simply because they do not understand it

As for the plots and scheme involving Azief, The Creator knew that it had something to do with Him

The Five Seats knows that there is a connection between Him and Azief. They just don't know what

The moment Azief set his foot on the Seresian world, he was under the calculation of the Five Seats of Orvan.

Though everything seems naturals, every meeting and every ideas seems to naturally been thought by Azief himself even his decision of wanting to see the other worlds. 

But it is something that is predicted. 

And with the Orvanians having controls of many surveillance methods in all of the parallel Universes, it is not something that is hard for them

Azief after all, did not yet become the God of Death and his power is not yet at the level where the Orvanian would feel fear crossing him.

If Azief was a Sovereign now, this calculation would be seen in a glance. 

And even if he is under the calculation of the Orvanians, if he is in the Sovereign level, he could break the schemes and plots by using his own powers. 

But he is not and the Orvanians knows that they have little window of time of trying to plot against Azief.

This is the only window of time they have to try to see the connection between Him and Azief and whether a new card could be used.

The Orvanians do not fight battles they could not win.

  It is one of the reason why they did not end up the same way like the Etherna. 

They know when to step back, and they understood the importance of fighting in a battle that you could win. 

One feet in, one feet out. 

They wanted to make a gamble, but they need a security first. 

At this, they are inferior to Odin who is bold and decisive enough.

Azief fate and destiny is known to some figures in the Omniverse. 

And the Five Seats obviously knows what would happen. They live in an area that is even more protected than inside the Source Wall

Azief is already nearing the era where he would become Sovereign and shine the golden era on Earth recovery and rise in the galactic community.

When Azief become a Sovereign, the Orvanian could not do anything anymore. 

Orvanians also have Sovereign like existence. 

But there is restriction on them. 

And The Orvanians know that in the past or in the future, depending on how you view time, in the other timeline, Azief the God of Death could suppress so many forces in the Omniverse is because he had the rings. 

But now, not only he had the ring, he is also walking the Perfection path. One could only imagine the heights he would reach in this new timeline.

And as such, the Five Seats are anxious. 

But even in their anxiousness they did not become rash. 

They waited for the opportune moment and even though it seems to have deviated a bit from the plan that they were planning, the act of the Demon King capturing Katarina and exposing itself to the Orvanians was basically and The Creator is thinking of this unironically, a godsend

There is a reason why the Orvanians did not contact Azief directly. 

There are too many eyes on him right now. 

There is Wargod and the Creator kind of knew what Azief meant for Wargod.

To Wargod, Azief is his beacon of hope. 

One must not underestimate the madness of a person who have lived without hope and suddenly finding out that not all hope is lost.

The Creator could understand the desperation of Wargod. He might not be the one creating the Etherna for it is His Lord that had created them

But the Creator is the essence of creation. In a way, He did create the Etherna. And as much as He pities other creation of His in the vast Omniverse, he also pities the sad fate that had befallen Wargod. 

And then there is also The Jade Emperor. While the Jade Emperor is constrained by the Six Saints, He too had been making moves.

Whether that moves is to trigger another Heavenly Havoc or to create another altar of the Investiture of the Gods is anyone guess.

But the Creator knows. Even that jaded Emperor is slowly opening his heart to a little bit of hope. Then there is Odin. Odin himself is one of the top figure in the Omniverse.

And even though he only has one eye, that one eye is looking at Azief. 

But the most fearsome and the reason that the Five Seats are very cautious of approaching Azief directly is simply because of the Grand Supremacy Azul.

Not many people know Azul. 

He had seen star system born and he had seen them collapsed and destroyed by the natural order of entropy

Even for the United Intergalactic Alliance leader, only a few of them knows and some only heard stories or rumors about him and never met him in person.

Azief would not have known Azul if not for his destiny and fate. His Lord never closed all doors. There is always a chance. 

But the Five Seats of Orvan clearly knows about the existence of Azul. 

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