Lord Shadow

Chapter 1275: Another Sunset

Then Azief suddenly appears in the Palace of Altayera. The space around him melts when he appears before regaining back its properties the second Azief appears.

He teleported himself into his residential room. 

At the same time, there is a burst of energy that exploded from him the moment he returns to the Palace, the energy sweeping the entire Seresian world. 

In that moment, Azief could see everything that is happening all over the Seresian world and there is no force in the Seresian world that could stop his Divine Sense. 

At the moment he returned, with that explosion of energy that sweeps all over the world, how could Katarina not realize it?

To Katarina, it has been a month since she saw him. But to Azief, it had been thousands of years. 

Azief right now is standing there on his room and compressing his memoires. If not, the memories he has would overwhelmed him. 

If it's any normal person, their mind could not withstand such torture of time. 

Maybe this is the reason why when some people evolve stronger in Earth Prime, their emotions also grows stronger. 

If it's not strong, Azief is quite sure that even his love, even his affection for anyone in his life would be grinded away in time.

So, he just stands there in his room, closing his eyes, digesting everything but not get caught up in it. 

Katarina was in her room. 

She was writing something on a book, that look like a personal diary when she was alerted by a force of energy. 

Her eyes suddenly become sharp. She looks toward the area of Azief residence and her eyes narrowed.

Cold wind suddenly blows. 

'Azief is here?' Then she got up from her chair

'There is something wrong!' she mutters to herself. And then she takes a step forward, her entire being dissolved into snow flakes

This snowflake then flies out of her balcony windows like the speed of lightning and then almost a second later, cold wind blew the balcony window of Azief residence wide open

A snowflakes floated into the room and then it morphed into Katarina. The room temperature immediately dropped and Katarina saw Azief on the center of the room

Azief like he had noticed someone had entered his room slowly opens his eyes.

Azief look at Katarina and he smiles.

'She is as pretty as ever' he thought to himself. Katarina stares at him, like she is looking for an answer. Her eyes are enough to convey her question

"Are you alright?" that seems to be the question. 

They stare at each other. Without saying anything. The cold wind blows

Azief sighed and she frowned. Then he walks toward the balcony. He looks toward the distance and he chuckles.

He did not notice it when he was teleporting himself. It was not something he seem to care at that time since there are too many things in his mind.

But now as he stands there on the balcony, looking at the distance, he chuckles at the scenery in front of him. 

There is the lake of course. 

He could see the palace servants there enjoying their evening. And of course there is a large city that could be seen from his balcony even if he does not use any Divine Sense to see it.

He could see the prosperous life of the people. But what makes him chuckle is that in the distance, there is a sunset.

He chuckles because he felt like there is an irony to it. He remembered that he had just appreciated sunset with the Creator

The Creator! 

The Creator of all living beings and all of creation. 

At that time, he did not feel the awe. That is because at that time what he felt when conversing with the Creator is a weird familiarity, like he is talking to someone he had known for all of his life.

But now, now that he is not affected by whatever aura that the Creator emanated, he finally felt how absurd, how disrespectful of him to talk to the Creator like that

Though maybe it is because He does not want to be treated like that, there is such an aura that make him feel so much familiarity with the Creator.

He sighed again. 

Katarina look at Azief.

Azief is in front of the balcony, standing there, looking at the sunset. 


Azief did not reply instead he sighed. Katarina pouted and then she come closer to him. Still, Azief did not give any reaction. 

So, she walks even more forward and then stand beside him. 

She looks at him, and she could see that he is troubled. His forehead is frowning. So, she moves her finger and tap that frown. 

'Hey' Azief finally notices her. He seems to be lost in his thoughts. 

'What happened?' she asks

Azief look at Katarina and he at first hesitate to say what had happened.

But there is no reason to keep it a secret. And, he doesn't want to keep it a secret. He want to talk to someone. But, he doesn't know what to tell and not to tell

He wanted to share but he doesn't want to burden her. Of course, Katarina would always say that they should share their burden together.

But not everything could be changed in a day. Azief knows that he must not keep everything to himself. 

The words that Sofia and Katarina had said to hi still resonates inside his heart. They once said to him that if he didn't say anything, they could not know what he is thinking

He knows that...he knows that he must not keep everything bottled up inside. But, he also doesn't want to overshare, to give burden unnecessarily.

He could not just change everything about himself in a day. 

So, he simply said

'A lot of things happened'

Katarina frowned

'Heavy things?

'Heavy things'

Katarina then hold his hand. Azief feeling the warmth of her hand smiles a bit. Some of his worries abated. 

Even if it's a little, holding her hand give him this feeling of going back home. Then Katarina look up at him. he has always been a feet taller than Katarina

The height difference between them is only one feet difference. Then she said

'Don't think about pushing me away' Azief smiles a bit and said

'Why do you think that?'

'Because, that is what you do. When things are bad for you, you have the tendencies of pushing the people you love out of some misplaced sense of responsibilities. Whatever it is...I can handle it' she said as her eyes seems to show her determination

Azief did not know how to answer that

'I see' that is the only response he could muster

He looks at the sunset and he look at the sky and he wonders how many eyes are looking at him right now. 

The Creator said that there are many eyes watching him. 

He actually had the thought of leaving Katarina. 

He didn't have such thought before. 

But after knowing what he now knows, after seeing how dangerous the Omniverse really is, with the Creator, and the silhouettes of beings he saw in the gardens, who knows what kind of danger that is present in the journey ahead.

Azief knows that his future would be anything but quite. Most probably it would be filled with a lot of fights, lots of danger. 

And it is not a danger he wanted to give to Katarina. Looking at her eyes, looking at those eyes looks at him with so much love, how could he bear seeing her get hurt?

Azief before the Fall is not loved. Of course some motivational forum on some forum board would say that there is always someone that love you.

They love the idea of you existing, not you, yourself. That is what Azief had understood. Distant water could not put out near fires

Azief for most of his life did not feel much love. It is not like he had never felt what love is. He has it and he lost it.

And that is probably even harder if you have never known love at all. Azief did not have the love of his parent and he did not have affection for his family

It was not always like that but as they grew distant, as the heart grows colder, the only bond that is left between him and his family was simply the bond of blood.

Sometimes, the bond of blood is the strongest bond. Sometimes, it is the weakest and it is something you want to get rid of.

But after the Fall, he met Sofia. He met Na Eun. He met Katarina. And he felt loved. And he loved them

They all loved him in a different way and he too loved them in a different way. But one thing that did not change was that he appreciates it.

He knows how precious it is. And to be looked like that by Katarina, to see that gaze…. he never ever wanted to lose it.


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