Lord Shadow
Chapter 307: Heart is a troublesome thing (2)
Tristan Da Cunha is a remote group of volcanic group in the south Atlantic Ocean. It is the most remote inhabited archipelago in the world.
At least it was inhabited before the Fall. After the Fall however a tragic event happened in this island.
A few years ago during the Weronian Occupation, a Seed Formation expert was stranded into that island when he fought off a sea monster.
The Seed Formation expert wanders around the island after he woke up from his unconsciousness and not before long he found a settlement.
He wanted to shelter himself in one of the settlement
However he was attacked and almost dies. And the people there don't know what calamity they invited upon themselves.
Maybe because he was injured he did not look like an expert but at the time Seed Formation levelers were rare and only a few people in the world had reached that level during that particular time.
Outside of that island he was always respected and feared.
At least, even if the people of the island did not respect him at least they shouldn't have tried to kill him. He was angry.
No he was beyond angry. He was full of wrath. And a wrath of a Seed Formation expert could level a city.
Not to mention some no-name island that is populated with low level levelers that at most in the Orb Condensing levels.
He promised himself that he would make all of them pay with blood.
He hides in a forest and when he regained his strength he massacre the entire island.
All human in the island was wiped out, their skulls could be found buried under some avalanches or soils and the traces of their battles could still be seen today.
'At least it solves the inbreeding problem in the island' That man said after finishing massacring every single human in the island.
Loki remembers this particular story as he dragged himself to the shore. He knows this story because he sent his ravens here to scout people.
It is not something unusual for Loki. He has always sent his ravens to faraway place in the world.
To seek information. Information he could use or sell.
Loki is after all a VIP customer of the Broker. He plopped to the ground as the waves crashed toward his body pushing back and forth.
He was panting and there is a wound in his stomach. The smell of the sea did not overpower the smell of his blood.
'Ugh. Fuck. This Sithulran is really powerful. I didn't think he could break out of my Will Suppression.'
Loki did not underestimate his enemy. But he clearly didn't expect that Sithulran is that powerful. He did slay that alien woman slash mad scientist but he also pay a heavy price.
He gritted his teeth as he could feel the pain in his stomach each time the sea breeze blew by the island.
The moment he slays that alien woman Loki quickly teleported out of Svalbard. He did not want the World Government to know he was injured.
When he left, Raymond was half beaten to death, Hikigaya was unconscious and Oreki like always had already turns into a lightning bolt and return to his dominion.
He is faster than before… and stronger than before
Fighting with them Loki could see the improvement of Hikigaya and Raymond. Hikigaya attainment in his illusion magics has increased.
Loki knows what Hikigaya is capable off in the future. Turning the fake into real, the real into an illusion.
That is a terrifying ability. In one way, Hikigaya could neutralize his Karma.
He could even trap that woman for three seconds. It might not look much but that alien woman could even break out from Loki Will Suppression which has a trace of Sovereign aura.
For Hikigaya to trap Sithulran for three second with just his Disk Formation realm cultivation, that was already impressive enough.
Raymond on the other hand was the one who deals the most damage toward Sithulran. Yes, he was half beaten to death.
But Sithulran did not get off easy either. Most of her bones was broken at that point, her internal organs concaved and her right arms was smashed into pieces.
Oreki….well, one might call him a coward for running but it was a strategic retreat. He knows what to do in a heated situation, when to go forward and when to retreat
It is why he always profited even when he is clashing with his enemies.
In the two times Azief went to war with the World Government, Oreki forces have never experienced a decline in power.
And it is also a fact that without Oreki, Raymond and Hikigaya would have already been beaten.
His lightning based attack stuns Sithulran many times and help Raymond hit her in place. Loki? He did the finishing move.
One could even say he kill-steal.
But who would have thought at her last moment before she dies, she executed a palm strike onto his stomach, causing his entire energy to flare up and become in chaos.
The moment he cut off her head he immediately crushes the Teleportation Crystal, an item more effective than the teleportation Stone.
He teleported himself around this island. This island like his other islands is a safe place for him.
The waves crashed against him again, and the salt water drenched his wounds, feeling a little stinging on his skin.
If not for his injury and the discomfort he is feeling right now Loki would treat this like any other day and would be enjoying the beauty of the island and the sea.
He breathes heavily and even though the sea water should be cold, he is sweating. His entire internal organs are heating up way more than it supposed to.
Like his other island, this island is also surrounded by array formation that could heal him. If there is one thing Loki did the most after he arrived on this timeline it was to prepare.
Far away from the eyes of Death Monarch and his other companions, he planned and he calculated and prepared.
But the thing he did the most was wait. Today, he could no longer wait. Someone is trying to make a gambit move with Sithulran.
He could not allow one alien woman mess up his plans. The waves lapped around the shores once again and struck Loki body once again.
By now, he is used to it.
He spread out his hand and let the sea water washed over him.
With all the pain he felt in his body, he is tempted to let his body be taken away by the sea, to drift aimlessly in the vast sea.
But then he grins bitterly. He had done so much. And there is still many things he could do and must do.
He did not forget what he had to do. There is too much at stake here for him to give up. So many things have been sacrificed.
There is still time. And there is still a task he must do.
'Yewa Hafar' he muttered
And his eyes turn cold.
Fighting Sithulran this time he is sure of his assumption. Yewa Hafar is behind this.
From what he gathered from the Orvanians reports, the World orb is bait that should have lure Sithulran perfectly.
So, the World Government, the Republic and many other factions cooperated and spread out that the World Orb is found in Svalbard under an underground tunnel.
It should have been enough to lure Sithulran from her hiding spot.
It did lure her out but she was prepared. It was like she somehow suspected that whatever it is in that underground tunnel is not really the World Orb.
To be honest no one knows where the World Orb is. And no one is really interested in searching for it.
It is because the people that are qualified enough to seek it knows the secret about the World Orb.
It is not someone could touch. Even the League of Freedom knows this. How they know this? No one knows.
But Loki is glad because no one is stupid enough to try to seek it. But the fact that the whole world does not know where the World Orb is not supposed to be known by Sithulran.
Who would have thought she was prepared during the attack?
In the beginning the World Government forces fought with Sithulran unground before they all broke out from the ground creating a sinkhole one hundred kilometer long and one hundred and forty kilometer wide.
Yewa Hafar must have told her something. Loki takes a deep breath and then he strengthened himself as he put his hand on the sandy shore, pushing himself upwards.
Then slowly he walks himself out of the watery shore and into the sand. He walked to the center of island, blood dripping form his mouth and his eyes.
The waves come and bring it away, each time it reaches the shore
Not once he winced in pain. Not once he grunted in pain. Because to him this pain is nothing. He had experienced more painful things than this.
Then now approaching the center of the island, Loki smiles.
He closes his eyes and then he whistles.
Slowly from the depths of the forest, serpent emerges out from bushes, from deep holes and from damp and dark places.
Their hissing could be heard all over the area, filling the entire forest. It could make one have goosebumps just by hearing it.
Then from the forest, the sound of cawing could be heard.
Black crows flew out from their nest and flying in circle above Loki head, creating something that look like a magic formation if one look it from above.
Loki smirked
'I really overtaxed myself this time' He said to himself.
Loki had already uses his Willpower when he made a deal with Azul. Now, he uses it again to deals with Sithulran.
This Will of Sovereign is not unlimited. The reason was because the density of energy in the world does not yet reach that level.
It is the reason why he uses it sparingly. But the closer it is to the Time Crisis, the more Loki felt that the Universe is conspiring against him.
It was like they were forcing him to use it to make sure he couldn't do much during the Time Crisis.
To felt the world is against you is usually the ramblings of a crazy person but Loki knows such thing exists.
The Universe does have a Will and when that Will is stirred it will try to move the entire Universe to follow that path.
It is because Loki knows this that he fears that he could not do much during the Time Crisis.
As Loki was thinking of all this matter, a few serpents comes to Loki and slither around his feet and the moment they touched Loki feet, they burst into an explosion of blood, turning into a red mist.
And one of the small wound on Loki body is healed.
Yet, even after seeing their brethren exploded into red mist, the other serpents still comes and try to touch Loki.
Slowly red mist followed everywhere Loki steps. Red mist swirling around him enveloping his wound and healing it.
And with each steps he is getting better.
There is color on his face now and he looks more composed. He is no longer panting and there is no longer blood dripping from his eyeballs.
When he finally reached the center of the array formation, he heaved a sigh of relief. He place an array formation in the center of the island
By now he is already partially healed. At least his physical parts.
Behind him is red mist that is thick as blood.
On top of his head. Up there on the clouds, is still the circling of black crows.
Even now in the center of the island he could hear the sea breeze. He smiles bitterly. The sea breeze always helps him focus more.
Then he sits in meditation in the eye of the formation and then gathering energy of the world, the arrays formation lit up and he is slowly absorbing the world energy.
It is the same array he set up in that other island.
It is the Array of Gathering Chaotic Energy. One could see that many of the injuries he had now is being healed.
Even his energy is stabilized now.
He then closes his eyes and then as he was about to concentrate on his recovery he heard a sound.
Startled, he almost threw his hidden dagger before realizing he almost kill an innocent person
In front of him is a woman with a Demon Mask covering her face and her eyes is looking at Loki like she was shocked at the flustered expression of Loki on seeing her popping out from the shadows. Loki face turns red.
He almost had a heart attack. He thought that it was Yewa Hafar again.
The last time that guy appeared in front of him has spooked him enough. Yewa Hafar is not an enemy he would ever underestimate.
Loki then exasperatedly said
'I ask you again, Trisha. Are you addicted on appearing like that?' Loki said as he massage his chest.
Trisha did not say anything, but Loki could see her worries reflected in her eyes.
'My lord, are you alright? I saw….the battle'
Loki sighed.
'It is a little bit dangerous than usual. But as you can see, I am quite alive.' Loki said smiling. But the woman beneath the Demon Mask doesn't seem to share the same feeling like Loki.
She has no mood to joke around right now.
'It is a close call. My lord should ask Lord Azief to help. Then-'Loki held up his finger and glare at Trisha
'I have my reasons. Trisha, you have followed me for years. What I have done….don't you think there is a reason to each and every one of them?'
Loki shakes his head.
And Trisha only sighed.
'Why did you come? If you come to protect me, don't worry. The moment I teleported here, the barrier have been automatically activated. Other than me, you and your two sisters, no one will be able to enter this island.'
'No, that is not the reason I came'
'Hmm. Then what is the reason you come here. Don't tell me you want to spook me to death??' Loki asks.
'Lord Loki, did you remember that you ask us to tail on the Inventor because he has the Merchant King Key?'
'Yes' Loki nodded
'Well...I don't know how to say it but he found it'
The reason why she is feeling awkward to say it to Loki is because Loki once said the Inventor might never find the Merchant King treasury until he dies.
So, she and her ravens did not watch over him too closely. Fortunately, one of the ravens assigned to the Inventor caught the image of the Inventor finding the entrance of the Merchant King treasury.
'He found…what? Wait, you mean he found the Merchant King Treasury?'
Trisha nodded
But then Loki excitement died down.
Even if he found the Merchant King treasury at most there is a few blueprint and plans and gold.
In the case of blueprint in Loki minds there is hundred maybe even thousands of blueprints of weapons and inventions.
He could just do without it. After all what use gold to him when he could just take it from other people?
'It is good for him but I don't think it concerns me very much'
Trisha shakes her head.
'I don't think you should dismiss this matter so easily my lord'
'What do you mean?' This time Loki is even more puzzled
'My lord you remember that you once shows us a painting of an orb with weird design and you said that if we found it we should tell you about it?'
'Yes' Loki did remember showing them such painting.
But as years passed, Loki had given up of trying seeking that thing. Because it seems that thing will only show itself during the War of the Sovereigns.
So, he did not focus so much on finding that thing.
'Yes. I remember' Loki replied. Then Trisha said
'I found it' and this time hearing what Trisha said, Loki nearly jumped out in fright. He almost didn't believe what he is hearing.
'You found it?' This time Loki got up from the array and he no longer cared about healing his body.
'You're sure?'
Trisha nodded
'I'm sure'
Loki gulped and then there is a smile on his face.
'I thought today is my unlucky day. Who thought this is actually my lucky day.'
'What should we do now, Lord Loki?' Trisha asked asking for an order. Loki got up and said, with a grin on his face
'Well, we need to pay my old friend the Inventor a visit don't you think?'
In this part it shows Loki after the battle in Svalbard with Sithulran. He knows that Yewa Hafar is behind the failure of the World Government baiting the Orvanian woman.
And finally the Merchant King key finally come into play, This matter was mentioned before in many chapters ago when the Inventor have finally help Loki completing something for him.
Hope you like this chapter.
EDITED( Did some correction on the spelling)
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And guys and gals( Thought I don't think many girls read this kind of story)do check out my other novels Age of Adventure and Song of Heroes. Song of Heroes is kind of stopped for a moment since I am editing Age of Adventure and writing Lord Shadow at the same time.
But do check it out.
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