Lord Shadow

Chapter 823: Flying into danger

Snows fall down, painting the entire scenery to become white.

That snowflake merge with the sky above the continent as snows falls down from the sky, seeking for that person.

Then the snow stops because that person is not there and the snowflake fly again toward the sky

The reason for the disappearance of the Cosmic Law Body is because Azief had summoned it back to his body

That snow keeps searching as Azief is preparing to battle the demonic creature that is on the verge of coming out from the space rip.

Azief who was floating in Antarctica immediately felt that the Cosmic Law once again running over through his body and his energy skyrockets that the entire skies above his head opened up

Within one thousand kilometers radius the sky was opened up and the many people of Antarctica could see the night stars up there in the sky. 

The coldness of space did not intrude toward the Earth because of Azief pressure that is acting like blanket that covers the skies from the harmful radiation of space.

Energy congregates around him and one could feel that the whole world seems to be trembling.

It is like something is about to burst out. 

And then something did burst out. 

Aurora like scene could be seen all over the sky, there were red, green, purple and all kinds of aurora that seems to envelops the world, filling the world with colors.

All the energy in the world seems to rush through every valley, every creek and every surface of the Earth, rushing toward Azief

And Azief is taking it all in, feeling the rush of energy coursing through every part of his body

Azief is absorbing the power of the world. Inside Azief eyes there is the image of a wheel and that wheel is about to spin as an aura of rebirth and endless reincarnation started shrouding Azief aura

When he decided to use all his power, he truly decided to use all of his power. One of them is the Omni Law Avatar that he is trying to extract from his body.

The other is that technique he had learned from Azul

'I would see how an Essence Creation level existence deal with this technique' he smirks a bit and then He pointed his palm upward

The moment he did that a powerful force pierce through the clouds and go above it piercing the Heavens

the entire world shook, mountains trembled greatly, the tall trees that reached the heaven seems to wither and then it breaks slowly like someone is hammering it with a powerful force of impact, the seas seems to be boiling and the rivers flows backward. 

The Universe also seems to be affected as space, time and all kinds of concepts of the Universe seems to be distorted slightly.

This is not like before. 

Before when Azief uses this technique the last time, he was in Disk Formation. Now, his power exceeded Disk Formation by a thousand fold.

A destructive force cut through the demonic aura that is slowly enveloping the whole world. 

At the same time, Azief is looking toward the Island of Peace he could suddenly felt a premonition that made his heart felt unease.

So, he once again looks closely toward the Island of Peace.

The space rip is getting bigger in the sky of Island of Peace and then Azief saw someone from the ground flew into the space rip. 

Azief heart beats erratically as he saw that person flying without hesitation toward the space rip. That space rip right now is like the mouth of some primordial beast.

And that person did not even hesitate to enter the space rip.

'Wait!' he wanted to say but he could not move right now as he is trying to summon that thing. 

He could only watch as that someone is flying toward the space rip without hesitation

The sight of that person flying into danger, entering that space rip nearly break all of his concentration.

'Wait for me!' he said with gritted teeth. 

Right now, in the world there is no more of the titanic beings that seems to be like a beacon of hope. 

Azief had retract back his Law Avatar and the same is for Hikigaya who also retract back his. Hikigaya is also gathering energy.

But Jean is nowhere to be seen. 

Azief did not notice this since he is doing so many things at once and he miss what Jean was doing. Jean is now in space, and it seems he is about to clash with Loki.

At the same time Hikigaya who was gathering energy is frowning. 

It is because he senses a psionic energy in the sky and a psionic energy that is permeating throughout all the world. 

the force of psionic energy up there in the dark space is different than the psionic energy that is permeating on Earth

But it is not that psionic energy that startled him. It is the intention of the psionic energy that made him frown. 

He knows and is very familiar with this psionic energy. 

This is Hirate psionic energy. 

And embedded in that psionic energy that is slowly altering the minds and though of so many people in the world below Disk Formation is the message that Loki was the culprit of the Multiversal Convergence

This shock him! 

both he and Jean knows that the culprit of this matter is Death Monarch and Will the Golden Speedster. 

What is Hirate is doing right now? Why would he not take the chance to pile on to his old enemy and instead even provided a scapegoat for Death Monarch?

This kind of thoughts filled Hikigaya mind that he is nearly broken out of his state of focus.

He knows the uses of this psionic energy that Hirate is spreading now. It is to increase the believability of the news. 

One could think of it as some kind of persuasion multiplier.

Hikigaya thought only for a second and then he reached the conclusion that maybe Loki and Hirate had reached a certain agreement.

Loki after all shares some kind of brotherhood with Azief. 

He then shakes off the though. Because now is not the right moment to think of this as he continues absorbing more energy

Azief and Hikigaya keep absorbing more energy to prepare for the inevitable battle.

Even the Universe above is affected by their act as the space above the Heaven seems to be distorted and wrinkled, and all kinds of weird phenomenon is happening on space 

The energy that they used was not only energy of the world but also the energy of the Universe

And some parts of the energy contained Omniverse energy which consist of realities and dimensional level power like that of Jean or of Death Monarch who manage to channel the power of the destruction of the Universe to his strike and even that of creation 

Earth if one looks at it from outer space, one could see that its entire space is distorting and making it look like it is boiling hot when it is not.

It is truly a sight that have never been seen before. Azief took a long look at the Island of Peace and he muttered to himself

'If there is even a chance that you are in danger, I would have to change my plan' This time, Azief was hesitating. 

He truly had changed a bit. 

If its before he would not hesitate to drop what he is doing and rush toward that person to stop her from running headlong into danger.

There are only a few things that could break Azief concentration. There is his new family. And then there is that two women that has always made his heart torn.

Katarina and Sofia. And this time, the one that is making him once again torn, is Sofia.

As Azief was trying to summon that thing from the Vast Universe, on the Island of Peace, Sofia had done something that made Azief felt very frustrated.

It is the one place where he could not cleanse all of the space rip. Because someone had the power to neutralize his strike.

And because of that, Sofia is exposed to an element of danger that Katarina was not exposed to. 

Azief had cleanse Pandemonium because he knows Katarina would search for him

That is just who she is. And because he knows that, he had made it one of his top priority to make sure that she is safe.

And he also saw Sofia and he also wanted to make her safe. But not everything is going according to plan.

That is because Sofia had other thoughts. She did not think of running when the going gets tough. 

Instead she keeps trying and keep fighting there.

Azief regretted it a bit. 

He should have send a message first before he summons that thing. Now, he could not do anything but concentrate on what he is doing.

Right now, Azief is closing his eyes and the moment he closed his eyes, it is like Heaven is closing its eyes. 

In his mind, he had rid out all thoughts, he had rid of all the images he had seen and his mind is focused only on one thing and that is to summon that thing as fast as possible to Earth.

On the Island of Peace, when the space rip is getting bigger, Sofia who had drink the emergency potion had notice something is going wrong up there. 

'Raymond' she muttered.


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