Lord Shadow

Chapter 831: Taking the blame

But exclusion of Pandemonium might not be enough for some people after this kind of events. Parents lost their children, children lost their parents

Who would not want revenge? Even if Azief did not intend for any of this to happen, it is the truth that it is his action that had led to the current outcome.

So how could he just wash his hands of it.

Loki could already imagine the aftermath of this crisis.

When it ends and the whole world find out it was Death Monarch that causes all of this thing in the first place, then the whole world would fight against Death Monarch and unfortunately for the world, with Azief current strength right now, the world will lose.

And the moment the world loses, humanity would lose. As such, since that is the case then let him bear it all. 

Let him be the sinner.

This is why he did not tell anything to Azief before he left Pandemonium. Because if he knew that he is planning to take the blame for him, Azief would have never allowed it.

He might even jail him from trying to take the blame for him. Loki chuckles a bit thinking of this.

But with Hirate help, Loki is confident that the whole world will blame him and not his brother. 

And Jean and Hikigaya could be persuaded. 

They knew how debilitating it is for the world if Death Monarch and the world had a conflict. 

What he is doing right now, blocking the passage of the Orvanians to Earth is simply to give the world a reason

A reason to blame him for all the things.

'Since I decided to act, I need to act completely. And, I believe that Azief could handle this. if not there is always a plan B'

He was about to go away from the space but then he felt a disturbance in the Time Space around him and he quickly turns his back as his hand seems to lit up with an array pattern

He quickly positioned himself to get ready either to fight or flee as he turns his back and retreated a few meters away from his original position.

Then he looks behind him and he saw a familiar face and he heaved a sigh of relief.

He is still wary but it did not show on his face.

That familiar face is none other than the Left Chancellor of the Republic, the Time Monarch Jean. 

Jean appeared almost in an instant and it shocked Loki and then he remembers what he saw through the eyes of his familiar.

Jean is no longer a Disk Formation leveler but is a Divine Comprehension leveler.

It is very easy for him to traverse incalculable distance by relying on the Laws that he had comprehended. 

And coincidentally, Jean laws is related to time and space. As such, it is understandable how easy it was for Jean to appear here.

It was like Jean suddenly popped out from out of nothing and appears behind Loki. 

If not for Loki almost otherworldly divine sense, he probably would not notice Jean is at his back until Jean made himself known.

Jean look at Loki with his eyes scanning Loki. 

He could see that the fleet behind Loki back, tens of thousands of spaceship were all dark. Their light system seems to go down. 

It only need Jean a second to realize that there is a lot of Orvanians inside that ship but none of them were dead. It is just their ship seems to be malfunctioned.

'Loki the Trickster' he thought to himself. 

Jean had come here instead of gathering energy on Earth to aid Death Monarch because he believes whatever that Loki is trying to do in space seems to be hindering Death Monarch and the world effort to end this calamity.

And he is also cautious of this trickster. 

Those who never fought with the Trickster would not know slippery and slick this trickster is. He seems to have his hand on every dark corner of the world

But because of the protection of Pandemonium, most of the high officials of World Government and Republic had to close their eyes on many of the dubious thing that The Trickster is engaged on.

He did not understand.

When he saw Loki in space and the net that suddenly shrinks, Jean who already had half of his energy restored, take a step toward the sky.

That one steps bend the space between earth and the heavens and in just a few second, disregarding the principle that governs time and space, he appeared there, a few feet from Loki.

But he did not immediately attack Loki. 

Instead he is frowning hard. That energy that Loki had unleashed was something that even he had no ability to dispel.

That Psionic Force felt familiar but also foreign all at the same time. Jean did not know how to explain it as he looks at Loki with wary eyes.

He didn't understand what Loki is trying to do right now. 

Azief is on Earth preparing to battle that demon that is about to come out from the space rip but here is Loki in space holding back the reinforcement from Orvanians.

'Time Monarch Jean' Loki said, his voice could somehow pierce the vacuum status of space. 

He was smiling but Jean had no desire to smile or trying to entertain Loki right now. The longer the is delaying things here, the more people that might affected later.

He could not understand what Loki is trying to achieve here. 

He then asks

'What are you trying to do here Trickster? I know that you are the one that held off the advent of the many demonic creatures inside the space rip in the Island of Peace. Why are you now obstructing the effort to save Earth? The Orvanians fleet. What have you done to them?'

Loki smiles and then he said

'Who is the one that causes all of this to happen?' He asks a simple question but Jean was stumped.

Because for some reason, he had a premonition what Loki is going to say to him later. This kind of feeling is felt very strongly by him

'Death Monarch and the Golden Speedster' Jean reply. 

But for some reason, there is hesitation on his answer. That is because its seems that Loki seems to be implying something with his question

Loki nodded slowly but there is a smile on his face. He stares at Jean face for a few momenta and then he answers Jean question.

'And that is why I am doing this'

'What do you mean?' 

And then suddenly like a flash of inspiration, Jean understand what Loki is trying to do and why he is doing it

He looks at Loki with widened eyes and then with a complicated expression he said

'You are taking the blame?' he paused for a second before asking another question 'Did he ask you to do it? Take the blame for him?'

Loki shakes his head.

'If its him, he would not let anyone take the blame for him. You see, Azief was never a perfect human or a hero like any of those people who don't know about him talks him about. The bards and the story teller like to portray him as an all knowing powerful hero. They look at the sky and they felt like Death Monarch is there, looking at them. In Pandemonium, nobody dares to speak too loudly of his name for fear that the Heavens could hear. His image was deified and his mistake were minimized and his achievement were becoming grander with each telling of his story'

Smiling Loki continue his word.

'Like any other human, he has his flaws. His tendency to protect the people he loves sometimes hurts innocent people. He is a flawed man. But…he also has his virtue. I don't think he expected that all of this to happen. A lot of things affect what happens today. Yes, the one who broke the Time and Space Continuum is Azief. But why was it broken in the first place?'

Smiling slyly, he looks at Jean and raise his eyebrows.

'Don't tell me you don't know?' Jean was silent for a while. Loki then said

'Azief is one of the cause. But he was the unlucky one that popped the balloon. The balloon in the first place was scratched and scraped by other people and he came and poked and become the unlucky one to pop the balloon.' 

Jean close his eyes and there is a trace of regret in his face. 

He knew a lot of thing as the Left Chancellor of the Republic so of course he knew what Loki is talking about

'Hmmph' Loki continues his word

'The World Government had the World Gate. They say that they managed to make sure that all travel to parallel dimensions or parallel universe is secured and if anything happened that they could contain it with all their containment measure that is in place'

Chuckling Loki then said

'But you also know that there is no such thing as safe containment or one hundred percent certainly of breaking through dimensional barrier and not leave a scar into the fabric of reality. Why didn't you blame them instead for making the dimensional barrier to be that unstable?'

'How about the Republic? Don't tell me that you didn't sent your best recruits to the other worlds and learn their technologies. How else could you explain the rapid advancement in your technology?' 

'Azief and Will was the unlucky ones. They broke through the Time and Space Continuum during the period that the Time and Space and dimensional barrier were already on the verge of collapsing. And it is not like they travel through a short time but instead they travel far to the future, travelling on the border of the unknown. The future is unknown therefore the moment they travel further than their current timeline, the future was created using the probability of the current timeline. That created a wave of instability all over the fabric of reality'

'From the very beginning the Time and Space continuum was already unstable. And Azief and Will travelling to the future is the last straw that broke the camel back. 

Loki then finished saying everything about this matter to Jean, unloading everything that he did not say to Hirate. 


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