Lord Sovereign

Chapter 231 - Grandmother He

The room was very dark, and as soon as he entered the door, Fei Hong smelled a strong medicinal fragrance and could not help frowning.

"Please sit down." The third grandmother smiled embarrassedly. "The house is a little messy, it makes you laugh..."

"Third grandma, what happened?" Sitting firmly, Fei Hong asked softly.

The third grandmother couldn't help but sigh, her expression froze. "Oh, it's a long story. Let's just say it briefly. When you helped me regain control of the He family, I brought the He family back within two years. We got to the normal track and returned to the peak. However, after a few years, the business of Tianyuan City became more and more difficult to do, and a few shops sprang up and robbed our business. Until three years ago, the He family business group was completely destroyed. My family was falling apart and I was getting old, so I was disheartened and followed a friend to Wangjiabao."

"Oh?" Fei Hong looked around at the humble house. "If I'm not mistaken, this friend of yours should be a son of the Wang family, right?"

"Well... I'm a disciple of the collateral line, and even though I'm a practitioner, but because my talent is too poor, before I leave, I'm still at the third level of the Embryonic Realm..."

Fei Hong nodded slightly, it seemed that what he thought was right, the third grandmother should be married with the son of the Wang family, but the new husband died of illness.

And the third grandmother doesn't seem to be in good health now, so Fei Hong said, "Forget it, let's not talk about these things. But third grandma, I think you're not looking well from what I'm seeing, what's wrong?"

The third grandmother smiled bitterly. "When people get old, of course they will get sick. I took good care of them a few years ago, but now it's different. Anyway, I'm over half a hundred years old, and I have experienced so many things. Of course it won't be so good..."

"Well... just now, why was the third grandmother so anxious?"

"The owner of that teahouse owes my husband money, I went to ask for it, but the man didn't give it, so I had to take some back..."

These words made Fei Hong aware of the embarrassment of the third grandmother's life at the moment, so she couldn't help but glance at her Qiankun ring, and wanted to take out some gold coins to help her. After all, when he helped her take back the He family, she also gave him thousands of gold coins.

"By the way, Fei Hong, over the past ten years, your cultivation base should have reached the fourth or fifth level of the Embryonic Realm, right?"

Fei Hong smiled and nodded. "Well, almost."

"Then..." The third grandmother seemed a little embarrassed. After thinking about it, she asked softly, "Then, can you do me a favor?"

"Please say."

"The shopkeeper of that teahouse is only a level two Embryonic cultivator, but I am an ordinary woman, and he doesn't take me seriously at all. Now that I have provoked him again, I'm afraid he will..."

It turned out that the third grandmother wanted to solve this problem by herself... Fei Hong pondered for a while. "Okay, no problem. Leave this matter to me, but before that, let me take a look at your body first."

"Thank you then." The third grandmother heard Fei Hong's agreement, and immediately became happy, showing a smile that had not appeared on her face for a long time.

Fei Hong put his hand on the pulse of the third grandmother, and probed with his divine sense, and found that the third grandmother's body was only a little weak, so he took out a few elixir that he used in alchemy and handed it to her. "One piece a day, and you can take care of yourself within two months. I'll go talk to the shopkeeper right now, and you can just go and get the money tomorrow morning."

Fei Hong said that he did not want to stay for a long time, so he left.

This encounter may be the last. Fei Hong remembered Zhang Shi. More than ten years later, he had never seen this big brother again. Now that he thought about it, Zhang Shi was almost seventy years old. He didn't know if he was affected by the business battle in Tianyuan City a few years ago.

Thinking about it, Fei Hong returned to the teahouse just now.

At this moment, when night falls, there were few pedestrians on the road, and there was no one in the teahouse except for three or five tables of tea customers. Fei Hong went straight to the counter and looked at the goatee shopkeeper who was pulling the abacus in front of him. "How much did you lose today?"

The shopkeeper was stunned for a moment, then looked up at Fei Hong. "Who are you?"

"Hehe, just a friend."

"Which friend, why don't I recognize..."

Fei Hong didn't answer, but reached out and took a teapot from the shopkeeper's side, and said to himself, "Hey, the teapot is not bad, Zisha, and it has been soaked in fine tea soil for a long time, it's very expensive, right?"

"My friend also understands teapots?" The shopkeeper couldn't help but be stunned when he heard Fei Hong talking about teapots. "It's very expensive, so please put it down. If it falls, you won't be able to afford it."

"Oh? Is that so?" Fei Hong smiled and shook his hand, the teapot immediately slipped from his hand, and shattered with a "pop".

This attracted the attention of everyone in the teahouse, and the shopkeeper's face turned into a deep frown, looking at the teapot fragments on the ground. "Hehe, hehe... Are you here to find fault on purpose? This teapot is ten gold coin, you pay. If you can't afford it, I can't think of a way out for you today."

"You also know how to pay your debts?" Fei Hong looked at the shopkeeper with a sneer. "What if I don't pay?"

This has been said very clearly. The shopkeeper looked at Fei Hong with a solemn expression. "You were found by that woman? Hehe, you want to go into this muddy water? She stole my money, what do you say?"

The shopkeeper's cultivation base was too low, and now Fei Hong deliberately shows that he was just a strong mortal, so that the shopkeeper was instantly confused, and he was still thinking about how to make the big man in front of him pay him money.

"Then, how about I let you punch me?" Fei Hong smiled and looked at the shopkeeper.

"Haha, good." The shopkeeper burst out laughing. You are a mortal, can you withstand a punch from a second level cultivator? Even if you are strong, I can beat you half to death with one punch. That stupid woman really found such a waste to scare me.

After saying that, the shopkeeper didn't say hello to Fei Hong, and directly punched out, hitting Fei Hong's chest fiercely.

Several of the guys who heard the sound covered their eyes. If you punch like this, no matter how strong this strong man was, he would vomit blood.

But the scene they were thinking of did not appear. When they looked closely, they saw the shopkeeper looking at the strong man in front of him with surprise, and there was a hint of panic in his eyes.

"Senior, don't be surprised." The shopkeeper punched him just now, but before he could touch Fei Hong, he felt that his fist was blocked by a soft breath, and he couldn't move forward at all. In Wangjiabao, he had seen a lot of the world, and immediately understood that Fei Hong in front of him was a earth cultivator, and he was touching the aura hood.

The shopkeeper, who understood this, dared to say anything, knowing that if this senior wanted to kill him, he probably didn't even need to move his finger, and quickly backed away. "Senior, I, I will give you the money."

"Forget it. She will come to pick it up in person tomorrow morning." Fei Hong took out twenty gold coins from the Qiankun Ring and threw them to the shopkeeper. "These are for the teapotbi broke. I've paid you. If you miss one or two, be careful I won't spare you."

"Senior, don't worry. The little ones will definitely not hold back. You should keep these twenty gold coins, how can I dare receive them from senior."

Fei Hong glanced at the shopkeeper coldly, threw the twenty gold coins over, turned and left.

Although this shopkeeper was a child of the Wang clan, from the perspective of cultivation, he was just a child of a collateral line. Even if he wanted to find someone else to stand up for himself, it was estimated that the elders in the clan will not offend an insignificant child.. An earth master like Fei Hong.

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