At this time, the system's voice suddenly rang in Ye Fan's ears.

"Ding Dong~ The respected First Duke of the Kingdom, [Queen Lina] is preparing to hold the highest military meeting of the Kingdom of Kent in the Royal Operations Conference Room. Please attend in time!"

"Ding Dong~"

The system sounded several times before it fell.

Ye Fan also looked in the direction of the palace.

It seemed that Lina had basically stabilized the situation.

He thought about it and decided to go and support her.

The royal meeting room... is located next to the palace.

Ye Fan had no obstacles along the way.

Currently, the palace guards are all loyal believers of the Phantom Church.

They will naturally not stop the son of their church.

In the meeting room.

The most conspicuous person is Princess Lina, who is sitting in the first seat.

At this time, she has changed into a more noble and graceful princess costume.

With the makeup she put on, although she is still immature, she also has a little more majesty.

And there are many empty seats at the huge round table.

The owners of the seats have naturally been killed by Ye Fan.

In addition to some surviving generals, there are also several important NPCs who rushed over from their own territories.

There are five or six earls and more than ten viscounts.

Seeing Ye Fan, everyone present had their pupils shrank.

It was Ye Fan who brought more than one million troops to capture their heavily guarded capital!

The whole process took less than an hour!!

They... naturally felt a sense of fear.

And this biggest enemy has actually transformed into the first duke of the kingdom?!

As a result, everyone present was a little confused.

Ye Fan was not polite and sat down directly at the first seat to the left of Princess Lina.

Lina glanced at everyone and said,"Okay, generals and nobles, everyone is here. What do you want to say?"

The whole meeting room became quiet.

A general who was guarding the city said:

"Your Majesty, in this battle... we suffered heavy losses. The southern city wall is almost completely destroyed and can no longer be used."

"Ninety percent of the defensive buildings were lost, sixty percent of the productive buildings were lost, and the population decreased by... fifty percent!"


Hearing this, everyone gasped.


This is the result of just one hour.

If they fight for another hour... wouldn't they have wiped out all the people in Xindelei City?

Ye Fan also scratched his face.

He had tried his best to be restrained.

Otherwise, with three trillion troops... plus Ye Fan's terrifying skills, if the goal was to wipe out the population.

I'm afraid everyone would be killed in half an hour.

Several generals said anxiously:

"Your Majesty, our defensive buildings and city walls are all the legacy left by our predecessors."

"As each piece is used, there are only 30 pieces left in the warehouse!!"

"And those defensive buildings are epic!!"

"What should we do with our city defense?! If the Mage City attacks at this time, we will not be able to defend at all!!"


After the words fell, everyone's eyes turned to Princess Lina.

Everyone was silent.

This was also a test for the new queen.

If she can't even do this... they will inevitably develop some disloyalty.

And Lina... although she pretended to be serious and calm, she was actually just an eighteen-year-old girl.

She was still calm on the surface, but Ye Fan could see that her little hands under the table had been clenched into fists.

It was obvious that she was a little overwhelmed.

Ye Fan also rolled his eyes.

At this time... shouldn't Leila come to the rescue?

However, since he is here, he will naturally not let Lina be bullied by these nobles.

He also sneered.

Aren't they just mythical city walls and some epic defensive buildings?

They are made to be very powerful... and they are treated as heirlooms?

Isn't it embarrassing?

He said,"Let me repair all these."

"I will replace the city wall with an immortal one."

"Defensive facilities? At least mythical level, um, let's start with 100,000 gates"


Ye Fan's words were heard by everyone.

Anyway, the materials used were definitely from the Kingdom of Kent, so he didn't feel bad at all.

However, everyone present was stunned.

They all took a deep breath.

Immortal-level city walls?!

Mythical-level defense facilities... 100,000?!


These things completely shocked their cognition.

They finally understood why Ye Fan was able to defend the city from the full-scale attack of the evil forces!

Lina breathed a sigh of relief without leaving any trace. She continued to ask,"Do you have anything else to say?"

The other nobles were silent.

Ye Fan was not polite either, and said:

"Your Majesty, I will report the crusade against the Zerg to the Nine Great Temples and then launch a holy war."

"However, the fact that the two princes colluded with the Zerg cannot be concealed."


Hearing this, everyone's eyelids jumped again.

This is directly putting the blame on the two princes!!

And Ye Fan... can even beautify himself, saying that the troops were sent to drive away the Zerg.

However, no one present expressed any objection. Those who can get to this level are all smart people.

Who would offend an extremely powerful Grand Duke for two dead people?

Is he just bored?

"Just do as the Grand Duke says."Lina looked at Ye Fan and said,"Also, Grand Duke Night Devil, just call me by my name, no need to be polite."

As soon as the words came out, everyone's heart was in turmoil again. What is the relationship between this Night Devil... and Princess Lina?!

The following meeting was quite boring.

Most of the topics discussed were post-war reconstruction.

The resources required were also extremely terrifying, but the Kingdom of Kent still had some accumulation.

In addition, with Ye Fan present, the nobles also expressed their willingness to provide support.

Anyway, Ye Fan had nothing to do.


An earl suddenly mentioned:"Your Majesty, our country must have a legitimate heir. You are of marriageable age, and your marriage should be put on the agenda."

Lina's slender eyebrows jumped.

She took a deep breath and cast her eyes on Ye Fan.

"Don't bother with that. My marriage will be arranged by myself."

All the nobles were once again in a state of confusion.

Even a fool could see what Lina meant.

Ye Fan:"???"

Ye Fan was a little confused.

When was it decided?

How come he didn't know?

The meeting was disbanded.

Lina let out a breath without leaving a trace.

She stood up and said,"Grand Duke of Night Demon, let's go, accompany me back to the palace."

Ye Fan asked,"When did we get engaged?"

Princess Lina sneered,"You allow me to marry someone else?"


This question stumped Ye Fan.

Princess Lina... is actually a puppet that he supported.

Marrying someone else?


I'm afraid that would be the end of her life.

Ye Fan would never see another man suddenly become the king of the Kingdom of Kent.

Lina understood all this very well.

Ye Fan didn't say much.

It's easy to get along with smart people.

At this time, Princess Lina was already walking towards the palace.

She lifted her skirt and swayed as she walked... She was indeed a little unsteady, obviously not used to her queen costume.

Looking at her clumsy appearance, Ye Fan smiled.

This is what a girl looks like. She always has a cold face, but lacks a bit of femininity.

He dispersed several maids who wanted to help and extended his hand to her.

Lina did not hesitate and put her hand on him directly.

A few minutes later.

Ye Fan led Princess Lina to the palace of the Kingdom of Kent.

She was still a little dazed.

The originally magnificent palace was now filled with all kinds of bloody smells.

Countless precious decorations were lying on the ground.

Ye Fan said to her:"Your Majesty, I will draw up a few tasks."

Lina's face showed no sadness or joy:"I said, just call me by my name."

Ye Fan did not say anything and started to operate directly.

The task planning page is very similar to that of the Church of Light.

A few minutes later

"Ding Dong~ Your task has been completed!"

"Ding Dong~ National Notice: Player [Night Devil] has drafted the church mission [Clean up the Cultists (SSS)], the empire mission [Underground Threat (SSS)], and the empire mission [Remnants of the Rebels (SSS)]】"

"Players can go to [Kingdom of Kent] to claim it!"


Ye Fan directly drafted a lot of tasks.

The rewards for the tasks were naturally paid by him, and they were also very simple - all basic resources and some useless junk equipment.

These tasks, apart from the content of the tasks, all require players to send a certain number of intermediate and above units to pray for a period of time at the altars of the two goddesses.

Only after completing these can they submit the tasks and get rewards.

And the rewards... are only a few million basic resources.

In this way, Ye Fan actually made a lot of money.

The faith value of the two goddesses will increase rapidly.

And the players also think that they have made a lot of money.

Basic resources are still extremely scarce in the less than ten days since the server was opened.

And praying for a period of time? For them, they can squeeze in time.


Ye Fan's mission targets are all his enemies.

Cleaning up the cultists naturally points to several gods who are already mortal enemies with him.

The poisonous goddess, the dark goddess, the furious god... and most of the empire missions are also to wipe out the Zerg army in the empire.

This wave, Ye Fan can be said to have killed several birds with one stone.

The only thing he paid was some basic resources that had already exploded.

Some of the tasks require players to help the Kingdom of Kent train troops.

These troops will serve them for a short time, but they must ensure the experience gained by these troops.

After a certain period of time, they will leave.

For this kind of task, players are completely willing to fight and fight.

They are very happy.

Thinking of this...

Ye Fan remembered his own official worker - Shen Ji Meng.

He stroked his chin and issued another announcement

"Guild Announcement: I have secured benefits for everyone. You can get double rewards by completing the church missions and empire missions of the Kingdom of Kent."

As soon as the announcement came out, the entire guild was in an uproar.

"Hahaha, the president is awesome. As expected, joining the Divine Alliance is the best thing I have ever done in my life!!"

"That’s right, last time I got the Thorn Centaur, I only sold 2,000 of them and bought a house in City A!"

"@Night Demon, President, I will follow you for the rest of my life!"

"Hehe, President Night Demon, I want to give birth to a baby for you!!"


The players of the Divine Alliance quickly took screenshots of Ye Fan’s announcement and posted them on the forum.

【This is the benefit of following the Night Demon boss!!】

The post described in detail what the guild members had gained within a few days of its creation.

Tier 5 tanks.

Gold-level troop equipment.

Countless useful consumables.

Double rewards.

As soon as the post was published, it immediately sparked heated discussions.

Players were all envious and jealous.

"Wuwuwu, please stop posting. The thing I regret most in my life is that I hesitated for a second when the Divine Alliance was recruiting people!!"

"Boss Night Demon is really too strong. Not only is he strong himself, but he also makes people around him drink soup. Such a strong man is rare!"

"That’s right, it’s totally different from those big guilds!!"

"Is there any senior executives in the God Alliance? When will they recruit people? I have A-level talent and ten years of online game experience. I am looking for a promotion!!"


The members of the Rose Guild also saw the post on the forum, and they were instantly���With the image of a lady, my drool stayed.

Double the reward, twice as much as others.

This is not a small number.

"Big sister, don’t we have any extra rewards?"

"Yes, yes, we are my mother’s family, how can we be treated differently?"


As soon as these words came out, the entire QQ group fell silent.

Everyone quietly gave a thumbs up.

Well, shameless enough.

Can Ye Fan's own guild be the same as your Rose?

It would be strange if they had the same treatment.

At this time, Zi Qiangwei's face was full of hesitation, and she finally sent a message to Ye Fan.

And Ye Fan was also stunned. He forgot about Qiangwei.

His purpose was just to find workers, and he didn't distinguish where the players were from.

Giving rewards to the God Alliance would only make them more active in completing tasks.

Thinking of this, Ye Fan gave the Qiangwei Guild 1.5 times the task reward.

This result was a happy one for everyone.

However , other guilds were very uncomfortable.

At present, there are still only two guilds in the world, the God Alliance and the Qiangwei.

Of course, the Qiangwei series of sub-guilds are not counted.

Guild tokens seem to be unusually difficult to explode.

Ao Shi Guild.

Ao Shi Wushuang's face was as black as iron, and he looked at his subordinates angrily:"Damn it, you bunch of good-for-nothings, can't you even get a guild token?!"

In the past few days, the Ao Shi Guild has been attacking the secret realm with all its strength.

They have defeated hundreds of gold-level bosses, if not thousands.

However, let alone guild tokens, even gold-level equipment did not drop a few.

The subordinates were also puzzled. It was obviously a gold-level boss, so why did it drop only black iron equipment.

The neighboring Fighting Soul Guild, although it did not drop guild tokens, did drop a lot of good equipment.

Some of the equipment that was very practical in the early stage, even the core players had one each.

But on the other hand, Ao Shi couldn't get any good stuff, and they had to pay for various consumables for the secret realm every day.

There was no comparison at all.

In the end, everyone reached a consensus.

It seemed to be related to the bad attributes of Ao Shi Wushuang.

Of course, no one dared to say it out loud.

However , more and more players have quietly quit the guild.

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