After a wave of consumption, the words"Sold Out" appeared on many interfaces of the store.

Ye Fan's points were only 56 billion.

At this time, he opened his backpack and checked the properties of various consumables.

【[Super Speed Scroll]

Level: Level 1 Grade

: Legend

Effect: After use, the movement speed of all units within a 2000 grid range is increased by 500% for 1 hour.

Cooldown time: 1 hour


【Supreme Life Potion]

Level: Level 1 Grade

: Legend

Effect: After use, all units within a 2000 grid range will recover 1 million health points.

Cooldown time: 5 minutes


【[Supreme Encouragement Scroll]

Level: Level 1 Grade

: Legend

Effect: After use, the morale of all units within a 2000 grid range remains at full value for 1 hour.

Cooldown time: 1 hour


These three potions are extremely practical.

The Speed Scroll can provide an hour of acceleration.

And the value is not low, directly increasing the speed by five times.

Combined with Vivian's Shadow Mist and Ye Fan's current Holy War BUFF, he can run very fast.

The Supreme Life Potion is a top-level group recovery item. It can restore 1 million HP of all units within 2000 grids at one time.

Even for legendary soldiers, except for meat shields, 1 million HP can be restored.

The Supreme Encouragement Scroll can force the morale of the troops to be full.

This is extremely abnormal.

As long as this scroll is used, even the cowardly goblins will fight to the death.

However, this scroll is not very useful to Ye Fan.

His soldiers are all extremely elite, and the morale of all soldiers is extremely high.

The three soldiers will not flee even if they fight to the last man.

At the same time, the CD and duration of the Speed Scroll and the Supreme Encouragement Scroll are the same.

In other words, as long as the quantity is sufficient, it can be kept open.


Ye Fan gave Ye Mingzhu several hundred bottles of the three kinds of potions.

Anyway, there will be many large-scale events in the future, so she can exchange them when the time comes.

Ye Mingzhu felt a little numb at this time, so she took it obediently and said,"Thank you."

The longer she spent with Ye Fan, the more unfathomable his image became in her mind.

At this time, Ye Fan waved his hand and a rotating portal appeared in front of him.

He returned to his territory in the blink of an eye.

Ye Fan opened the building panel and began to build the newly unlocked building.

"Ding Dong! You have consumed 100W of wood, stone, and iron ore to build [Shadow Sanctuary]】!"

"Ding Dong~The building acceleration card was used successfully!"

"Ding Dong~ You have consumed wood, stone, and iron ore*100W. The level of [Shadow Sanctuary] has been upgraded to level 2!"

"Ding Dong~……"

Ye Fan directly used the Construction Acceleration Card to raise the level of [Shadow Sanctuary] to the maximum

【Shadow Sanctuary]

Description: The place where Shadow Assassins are trained. It is said that a statue of Shadow Dragon is enshrined here, but even Shadow Assassins have never seen the real body of Shadow Dragon.

Level: 10

Daily Output: 0/2000

Production Unit: Shadow Assassin (Level 11)

Production Cost: 2000 Gold Coins

Production Time: 30 Seconds

Upgrade Required: Full Level


Like all legendary soldiers, Shadow Phantom Thorns only produce 2,000 per day.

Ye Fan started to summon

"Ding Dong~ You have consumed gold coins*400W and recruited Shadow Phantom Assassin*2000!"

"Ding Dong~ The unit refresh card was used successfully!"

"Ding Dong~……"

Recruitment Cards and Refresh Cards were used in succession, and 4,000 Shadow Phantom Assassins were quickly recruited.

Suddenly, a large number of light gray shadows appeared in front of Ye Fan, with only the cold daggers in their hands reflecting the cold light.

Even under the sun, their figures were extremely hidden.

They were in a permanent invisible state.

At this time, Ye Fan checked their attributes.

【[Shadow Phantom Thorn]

Description: Shadow creatures from the Shadow Realm. They were just ordinary shadows before, but they are determined to become believers of the Shadow Dragon. They have gone through hellish training. At this time, they have become the world's top assassins.

Level: Level 1

Attack: 580-640

Defense: 135

Grade: Eleventh Grade

Race: Shadow

HP: 9000


1. Shadow Concealment (LVMAX).

Effect: Shadow Phantom Thorn is in permanent invisibility, which cannot be detected by items below the mythical level. It will appear when attacking the enemy.

2. Shadow Pursuit (LVMAX). Shadow Phantom Thorn locks on an enemy and launches a chain pursuit.

Effect: After the skill is activated, lock on an enemy. When Shadow Phantom Thorn attacks the enemy, it will automatically flash behind the enemy.

3. Fatal Backstab (LV1).

Effect: When attacking the enemy from behind, the critical hit rate is +20%, and the critical hit damage is +50%.

Morale: MAX

Loyalty: MAX

Food consumption: 200 crystals/day


As an assassin-type soldier, the attack of Shadow Phantom Assassin is obviously supermodel. It is higher than that of Sky Knight, which is also an eleventh-level soldier. However, the defense and health are also pitifully low, even lower than those of the Elf Sharpshooters.

The three skills are also extremely practical.

The combination of Shadow Pursuit and Fatal Backstab is simply a nightmare for the opponent's back row.

Even if the mage has a flash skill, he can still teleport behind the opponent.

You know, Shadow Pursuit has no duration. Once locked, it will not stop until death.

The only disadvantage is that it is easy to be killed by concentrated fire.

In general, the attributes are exactly the same as what Ye Fan saw on the forum in his previous life.

But it is a bit surprising that the morale and loyalty values are actually full.

Ye Fan remembered that the soldiers exchanged in the Shadow Realm seemed to have very low loyalty values. But when it came to him, it was directly maxed out.

He thought about it and it should be related to Vivian.

Then, Ye Fan opened his backpack and checked the exchanged shadow orbs.

【[Shadow Orb (Mythical)]

Description: An orb from the center of the Shadow Realm, which contains the original power of the Shadow Realm.

Grade: Mythical (Second Order)

Type: Soldier Equipment

Level: 1


1. Soldier Critical Damage +50%. If equipped by Shadow Phantom Assassin, dodge rate +50%.

2. [Escape into Shadow]

Restriction: Takes effect when Shadow Phantom Assassin is equipped.

Effect: After use, enter the Shadow Realm and restore 10% of health per second for 30 seconds.

Cooldown: 10 minutes

3. [Born Shadow]

Restriction: Takes effect when Shadow Phantom Assassin is equipped.

Effect: After use, it will not be visible when attacking the enemy. Lasts for 5 minutes.

Cooldown: 30 minutes


Seeing the properties of the Shadow Orb, Ye Fan was very satisfied.

As a soldier's equipment bound to the Shadow Phantom Thorn, the Shadow Orb provided them with a certain degree of survivability.

Born Shadow is an extremely perverted skill.

The binding of the two is definitely an effect of one plus one greater than two.

At this time, Ye Fan directly put the Shadow Orb into the equipment column of the Shadow Phantom Thorn.

Suddenly, all the Shadow Phantom Thorns were shrouded in a light gray mist.

The aura released from their bodies became more dangerous.

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