Besides, Zhao Zhen has also eaten vegetarian dishes and noodles for several days since he became a Taoist priest. Due to his daily martial arts practice and his focus on making magic weapons these days, his face has become thinner.

On this day, the carving of the Five Thunder Orders was completed. Dong Laodao chose the 24th of this month to consecrate the altar, with five elements of flowing water, stars, horns, wooden dragons, red birds as gods, and pigs in the east.

Zhao Zhen picked up Bai Zhi and Jin Cuilian and returned to Baishi Manor. At night, Zhao Zhen was about to make out with Bai Zhi. Bai Zhi held out her hand to resist and said: "My lord, I have seen you look thin and thin these past few days. I dare you not to control yourself. My lord, you are so angry today." Take some rest, the official will get married in a few days."

Zhao Zhen said with a smile: "My lady means well, but it is not true. I have only eaten some vegetarian dishes these days, and I am naturally thin. I won't stop eating meat tomorrow, so it will be fine." After saying that, seeing Bai Zhi no longer blocking her, Zhao Zhen lifted up the quilt. , another night of joy, it can be said that the tents are fragrant and the moon is cold, and the intention is gentle. I only know how to collect flowers and make honey, but I don’t know how sweet it is to work hard.

On the second day, after practicing Baduanjin, Zhao Zhen taught Bai Zhi and Jin Cuilian the Five Elements Boxing they learned from Dong Laodao. This boxing is also mainly for physical fitness. There are five styles of boxing: splitting, drilling, collapsing, cannon, and horizontal, which correspond to the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth respectively. "Nei Jing" says: The lungs belong to metal, the kidneys belong to water, the heart belongs to fire, the liver belongs to wood, and the spleen belongs to earth. Practicing these five postures is beneficial to the lungs, kidneys, liver, heart and spleen. Walking around the sky strengthens the guidance of the internal organs and associated meridians, especially through the Ren and Du meridians, so as to realize the circulation of true energy throughout the sky.

Zhao Zhen's daily breakfast consists of nothing but pasta and porridge, with sauces and pickles, but today is different. In addition to the usual steamed buns and picture scrolls, Bai Zhi specially asked Li Xiaoer to prepare a four-tailed carp, and also added abalone and shredded chicken to the porridge. , garnished with vegetable leaves, delicious and delicious. Zhao Zhen has now also learned some methods of taking food from Dong Laodao. Of course, it is not the taking of food in the seventy-two techniques of Disha. It is just a method of replenishing food. After eating breakfast, especially the braised four-tailed carp, Zhao Zhen's complexion quickly became rosy, and he felt full of strength. The fatigue and fatigue caused by the vegetarian diet and fatigue of the past few days disappeared.

Bai Zhi and Jin Cuilian felt relieved when they saw that Zhao Zhen was in high spirits after breakfast. The three of them got together, took along their companions, and rode to Xixi Village. Bai Zhi and Jin Cuilian, like ordinary women, returned to their parents' homes today.

In the past few days, Zhao Zhen was busy taking up his post because he had arranged for Dong Laodao and his entourage. He then studied Taoism and made magical instruments. During this period, Liangshan Township was a busy scene. Under the leadership of Li Zheng, each village had already harvested rice.

This year, Duxixi Village has had the best harvest. There are many rice plants with double ears, and the output has almost doubled. Zhao Zhen still collected half of the land as land rent as agreed. On 30 acres of land, each household had nearly 50 shi of leftover grain. Assuming that each household has five people, and each person needs five stones of food, every household in Xixi village will have a prosperous year this year.

There are reports from Kushutun, Liangcun, Zhangzhuang, Tianzhuang, and Dongxi Village. When going out to Dongxi Village, each household only has enough money. Fortunately, they can set up nets to fish and go up the mountain to hunt rabbits, which is better than usual. Only the output of Dongxi Village has been reduced by more than half. Zhao Zhen ordered that Dongxi Village be exempted from taxes this year.

Farmers were harvesting and threshing at the same time. Although Zhao Zhen didn't pay much attention, he also went to the fields to take a look. They were no different from those in the main world. They all used square threshing buckets and threshing baskets.

The shape of each family is slightly different, most of them are open wooden boxes with a large mouth and a small bottom, and some are in the shape of a boat. The valley is surrounded on three sides by bamboo strips to prevent the grains from splashing. The farmers beat the bundles of grain on the bucket staves, causing the rice grains to fall out of the bucket.

In addition to normal rice in Dongxi Village, there was a rice field producing rice with yellowish-brown husks. Tang Tian took a handful and removed the rice husks. The rice grains were also slightly red. Farmers thought it was because the rice had absorbed wolf blood, although they all collected it. It was eaten, but no one dared to eat it.

Today, Tang Tian and Zhu Yingchun had no choice but to bring a cloth bag and come to the village to find Zhao Zhen and explain the situation. They wanted to switch to ordinary rice, which can also feed livestock.

Zhao Zhen took it and saw that it was a second-level crop.

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Rouge rice (a second-level crop, looks like japonica rice with awns, japonica rice. It has a plump taste, fragrant smell, reddish color, and long grains. When cooked, it turns red like rouge. It has a reddish color and long grains, a fragrant smell, and a plump taste. Planting in fertile fields requires watering with animal blood; planting in spiritual fields does not require watering with animal blood.)

Effect 1: Those who eat rouge rice for three months and have a physical constitution less than 10 will have a physical constitution +1.

Zhao Zhen couldn't help being overjoyed and asked: "Manager Tang Tian, ​​how much rice is there?"

Tang Gao said with an embarrassed look on his face: "Master, there are nearly a hundred acres of red rice. After threshing, we weighed it and found that there were more than 105 shi."

Zhao Zhen said: "This rice is not inedible, it's just mutated. Transport all this rice to the warehouse and keep it as seeds. Let Zhao Yuanli take out 210 shi of ordinary rice from the warehouse to replace it. This can make up for the grain storage of Dongxi village households this year. Insufficient problem.”

Tang Tian and Zhu Yingchun were overjoyed when they heard this. They also said that Zhao Zhen was considerate of the bankers and said: "The bankers must be grateful after hearing this news."

Zhao Zhen waved his hand for the two of them to go down and ask Zhao Yuanli to exchange the rice.

After the two left, Zhao Zhen was preparing the autumn festival ceremony in the village. He heard a burst of cheers outside the village. Zhao Zhen sent Zhang Qi to go out to see. After a while, Zhang Qi came back to report: "Master of the village, Dongxi Village heard that the village The Lord exchanges food and cheers, the Lord of the village is benevolent and righteous." As he said this, he also looked at Zhao Zhen with admiration.

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The household in Dongxi Village will return to its heart, and its luck will be +5.

Zhao Zhen couldn't help but be stunned. He was not pretending to be a good person, but it was just a normal exchange. He still got an advantage and didn't expect to get any additional gains.

At noon, Zhao Zhen presided over the autumn sacrifice. After reading the sacrificial text, he burned paper and incense to thank the gods for blessing the harvest. As the saying goes: Spring sacrifice is to pray for the growth of grains, and autumn sacrifice is to report the ripeness of grains.

Zhao Yuanli and Ding Chou prepared community cakes and community wine early. Many people from Liangshan Township came to Xixi Village early and brought their own sacrifices. After the sacrifice, everyone shared the sacrifices. Zhao Zhen also took out the prepared cakes and sent them to nearby farmers.

Li Xiaoer was also busy preparing community meals, with pork, mutton, kidneys, milk, stomach, lungs, duck cakes, melons and ginger, all cut into chess pieces, mixed with flavors, spread on the board, and invited guests to offer.

From Zhao Zhen and below, Guanghui, Jiao Ting, Han Bolong, Bao Xu, Tao Zongwang, San Ruan, Du Qian, Song Wan, Tang Long, Pei Xuan, Deng Fei, Meng Kang, Zhu Gui, 16 heroes gathered together.

Ruan Xiaoer's family had a separate meal, accompanied by Bai Zhi and Jin Cui Lian who had returned early. Zhao Zhen sent cloth, pork, mutton, and Yicheng wine to the managers of various places, and new gourds, jujubes, and other things to those with children.

Because he had obtained hundreds of dan of rouge rice, Zhao Zhen had people pound the rice and cook a full pot of rice. When it was served, the fragrance was rich and filled the room. The heroes tasted it and said it was delicious.

Zhao Zhen told the origin of the rice, and everyone said it was God's will and congratulated Zhao Zhen. They drank until night and then dispersed.

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