Lord: Start with a copy of Water Margin

Chapter 170 Bombardment of Linqing

Ruan Xiaowu and Ruan Xiaoqi were still on the Wei River to guard against the Green Camp Army of Zhou Yuanli, the Governor-General of Zhili in the west, to prevent them from crossing the river to support Shu Hed. Zhu Gui led a group of simple soldiers to supervise the prisoners, hold guns and cannons, and serve as the rear army. Today we will bombard the old city of Linqing and force the Qing army to leave the city and form a formation to fight.

Chao Gai led a group of Pu Dao soldiers to guard the left wing, while Luan Tingyu and Deng Fei's cavalry were on the right wing. Bao Xu and Guang Hui led the [Chongfengdu] as the Chinese army, leaving only the able-bodied men of Bailiu Village to guard the camp.

When the card was not issued, Zhu Gui led the Pu sword soldiers to drive out the green camp soldiers and push all the cannons in the camp. Three powerful and invincible general cannons were at the back, ten Folan cannons were in the middle, twenty mountain-splitting cannons, and ten Weiyuan general cannons. In front, set up a formation six hundred steps away from the old city.

This formation was created by Zhao Zhen based on the characteristics of the four artillery shapes and the experience of the Green Camp soldiers.

This powerful and invincible general cannon is a red-coated cannon with a thin front and a thick back. It has five hoops and is made of fine iron. The cannon weighs more than 1,800 kilograms and is more than one foot long. It has a five-inch muzzle and uses four kilograms of gunpowder. , using an eight-pound cannon with a range of 800 steps and a four-wheeled gun carriage.

The Folang cannon is made of copper and is five or six feet long. The larger one weighs more than a thousand kilograms, while the small one weighs one hundred and fifty kilograms. It has a huge belly, a long neck, and holes for repairs in the belly. Take five blunderbuss, store the medicine in your belly, and shoot it up to 300 steps.

The mountain-splitting cannon weighs two hundred kilograms and is made of copper and iron. The cannonballs are in groups, and each cannon can hold more than a hundred grains. Depending on the amount of the charge, it can be far or near, with a range of 150 to 250 steps. The rate of fire is slow, and it can only be fired twice in a quarter of an hour.

Weiyuan General Cannon, mortar, made of copper, weighs 750 kilograms, has a barrel of two feet and three feet, a muzzle of one foot, uses five kilograms of gunpowder, and the shells are in groups. Each cannon can hold more than a hundred grains of iron. Zi, with a range of 250 steps. It is thick at the front and narrowed at the back, shaped like a bell, with ears on both sides, and equipped with a four-wheeled gun carriage. The fire emits, bursts and scatters in all directions, making it the most powerful weapon.

Bombard the old city with the mighty and invincible General's cannon. If the Qing army goes out of the city to engage in battle, use the Qing army's double-gun cannon with an eight-point mouth, one liang of medicine and two liang of lead shot, with a range of 150 steps. . It is far less than the range of Zhao Zhen's Fo Lang machine gun, Pishan cannon, and Weiyuan general cannon.

Moreover, Zhao Zhen's side has already set up a formation. With the advantage of range and first strike, it can cause great damage to the Qing army in the first round.

As for the bird gun and the three-eyed gun, they can break through armor within thirty steps. They can kill unarmored targets at fifty steps, but they have no lethality at a hundred steps.

Each army entered the designated position according to the pre-war layout. The mighty and invincible general cannon was calibrated, and there was only a "boom" sound, and a cannonball flew towards the old city, landing impartially on the city.

Afterwards, the other two guns were fired one after another, and the artillery fire continued. On the high platform, a green battalion artillery observer kept waving a flag, instructing the gunners below to adjust the angle and direction of the muzzle. The sound of artillery roared, chasing the Qing army where they were gathering.

After shelling for half an hour, the Qing troops in the city never came out. This was also expected by Wu Yong and Zhao Zhen. After all, if they go out of the city to fight, the Qing army will risk bombardment.

Chao Gai and Jiao Ting were escorted by the gunners of the Folang Machine Cannon, the Pishan Cannon, and the Weiyuan General Cannon, and they moved forward until they were three hundred steps away from the city. Ten French guns also opened fire one after another, and the sound of artillery suddenly became more numerous. The Qing troops in the city also began to flee in all directions. The Qing troops who surrounded and suppressed the religious troops and religious people in many places collapsed without attacking, giving Wang Lun's army a chance to breathe.

Zhao Zhen and Wu Yong stood on the high platform and observed the situation in the city. The Qing army surrounded a house and attacked frantically despite being shelled. This place was the most suspicious. According to Yan Liu, the three-story building should be where Wang Lun was hiding.

Wu Yong pointed there and said: "Zhuanghu, this should be the Wang family compound that Yan Liu mentioned. Judging from the situation, Wang Lun should be blocked here. Let the gunners target this place, which can not only weaken the Qing army He has the strength to kill Wang Lun."

Zhao Zhen shook his head. He said: "Pedant, I originally thought that both the Qing army and the believers have been wiped out, and we can also collect more loot. Now we have to subdue Yan Liu and other heroes, so I'm afraid we can't just fire recklessly."

Wu Yong said eagerly: "Master of the village, Wang Lun cannot be retained. First of all, this person can win people's hearts. If this person is alive, how can the backbone leader of the Qingshui Sect surrender to the master of the village? Furthermore, Wang Lun is good at beguiling people's hearts and teaching him The people are fanatical, and they even say, "I have been planning for you for ten years, and I will add white characters to your surname." He also gives officials and wishes to his subordinates. He is not a person who can live under others. "

Zhao Zhen said: "Pedant, having said that, if Wang Lun is killed by us, I am afraid these heroes will not surrender to me."

Wu Yong said: "Master, we are not familiar with Linqing. We shelled randomly and hit Wang Lun like this. We can only blame him for his bad luck. Besides, we just wanted to kill more Qing troops. If we can borrow It would be best to remove Wang Lun from the Qing army. "

While the two were talking, they saw another change in the city. The parishioners who had been besieged before gathered together and walked towards the small courtyard where Wang Lun was.

The Qing army also organized manpower to stop them. Zhao Zhen said: "First clean up these farther places to weaken the Qing army. Since these Qing troops still want to prevent the teaching army from joining Wang Lun, it means that the Qing army thinks they can capture Wang Lun."

Wu Yong said: "That's true. The artillery fire we waited for also caused a lot of damage to the Qing army. The Qing army has not divided its forces to respond until now. It seems that they want to get rid of Wang Lun first and then fight with us."

Zhao Zhen nodded after hearing this and said to Wu Yong: "In that case, let's fire the artillery and see who can't hold on first. To force the Qing army out of the city for a decisive battle, don't fight with him in the street. After all, the combined cannons they use are the most powerful. Good at street fighting."

The two people discussed it and asked the flag bearer to give the order to continue firing cannons at crowded places.

Zhao Zhen's bombardment made the arrogant Qing army start to dodge in battle. On the other hand, the Qingshui cultivators still fought bravely, and for a while they actually defeated the Qing army steadily. However, the Qing army quickly reacted and strengthened their firearms, and the two sides began to stalemate again.

Taking this opportunity, Wu Yong just urged the gunner to fire off the cannon. It was not until evening that Zhao Zhen gave the order to return to camp. The afternoon's shelling, although it damaged the morale of the Qing army, had limited damage to the Qing army. What deserves recognition is the reunion of parishioners.

Zhao Zhen and others returned to the camp and ordered the soldiers to bury pots and make rice. Wu Yong said: "Master, today's bombardment of the old city of Linqing has prevented the Qing army from annihilating Wang Lun and his gang with all their strength. He will definitely come to rob the stronghold tonight and destroy the artillery. We can make preparations first. Only a few troops and horses can be stationed here. , we are waiting in ambush outside the stronghold."

Zhao Zhen asked: "Scholar, what's the plan?"

Wu Yong said: "This way, this way, the Qing army will never be punished."

Zhao Zhen called all the heroes and gave an order to quietly transport the artillery to the back of the stronghold and hide it. The heroes led troops to ambush all around. At the third watch, as expected, a group of Qing troops came out of the city and went straight to Zhao Zhen's camp.

When Zhao Zhen and others led the sergeants to look outside the stronghold, they saw only one general leading more than a hundred people into the stronghold. When they saw that the stronghold was empty, they turned around and left. Zhao Zhen and others shouted, fearing that the Qing troops had fallen into a trap, they scattered and fled. One hundred Qing troops bravely fled each other. Zhao Zhen and others just fired their arrows and muskets, leaving no less than thirty people in the camp. people. Luan Tingyu and Deng Fei led their cavalry to pursue them and killed half of the Qing troops.

Cleaning up the camp, killing, wounding and capturing 63 Qing soldiers, they interrogated them all and executed them all. Unfortunately, Chunning, who led the troops to rob the camp, was taken away.

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