Lord: Start with a copy of Water Margin

Chapter 280 Huangfu Duan Talks about Horses

As soon as Zhao Zhen returned to Liangshan County in the fantasy world, he called Zhao Yuanli and asked, regardless of anything else, "Yuanli, where is brother Huangfu Duan today?"

Seeing Zhao Zhen's anxious look, Zhao Yuanli hurriedly replied: "Master, these days, there are a lot of horses in the ranch in heat. Huangfu Duan is staying at the Kushutun Ranch. In addition to the stallions in the ranch, the Taxue Wuzui horses and The jade lion at Zhaoye has gone to be bred.”

After hearing this, Zhao Zhen summoned Zhao Ji and said, "Zhao Ji, go to Kushu Tun and ask Huangfu to bring it over."

Zhao Ji heard this, responded, and rode off in a hurry.

Zhao Zhen turned to look at Zao Liuma and saw that he was still standing listlessly, not caring about the sudden change in the environment. The situation didn't get worse, so I felt relieved.

Zhao Zhen then ordered Zhao Yuanli: "Put the rattan armor into the warehouse first. These ordinary green rattan and tung oil are sent to the carpenter's workshop, soaked according to this recipe, and dried in order to prepare the armor. Sheng Tao Youda will be the deputy manager. From now on He was asked to recruit a group of people to supervise the making of rattan armor and rattan armor side cards, and expand it to fifty people. He went to the armor-making workshop to find Hou Jian. From now on, if there is rattan, he can weave rattan armor, and if there is no rattan, he can weave some daily items. "

"As for the brown blood vines, the brown red and green blood vines, the silver vines, and the two sacks of cucumber vines, Tao Youda kept a close eye on them. They were just like the vines woven by the gourd vines last time. Take it seriously."

"Iron wood and other timber will be sent to the carpenter's workshop after being registered, and the ore will be sent to the blacksmith's shop after being registered. Those gourds will be put aside to make gourds, and the seeds will be collected. After a while, the gourds will be planted." Zhao Zhen said quickly. , Zhao Yuanli and Zhao Xing nodded repeatedly. Seeing that Zhao Zhen had finished speaking, they lowered their heads and said a few words, and then went about their business.

Zhao Zhen then said to the heroes who came back with him: "Every brother, please go back to your station. Today, you have to treat this horse. I will hold a banquet in a few days. Especially brothers Ruan Xiaowu and Ruan Xiaoqi. Now there are many brothers in the county." I'm afraid I don't recognize you. You two have been out for a long time, and now you just need to go see my mother. The Ruan family's sister-in-law is pregnant now. In a while, you two will be uncles again. "

After hearing this, Ruan Xiaowu and Ruan Xiaoqi picked up these exquisite objects and various fruits that they had purchased over time, and happily went to see their mother. The others also dispersed.

Under the arrangement of Zhao Yuanli and the others, Zhuang Ding got on the carriage and delivered the goods on the school grounds to the designated places.

Maybe it was because the busy people on the school ground were too noisy. Zao Liuma, who had been standing quietly, glanced around uneasily. When Zhao Zhen saw it, he quickly stepped forward to comfort him. After thinking about it, he took the reins of the horse and sent the Zaoliu horse to the stable.

After waiting for a while, Huangfu Duan hurriedly entered the stable with his three apprentices, Sun Ji, Sun Hao and Sun Hao.

Zhao Zhen saw it and said, "Brother Huangfu Duan, come and see this jujube horse. Can it be saved?"

After Huangfu listened, he quickly stepped forward, walked around the Zaoliu horse twice, and asked Zhao Zhen about the horse's character. Zhao Zhen told him everything he knew.

Huangfu listened to Zhao Zhen and said that this horse once raced on the racecourse for half a day and won a horse race. After that, he gradually ate less and lost weight. Then he said: "Master, this horse was pregnant with a foal during the competition, but it was not obvious at the time. After such a vigorous run, the horse was tired. Later, he got angry again, Shaoyin went retrograde, and his throat Swelling, that's all it takes."

Zhao Zhen was overjoyed after hearing this and said: "Brother, hurry up and prescribe the medicine. I'll have someone get the medicine and brew it right away."

Huangfu said: "This Guolao decoction only needs to be boiled with licorice. The decoction must be sufficient. I will give it acupuncture and moxibustion. The disease will be cured in five or seven days. After a few more days, it will naturally return to its old outlook."

After Zhao Zhen heard this, he quickly called Zhong Lin to the medicine shop to grab some medicine and cook it.

Taking advantage of this time, Huangfu Duan first performed acupuncture on the inside of Zao Liuma's lower lip and gave advice to the three students.

After the acupuncture, Huangfu Duan gently patted the horse's body again, walked behind the horse, pulled the horse's tail to one side, and looked at it. Then he said to Zhao Zhen: "Master, this jujube horse should give birth in another month, and the bean cakes and other things must keep up."

As he spoke, he touched the belly of the jujube horse again, frowned and said, "In my opinion, this horse seems to have three children in one litter. This is also the reason why this jujube horse is so thin. Ordinary horses only give birth to one child at a time." , the twins are like no other, and if all three survive, it will not be an exaggeration to say it is auspicious.”

Zhao Zhen said: "Brother, I only said that the horse was pregnant, but I didn't say when the foal would be born. How could I know that?"

Huangfu Duan lifted the horse's tail again, asked Zhao Zhen to come over and look at it, and said: "When the official looks forward from the middle of the back belly, there is a mid-belly line from the horse's breasts to the navel. The hair separated from the mid-line of the horse's belly is four inches behind the navel. This is how you know it.”

"In horses that have never been pregnant, the hair on both sides of this area is closed, and the midline of the abdomen is covered and cannot be seen clearly. After pregnancy, the hair on both sides of the area will separate, like a groove, and the midline of the abdomen is clearly visible."

"Based on how far apart the hairs are on both sides of the abdominal midline, you can tell how long it takes to get pregnant. In the early stage, the midline is just a thin slit. If you touch it with your hand, you can feel a strip-like protrusion as thick as your little finger. At two to four months, the midline separates. The hair will be squeezed within three inches behind the navel, and then gradually increase to more than four inches."

Zhao Zhen listened and nodded repeatedly.

After a while, Zhong Lin brought a bucket of boiled licorice soup, poured it into a basin, and let Zao Liuma drink it.

Huangfu said: "Your Excellency, the foal in the jujube horse's belly is at its last moment. If you have ginseng to replenish your vitality, you can make some ginseng soup. Fortunately, this jujube horse is not an ordinary person and is strong. , so that I can persist for such a long time, but now I can no longer hold on. Fortunately, I have taken a lot of physical enhancement treasures, so I can barely maintain it."

Zhao Zhen said: "Of course there are ginseng in the medicine shop, and there are several advanced ones. Brother, go and see how much you want to use. Just use it. The main one is Zao Liuma. This Zao Liuma has suffered such a serious crime and has ginseng in its belly." The horse can keep the best, and there is no need to force it.”

Huangfu listened and said: "Don't worry, sir, I will do my best. I think you just came back and you don't know yet. The military advisor and the county magistrate transferred most of the horses from the ranch back to the army for some reason two days ago, and returned them to the army." A lot of draft horses have been drafted, and most of the ones left in the pasture are mares in heat. Officials don’t need to worry about this, I just need to take care of these horses.”

After Zhao Zhen heard this, he couldn't stay any longer. After leaving the stable, Zhao Zhen was going to Xixi Village to see Xiao Rang and inquire.

As soon as Zhao Zhen left the gate of Baishi Village, he bumped into Xiao Rang and Pei Xuan who were rushing over. But it was Pei Xuan who met Xiao Rang when he went to the county government office. Knowing that Zhao Zhen had returned to the fantasy world, he called Pei Xuan to see Zhao Zhen.

Before saluting, Zhao Zhen asked outside the village: "Brother Xiao Rang, what happened in the county?"

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