Five days flew by in a flash. The spies sent by Jingyang Town to find out the news did not return any news, and everything was as before. It was just that the bones in the new grave beside the official road in Dulonggang were dug up and taken away at night. After Zhao Zhen heard this, he ignored it and let it go.

In the past few days, Zhao Zhen has resumed his usual routine, practicing martial arts and handling county affairs. I still put down the boundary stone I got from [Leaping Stream Tiger] Chen Da, because I didn’t know where the boundary was, so I mentioned it earlier and placed it between Nan Daying and Erlong Mountain.

In Xiao Rang's words, no matter what the terrain is, it can increase the distance between Baishi Manor and the southern border. Zhao Zhen felt it made sense, so he let it go.

There were not many surprises. The area was just an old village, dilapidated, but fortunately there was a lot of farmland.

Asking Tao Zongwang to repair the village, Xiao Rang removed 200 separate farmers, and came to the pasture to work cattle and help the new farmers open up fields. Zhao Zhen gave this place a name: "This place came here because of the Chen Da brothers. This village will be called Chenjiaji from now on. This matter should be recorded in the village annals."

Chen Da, who was on duty in Dulonggang, was very happy after hearing this. Yang Xiaorang changed all his fields to Chenjiaji. After Xiao Rang asked Zhao Zhen for instructions, he changed the land deed for Chen Da. Chen Da was even more happy and bragging about it to everyone he met.

In addition to putting down the boundary stone and seeing that his luck was abundant, Zhao Zhen dispersed the fog on the southern boundary for five miles. The first three miles are wasteland, but the last two miles are swamps.

Zhao Ji stepped forward to investigate, but only took three steps before he was trapped. He held the long stick and was pulled back.

Zhao Zhen saw it and said, "No wonder no one comes in or out on the south side. It turns out there is this swamp."

Xiao Rang looked around, stood on a slightly higher mound, and looked far into the distance: "I don't know how big this swamp is."

Smelling the sour and decaying smell in the swamp and looking at the bubbles emerging from the inlet from time to time, Zhao Zhen said: "It is a dangerous place."

Wu Yong shook the newly made goose feather fan in his hand: "With this dangerous place, there will be no need to garrison so many people in Erlong Mountain from now on."

After hearing this, Zhao Zhen shook his head and said: "This does not need to be adjusted. Liangshan has a dangerous terrain and is surrounded by water. The 3,000 people in the two camps plus the navy are enough for defense. Moreover, the movement of sergeants depends entirely on ship transportation, which is too much." There is inconvenience.”

"It's better to station here. Not only is it close to Baishi Manor, it will also be much more convenient for reinforcements from everywhere."

Zhao Zhen frowned and said, "I don't know when this swamp was formed. The smell is really unpleasant. I don't know what's in it?"

Xiao Rang said: "Unfortunately, it's too easy to get trapped here. Even some properties are difficult to get out."

While talking, Zhao Ji had already rinsed it roughly with the water bag he brought.

Zhao Zhen asked: "Zhao Ji, are you feeling unwell?"

Zhao Ji, who was in a state of embarrassment, stretched out his hand and handed over a scallop: "Official, after being trapped for a while, it was not without gain. I still have this scallop in my boots, so I brought it up."

Zhao Zhen, Xiao Rang, and Wu Yong looked at each other, and it was Xiao Rang who said, "If nothing else, it seems there are a lot of scallops here."

Wu Yong said: "You might as well break it open and have a look. If the meat is of good quality, it can be considered an industry."

After hearing this, Zhao Ji took a simple knife and threw the scallop away: "Hey, sir, there is a pearl in it."

After hearing this, Zhao Zhen and others hurriedly came forward to take a look, only to see Zhao Ji holding an oval bead in his hand.

world log

In March, if you get pearl oysters, your luck will be +5.

Xiao Rang said happily: "It seems that in addition to defense, this swamp also has such output. I heard that there are no more pearls in the world than the South Pearl and the East Pearl. I never thought that this swamp also produces pearls."

Zhao Zhen said: "Hey, you don't have to worry about this. It's just that how to mine it will take a lot of thought."

Xiao Rang said: "I read historical records, and I once saw Dayu controlling floods in "Historical Records of Xia Benji". It was recorded: 'Travel on land by cart, travel on water by boat, travel on mud on a sled, and travel on a mountain by riding a horse.' Make some single logs. Try mud sledding, I think it’s feasible.”

Zhao Zhen nodded and asked the village man who followed him to dig out the mud with a simple knife at the edge of the swamp. In no time, more than 20 people dug out more than ten scallops.

After digging them all open, I found four pearls, large and small. In addition to the one Zhao Ji brought, I found five after a while.

Two are off-white, one is pure white, one is purple, and one is pink. There are various colors. The best of the five pearls is this purple one. It is pure round in shape and has a gentle luster. Although it is only a quarter in size, its value is not low. The rest are either bead-shaped, have bad color, or are too small, but their value is lower.

Zhao Zhen pinched the purple pearl in his hand and said: "This pearl is worth at least 40 guan. From this point of view, this swamp has a lot of potential. Brother Xiao Rang, you still need to pay more attention here. Hire some farmers to specialize in pearl fishing." "

Xiao Rang heard this and responded: "Don't worry, high official, I will arrange for people to come here to search for scallops and pearls in the next few days. Now this place is more valuable than the gold produced at the northern foot of Kushu Mountain. In such a large swamp, it must be inside There are also bigger beads, if there are seven or eight points higher, then this place will become a treasure-producing place."

Zhao Zhen said "Oh?" in confusion.

Xiao Rang explained: "It is said that these pearls are 70% precious and 80% treasure. If there is any yield, wouldn't it be a treasure land?"

After hearing this, Zhao Zhen said happily: "I hope that as brother Xiao Rang said, there will be such a big pearl produced in it."

Not to mention that Xiao Rang arranged for people to come over to pick pearls, but Zhao Zhen didn't bother to come and see them. At dusk that day, Cheng Wan'er's mother came to Liangshan County under the escort of Jiao Ting, Shi Qian, and Fu Yu.

That night, Zhao Zhen arranged a banquet, and the couple chatted with the old lady for a long time. At night, Cheng Wan'er even left Zhao Zhen and stayed with the old lady.

The next day, Zhao Xing and Zhao Zhen reported: "Sir, when we left, the old man had already ordered to transfer the chief of Jingyang Town to Feicheng to take up his post. I think he will leave in the next few days."

Zhao Zhen heard it and asked people to monitor outside Jingyang Town. Sure enough, within two days, Yun Tianbiao was seen leading a group of soldiers out of the town and heading east along the official road.

Zhao Zhen was relieved after hearing it. He finally sent Yun Tianbiao away. In the future, he didn't need to go to such great lengths to guard Jingyang Town.

After resting for two days, Zhao Zhen proposed to go to Liantai Temple to burn incense. The old lady heard about the magic of Liantai Temple and couldn't wait to go and see it.

In addition to Yuantong, Zhao Zhen also asked someone to invite Li Da's mother to accompany him. The two Buddhist women talked about Buddhism, and it seemed like they had met too late.

That night, Cheng Wan'er accompanied the old lady to the hot spring again. Zhao Zhen stayed in the camp at Xueshan Peak to rest, and at night he had a drink with Shi Xiu and Xue Yong.

At the banquet, Shi Xiu couldn't help asking Zhao Zhen about his trip to exorcise ghosts. Zhao Zhen didn't hide it and told the two of them in detail.

After listening, the two sighed.

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