Lord: Start with a copy of Water Margin

Chapter 303: Archery Competition in the Military Camp

Zhao Zhen turned to Zhao Ji and said, "Move all the mats to Baishizhuang and pick five with copper coins and water ripples to take to Jingyang Town tomorrow."

After that, Zhao Zhen and others left the carpenter's workshop and returned to Baishi Valley. Zhao Zhen wrote a statement and sent it to the Ruan brothers. He told Wu Yong about occupying the area around Shijie Lake and asked the three of them to come to discuss it at noon the next day.

For the bamboo mats that were sent back, Zhao Xing arranged for people to select the ones woven by Qing Miao. Heroes with family members were first selected to send them, and then heroes from all over the country were gradually sent away. Cheng Wan'er called Bai Zhi to take the places of Lin Chong, Jiao Ting, and Ruan Xiaoer in person, and also asked Bai Zhi to check the pulses of the pregnant women.

Early the next morning, after having breakfast, Zhao Zhen mounted the Zhaoye Jade Lion Horse, accompanied Sanniang and a group of female cavalry, mounted the carriage, took the bone bow and bamboo mat, supervised the chariot and battle, and headed straight to Jingyang Town. Passing by Black Tiger Temple Town, I rested my horse and chatted with Duan Jingzhu. When I left, I left behind a green bamboo mat.

Arriving at Jingyang Town, it was noon time. Hua Rong and others welcomed Zhao Zhen into the camp.

After seeing the ceremony, Zhao Zhen first asked everyone about the situation in the army. Hearing that everything was fine, Zhao Zhen said: "I came here this time and got some new cool bamboos. I made them into bamboo mats and sent them to all the brothers. This bamboo mat is the most cool. , It can be used in the future. When more are made, the army officers can also use it. "

Li Yingdao said: "The senior officials care about the soldiers, and the soldiers will naturally be grateful for this favor."

Zhao Zhen said: "When soldiers go to war, they should naturally be rewarded more. The second thing is that I brought many snake bone bows. Brother Hua Rong serves as the archery instructor of the entire army. In addition to training these sergeants, brothers Li Ying and Sun An The sergeants of the two capital horse armies also need to worry about brothers. I know that my brother is good at horse fighting, but it is a pity that there are not enough war horses in the county. After a while, I will send several brothers to the north to buy horses, and then I will build a capital horse army for my brothers. military."

Hua Rong became excited after hearing this: "It's a pity that there are few horses in Shandong. I was thinking about buying war horses in Qingfeng Village. Unfortunately, there are no war horses to buy and I don't have enough money. I only bought a few horses for daily riding."

Sun An said: "Not only are there no horses in Shandong, but also in the northwest, the army is also in short supply of horses. When I killed five iron kite horses, three good horses and two injured horses were all killed."

Deng Fei said: "There are such corrupt officials everywhere."

Fu Yu also said: "We are not afraid of county officials, we are only afraid of current officials. This has been the case since ancient times. Being able to follow high-ranking officials is also a blessing gained in our previous lives."

Everyone laughed when they heard this.

"It's true that he is happy and free, with adequate food and clothing, and good wine and meat every day. I couldn't even imagine such a cool mat in the past," said Deng Fei.

"Brothers competing in martial arts every day are much happier than being rich men." Li Yingye said.

While we were talking, lunch was arranged in the camp.

After the meal, Hua Rong and a group of heroes accompanied Zhao Zhen to look around in the camp. Zhao Zhen suggested: "The morale of the army is high. I heard that most of the soldiers brought by Brother Hua Rong are good at shooting. Today, I will call the army sergeants to compete with the villagers in Jingyang Town. I will offer a first-level snake bone bow, which will belong to the winner. The second place will be rewarded with ten taels of gold, the third place will be rewarded with five taels of gold, and the fourth to tenth place will be rewarded with one tael of gold. What do you guys think?"

Li Ying asked: "Young officials, Brother Hua Rong is a great shooter. I have seen them all these days. With Brother Hua Rong here, the others can only compete for the second or third place."

Zhao Zhen said: "Brother Hua Rong, as the examiner, how about not participating?"

Li Yingdao: "This is what makes it interesting."

Sun An said: "A high-ranking official, do you want to call the banker in the town?"

Zhao Zhen said: "After all, we are all new to the town. We want to reassure the villagers in the town, and at the same time, we also deter lawbreakers. Furthermore, we also want to see if there are any heroes in the town. If there are any heroes who are good at shooting, we can recruit them into the army. Therefore, there is no distinction between men, women, old and young. Anyone who is good at shooting can participate. Brothers, let people shout in the town. At the end of the day, there will be a competition in the school field. Anyone who has nothing to do can come and watch. "

After hearing this, Sun An said: "I will find a few people with loud voices to shout around the town."

Li Yingdao: "I ordered the sergeant to set up an archery target on the school grounds."

Hua Rong said: "I haven't used a snake bone bow before, so I just wanted to take a look. I wonder how powerful the snake bone bow brought by the officials is?"

Zhao Zhen said: "We will prepare separately. Those in the military who signed up to participate, please ask Brother Fu Yu to write down the roster. Those who do not participate in the competition will all be fully clothed and maintain order on the school grounds."

Everyone should leave and go about their business.

Zhao Zhen took Hua Rong to try the bow. Looking at the neatly arranged bow arms, bow strings, and arrows, Zhao Zhen said: "Brother Hua Rong, the snake bone bows sent this time range from six to nine. Unfortunately, the elasticity of the snake bones is not good after all, and they are attached again." Ox horns, sheep horns, etc. can enhance the power of the bow, and the number of six or seven buckets is still the highest."

"A bow made from the snake bones of a first-level green anaconda has a bow strength of six fights. A bow made from a first-level green anaconda can be used for less than thirty bows. The remaining bow power is not enough and can only be used as a bow. Hunting bows. Except for the fourth-level green anaconda snake bones, all other suitable snake bones were used, and only more than 3,000 bone bows of more than six buckets were obtained. There were only 20 one-stone hard bows, more nine-fighting bows, 45 in total, and eight buckets of bows. More than 200 photos.”

"On the contrary, I got seven snake-bone bows at this level and two snake-bone bows at the second level. They all used advanced materials. The second-level bows even used advanced tiger sinews as strings. Although all nine bows are A badou bow has a farther range than a stone bow."

"This time, 300 six-fight bows, 500 seven-fight bows, 3,000 bow strings, and 30,000 archery, cone-shaped arrows, and armor-piercing arrows are sent here as standing bows and arrows in the army. Brothers have a good time training these soldiers. Wanzicheng recruit camp, Brothers also go to practice archery from time to time. It would be best if everyone can shoot."

With that said, Zhao Zhen took a second-order snake bone bow from Zhao Ji and handed it to Hua Rong: "Brother, how about you try this bow? It may be better than the slim gold magpie painting bow used by brother?"

Hua Rong stretched out his hand to take the bow, held it in his hand, stretched out his hand to try it, and took two more arrows. Just as a line of wild geese flew over, Hua Rong said, "Master, watch me shoot the last two wild geese."

After that, two arrows were shot out one after another, and the last two geese fell straight down.

Zhao Zhen urgently asked Zhao Ji to take people to search for it. Hua Rong took the snake bone bow in his hand and said, "Master, this bow is really good. My third-order clay-gold magpie-painted thin bow has the same bow power as this second-order snake bone bow." It’s like a bow, but much lighter.”

After a while, Zhao Ji and others retrieved the two wild geese that had fallen outside the camp.

Zhao Zhen saw the two wild geese shooting at the head of the wild goose and praised: "Brothers are amazing shooters, just like Li Guang's rebirth. It's a blessing for Liangshan to have brothers reunited!"

The search by Zhao Ji and others alarmed many people inside and outside the camp. When they saw the two wild geese shot down by Hua Rong, everyone praised them. All the villagers and soldiers in the town admired Hua Rong. From then on, Hua Rong was called "General of the Divine Arm".

A high platform has been set up on the school field. Zhao Zhen and other heroes took the stage. Nearly 400 people who signed up were standing under the stage. The other sergeants stood around to block the dealers who came to watch the competition from flooding into the archery range.

With the drawing of corners and the beating of drums, the noisy school grounds suddenly became quiet.

Zhao Zhen didn't say much and asked a few villagers with loud voices to shout loudly. The sergeants and villagers who signed up next, a team of 30 people, each received five arrows and shot them from a drum to a grass target 80 steps in front of each other.

In the past hour, there was a round of competition, and there were 17 people who hit all five arrows, and 14 people in armor, all of them were sergeants brought by Hua Rong. The three people dressed as hunters, the two older ones, are two brothers, the elder brother Qiao Bai and the younger brother Qiao Yang. The younger one is called Huabao.

Zhao Zhen saw it and smiled secretly: "In the first round, seventeen people with all five arrows were selected. How do you think the competition will proceed next?"

Everyone looked at Hua Rong and saw Hua Rong frowning and looking down without saying anything. Deng Fei said: "Master, the sharpshooters in the army must not only shoot accurately, but also shoot far. Why not push the target back 20 steps, in order, 100 steps, 120 steps, 140 steps, 160 steps, Set up the target at 180 steps, shoot at the grass target at 100 steps, and then shoot at the same five arrows. The one with the most hits wins."

Everyone nodded in agreement, and Zhao Zhen also said: "This is a good method. Please ask Brother Fu Yu to arrange straw targets. Brother Deng Fei will discuss the regulations with the seventeen sharpshooters below. If anyone wants to change their bows, I will bring eight bows this time." There are ten each of Dou, Jiu Dou, and One Stone Bow for them to choose from." With that, Zhao Ji followed Deng Fei down the stage to ask about the archer who won the preliminary round.

After a while, the archery target was set up, and the archer selected the bow and arrow to use. A trumpet sounded, and the second round of competition began, still with a drum.

All the archers on the field held their breath and concentrated, holding their bows and arrows, and shooting towards their respective targets.

As soon as the drums were played, the counting sergeant came forward to count, recorded them in a book, and sent them to the stage.

Zhao Zhen looked through the roster and saw that all 17 people hit the 100-step and 120-step targets, 11 people hit the 140-step target, five people hit the 160-step target, and three people hit the 180-step target.

After Zhao Zhen looked at it, he handed it to Sun An and Li Ying. After the two looked at it, Li Ying said: "I didn't expect that two of the three dealers hit the 180-step target."

Zhao Zhenrang called the seventeen archers on stage to come up in four columns.

Zhao Zhen first asked the three hunters: "Would you and the other three be willing to join the army as bow and arrow instructors? The salary is the same as that of the prison officer. If you teach bow and arrow with merit, you will be rewarded separately."

Orions Qiao Bai and Qiao Yang said in unison: "I would like to teach bow and arrow in the army."

Zhao Zhen looked at Hua Bao, who had his head lowered, and said deliberately: "What do you think, little brother?"

Orion, who called himself Hua Bao, was about to speak when Hua Rong beside him said, "No."

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Hua Rong scolded Hua Bao: "Little sister, how long are you going to keep fooling around?"

The young Orion raised his head and protested: "What's the nonsense? Didn't you say that the sergeants and bankers in the town can compete?"

Li Ying smiled and said: "It turns out to be General Hua's girl, no wonder she is so good at shooting."

Fu Yu also said: "It is true that there are no restrictions on men and women. Besides, it is not that there are no women in the army. My master Wu Sanniang, my wife [Yizhang Qing] Hu Sanniang, and the female cavalry under his command, all of them are not skilled in martial arts. The Hua family My sister’s shooting skills are very good in the military.”

Hua Rong had to say something more, so Zhao Zhen said quickly: "It's true that I didn't say it clearly. Sanniang, if my sister from the Hua family wants to join the army, how about going to Madam's place?"

Hu Sanniang understood and said: "What the officials said is that although female cavalry can use swords, they can't shoot arrows. It would be best if the Hua family's sister can come."

Hua Baoyan said excitedly: "I have also learned Chi Archery. Naturally, I am willing to go to Madame's army to teach archery."

Zhao Zhen said to Hua Rong: "Brother Hua Rong, this female knight doesn't have to join the army. She doesn't need to do anything, and she doesn't need to serve. She only does daily riding exercises. It's better to let her stay there. It's more convenient for her to be a woman." , She couldn’t stay at home and ran around.”

Hua Rong said helplessly: "Everything depends on the official's orders."

Then he said to Hua Baoyan: "If you join the women's cavalry team, if you mess around again and you get punished, don't cry."

Hua Baoyan said: "Who is making a fuss? I won this by shooting arrows."

Seeing that Hua Rong no longer objected, Zhao Zhen smiled and said: "Today's competition is the best among the seventeen of you. There is no need to compete again. Qiao Bai, Qiao Yang, and Hua Baoyan are the best archers and are tied for first place. I will reward you with a first-class snake bone bow. I only brought one today. You all follow me to Liangshan County to get the bow."

"The two tied for second place will be rewarded with ten taels of gold, the six tied for third place will be rewarded with five taels of gold, and the six behind will be rewarded with one tael of gold. They will all serve as archery instructors and receive an additional salary."

After hearing this, everyone thanked him in unison.

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