Lord: Start with a copy of Water Margin

Chapter 336: Wu Xuejiu returns with a full load, and the two Yuhous plan to escape

After Wu Yong finished speaking, he looked at Lin Chong and others and said, "There are still nearly fifty men in Shi Wei's group. We have to find a way to slowly separate them."

Shi Qian said: "Brother Duan Jingzhu and I rushed in front of him. We looked at him on the roadside to see if he could drive his troops to drive away the two of us."

Wu Yong shook his head: "If this is the case, wouldn't it be enough to frighten the enemy?"

Tang Bin said: "We will rush over and use our own methods to kill this group of people. It won't be a problem."

Gongsun Sheng said with a smile: "Here is a plan. Let me do it and call in a heavy rain to obscure the sight of this group. How about we take advantage of the chaos and rush into the cavalry?"

Luan Tingfang said: "If this is the case, nothing will happen."

Wu Yong also said: "Yes, please ask Mr. Gongsun to do something. Brother Lin Chong will be prepared and wait for heavy rain to rush over and fight."

At that moment, everyone speeded up and took a detour to the front of Shi Wei's group. Watching the men and horses coming from a distance, Gongsun Sheng immediately raised his sword, muttered something in his mouth, and shouted: "Quick!"

I saw clouds growing in all directions and fog rising in all directions. After a while, there was a strong wind and thunder in a radius of one mile. The rain was pouring down, and Shi Wei cursed: "It's bad luck, hurry up and go to the cave ahead to take shelter from the rain." After that, the cavalry accelerated.

Lin Chong raised his spear and leaped on his horse, shouted loudly, and rushed over first. All the heroes showed great power, wielded their swords and spears, and rushed to kill them. Just like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, no matter how the thirty or fifty people resisted, they dispersed like flowers and water.

All the heroes stepped forward together and killed Shi Wei and his party in fear. They could not distinguish the situation in the rain. During the chaotic battle, Tang Bin encountered [Poison Fire Dragon] Yang Lie. He picked up an ax and chopped it in half. The minion who was nearby saw him and shouted: "The leader is dead."

The minions were already timid at this shouting, but now they dared to stop wherever they could. They shouted and scattered, leaving less than half of the minions running away.

After a while, the rain passed and the clouds gathered, the harvest was counted, the horses were gathered, and more than thirty good horses were obtained, and no less than ten horses were obtained to carry the goods.

Wu Yong said with a smile: "Now we have achieved success. Brother Shi Qian and Brother Duan Jingzhu, you two have to say goodbye to your hard work and hurry up. The three tea stalls have been evacuated. Return to the county. I'll leave first." One step, the county will meet.”

After Shi Qian heard this, they each picked a war horse, beat the horse and left.

Wu Yong and other nine people also drove horses and loaded goods, and took a detour to Liangshanbo.

After Shi Wei and Deng Tianbao met, they saw that only seven or eight people followed them, and they looked at each other in silence.

Shi Wei cursed: "Damn, you really stole the chicken but lost the rice. I lost the birth date and even lost a brother."

Deng Tianbao said: "Brother, I don't know where the evil star came from, and the rain is also strange. It's better to leave quickly."

Shi Wei saw that all the minions on the left and right were frightened, with a cold face, without saying a word, he rode away to the north, not daring to say a harsh word, lest someone come out to kill him again.

Not only did the three groups disperse, but they only talked about picking rice at the restaurant. When everyone woke up, it was already the second watch. Lai Yong'er was afraid that he wouldn't be able to numb everyone, because he was fully drugged with sweat.

Yang Zhi struggled to get up, unable to stand on his own feet. Xie Du was in charge of the two Yu Hous, and they were quarreling and salivating. Two of the sergeants still alive in the room started to struggle. Yang Zhirang found water and poured it on Xie Duguan and the others.

Xie Duguan woke up and said bitterly: "What should I do? I regret not listening to Yang Tiha's words, so I sent him away today!"

The two Yuhous looked at each other without saying anything, and all the sergeants were dumbfounded.

Yang Zhi thought: The life of the Sa family is really hard. He was an envoy to escort Hua Shi Gang, but the ship in the custody of the Sa family was capsized by the wind. Now he has just been appreciated by his benefactor and made up for the lack of Tiha. He is about to make a fortune, but he has lost it again. The birthday outline. What to do?

Seeing that everyone looked lost, Yang Zhi couldn't help but scolded: "You two didn't listen to my words and stayed rashly. Now you have brought trouble to the Sa family. How can I go back to see my favor?"

Xie Du said: "Tiha, this is what it is now, and we need to find a way to remedy it. If Tiha has any opinions, you might as well speak up, and we will take action."

After hearing this, the two Yu Hous said: "Yes, yes. Today's work has been done. If Tiha has anything to say, let's discuss it together. After all, this place has the mark of Zhou Jin's fellow, so we can't blame it entirely." He didn’t know where to find the way, which is why I’m stuck here.”

Yang Zhi thought about it and said: The Sa family has issued a warrant to escort these twenty-one loads of gold and jewelery to Beijing for delivery at the Grand Master's Mansion. I have all the responsibility for this. Now that I have lost my birth date, I am afraid that I will never be able to get ahead again.

Thinking of this, Yang Zhiliu said lifelessly: "Just wait for dawn, go to our office to file a lawsuit first, and see if we can find any clues about the robbers. There are people in the village who know him later. If we can know Identity, catching the thief, recovering the property, Enxiang can reduce his guilt."

Kuang Li listened and said: "A few more people came in from behind. I seemed to hear that this group of people seemed to be from Qingzhou."

Another Yuhou Hougeng also said: "Yes, I am talking about guests from Qingzhou."

Yang Zhi sighed: "This can't be done accurately. Tomorrow, please ask the governor to bring someone to report. Kuang Li and Hou Geng, I and I will walk around to see if we can find some clues."

Xie Duguan blushed and said, "Tiha, I've been working hard all day and looking for something to eat. I feel sick in my stomach."

The two Yuhou ordered the sergeants to find some steamed buns, cooked chickens and rabbits in the back kitchen, heat them casually, and fill their bellies.

I searched the entire restaurant and couldn't find anything useful.

At the fifth watch, Xie Duguan took three or five sergeants to Nanluo County to report. Yang Zhi and others also scattered around to look around.

Around the hotel, we found several overturned grass nests, and we could tell at a glance that they were left by people lying on the ground. Yang Zhi's face looked ugly. Judging from the situation, he had been targeted for a long time.

Two Yuhous followed the ruts and found the burned corpse on the official road. Hou Geng frowned and said, "There won't be a fire merger here, right?"

Along the official road, horse hoof prints and ruts were scattered everywhere, as well as many blood stains and leftover traces of flying crossbow arrows. Looking at the itinerary of the convoy, it seems that it is still heading towards Shandong.

The two of them turned around and walked back. On the way, Kuang Li said: "Brother, I'm afraid that if you go back this time, you will be dismissed from your post, or you will be sent to the far evil military state. We should make plans in advance."

Hou Geng looked at the sergeant behind him and said: "The sergeant is greedy, so I can't be blamed entirely. The deputy Zhou who was exploring the road cannot be said to have no responsibility. That guy Yang Tiha also handed over a collar. Even if you don’t care, you won’t be able to do well.”

As he spoke, he lowered his voice and muttered: "Unless someone can take the blame, otherwise, one by one, my husband will definitely punish us."

Kuang Li also lowered his voice and said: "Unless I say thank you, please do something. He is an old man in the Xianggong's house. Only with his testimony can we escape the punishment."

Hou Geng said: "Humph, we can't shirk the responsibility. I'm afraid this old guy is worse off than the two of us. I'll chase him and tell Du Guan that he's awesome. I'm not afraid that he won't respond. Where is Yang Zhi, how about we deal with it for the time being?"

"How are these sergeants? Along the way, Yang Zhi always gave me some small favors, but I'm afraid they wouldn't agree." Kuang Li whispered.

"It doesn't matter. As long as we make it through to the boss, we will know the benefits when the time comes. I'm not afraid that they won't obey."

Kuang Li gritted his teeth and nodded fiercely.

After walking a hundred steps, Hou Geng said: "Brother will lead the troops back first, and I will check around the area, but there are still clues."

Kuang Li said: "Okay, brother, look far away, I'll wait in the hotel."

Hou Geng nodded, turned around and entered the woods beside the road, wandering around in search of Xie Du Guan.

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