Since Zhao Zhen and Liu Hui Niang returned home, Liu Guang's family went to take up their respective posts. Zhao Zhen checked the world log in Liu Hui Niang's room.

World log

Name: Liu Guang (hero, the incarnation of the Five Thunder Courtyard Envoy of Guangzong Leifu)

Nickname: None

Race: Human

Reputation: 150

Occupation: Military General

Secondary Occupation: Tyrant

Official Position: Former Defense Envoy of Yizhou East City, currently the Commander of Jingmen Town Camp in Liangshan County

Level: Level 3, Level 3 (Force 41, Command 40)

Attributes: Strength 44, Constitution 43, Agility 30, Spirit 28

Skills: Fighting Level 1 (Fighting skills, Constitution +1), Cavalry Level 2 (Horse Fighting, Constitution +2), Urging Taxes and Labor Service Level 2 (Using Taxes and Labor Service, Strength +2)

Commander Skills: Patrolling the City Level 3 (Patrolling the City, Calming People's Hearts, Morale +3), Guarding Level 2 (Guarding a Place, Morale +2)

Martial Arts: Sword (Minor Success, Sword-type Force +5, Fifty-four Postures Bagua Sword)

Equipment: Iron Sword (Level 2, Made of Iron, Sharp +3, Strong +2), Four-cornered Black Hammer Armor (Level 2, Armor Plates Like Small Hammers, Cross-patterned) Features: Protection +3, Strong +3

Mount: Black horse (first level)

The brothers Liu Qi and Liu Lin are also military generals. One is the reincarnation of General Wei Ling, the chief of the Nine Forts of Qiyang Leifu, and the other is the reincarnation of Xi Zhen, the water official of Yuanzong Leifu, and the exorcist of evil spirits. Their level is two levels higher than Liu Guang. Their martial arts are also higher than Liu Guang, and they are comparable to Lu Fang and Guo Sheng.

Liu Qi uses a three-pointed double-edged sword made of iron, a fine iron slingshot, rides a first-level yellow-maned horse, and also keeps a hunting horn eagle.

Liu Lin uses a pair of golden double maces made of wind-milled copper mixed with gold and a hook-and-sickle spear made of iron. His mount is a first-level silver-combined white horse. Unlike his brother Liu Qi who likes hunting, Liu Lin prefers to sail and fish.

The wives of the two, Zhuang Yun and Zhong Ling, are also from military families. Liu Qi's wife uses a goose feather knife, and Liu Lin's wife uses a pair of male and female swords, both of which are first-level.

Liu's mother and Mrs. Liu are also heroic soldiers, one is a layperson and the other is a tailor.

As for Liu Hui Niang, this was beyond Zhao Zhen's expectations.

World Log

Name: Liu Hui Niang (hero, nicknamed A Xiu, the reincarnation of Xiu Yuanjun, the innate mother of lightning, who drove away thunder and lightning, chased demons and investigated corruption.)

Nickname: Female Zhuge

Race: Human

Reputation: 50 (famous in Anle Village)

Main occupation: military advisor

Secondary occupation: craftsman

Official position: none

Level: 3rd level, level 1 (force 10, command 30)

Attributes: strength 21, constitution 20, agility 26, spirit 42

Skills: wisdom eye level 4 (distinguishing the smallest details in the dark, looking far from a high place, spirit +4), strong memory level 4 (photographic memory, spirit +4), planning level 3 (temple calculation, spirit +3), creation level 3 (mental intelligence, making tools, strength +3), divination level 2 (Taiyi Liuren technique, divination, spirit +2), looking at the air level 1 (avoiding danger and seeking good fortune, spirit +1).

Commander Skill: Deployment Level 1 (Morale +1)

Martial Arts: None

Weapons: Bamboo Fan

Props: Self-ringing Clock, Wooden Man, Wooden Donkey, Green Lion

Seeing Liu Huiniang's attributes, Zhao Zhen was shocked. Compared with Wu Yong and Zhu Wu, her strategies, tactics and battle formations were not inferior. She also had a craftsman profession, and the artifacts she made were unheard of.

Zhao Zhen asked Liu Huiniang, who was sitting quietly reading a book, "Madam, I heard that you made a lot of artifacts. Today, I have nothing to do, so why not take them out and have a look."

Liu Huiniang listened and pointed to an artifact on the table and said, "Sir, this is a self-ringing clock. It can be used for seven or eight days after it is fully wound." Then, she explained how the self-ringing clock keeps time. Each of the twelve hours corresponds to a zodiac sign. One circle of the long hand is one hour, and one circle of the short hand is one day and night.

Zhao Zhen looked at the self-ringing clock and said, "This self-ringing clock is indeed much more convenient than the copper kettle dripping clock. Is it troublesome to make it?"

"It's not very troublesome. Only the inner shaft and the mainspring need to be forged with fine iron, which must be tempered into steel. The forged iron materials are beaten into small strips of uniform thickness, which must be able to be rolled into a ball. I am thinking of making a few and sending them to all the sisters."

Zhao Zhen said, "Brother Tang Long of the county is the best at making ironware. The weapons of the heroes in the county are all made by him. The weapons of my father-in-law and my two brothers-in-law are also remade by Brother Tang Long these days. Madam, you can tell him your requirements, so that you can save time. For example, these carvings, I will tell him and let the county Bone carving workshops, jewelry shops, and woodworking workshops will help, and I will be responsible for the assembly. It won't cost you much, and it can be done. "

Liu Hui Niang heard this, and her eyes flashed with joy, and she said: "What you said is right. The twelve zodiac animals on this self-ringing clock were also made by the coppersmith I hired. It cost five strings of money and took half a month to make. If we can call on craftsmen, this clock can be made more exquisitely, and pavilions, platforms, towers, pavilions, towers, gourds, flower pots, etc. can all be made."

Zhao Zhen said: "After this self-ringing clock is made, I will take a few to the outside world to sell them. This thing is much more convenient than the copper kettle drip. However, this thing is not cheap, and ordinary people can't use it. Only rich people can use it, and it must be made gorgeous. "

"Official, what's so difficult about this? In addition to the shape that can be changed at will, the outer shell of this self-ringing bell can also be made of sandalwood, huanghuali wood and other precious woods, gold, silver and brass, and inlaid with various colored stones. The whole body is richly decorated. It’s grand. Driven by springs, chains, and tower wheels, it can not only tell the time, but also make tricks such as turning flowers, running people, rolling shutters, and water techniques.”

"Ma'am, just make some first. It would be great to give this thing away."

Liu Huiniang nodded repeatedly and urged: "Sir, I will draw the drawings right now and have the parts made in the workshop in a few days."

"It's not urgent. This one, the ringing bell, surprised me. I wonder what a wooden man, a wooden donkey, and a green lion are?"

"Official, these rooms are all transformed from Wuhou's wooden ox and horse. The wooden man can pound rice, and the wooden donkey can grind wheat. However, the shaft is not durable and will be worn out in half a month at most. Calculate carefully, manufacturing The labor and materials required for these wooden men and wooden donkeys are much more expensive than hiring people to pound rice and grind wheat. I have been reluctant to use these two items, so my parents asked me to bring them as a dowry. "

"There is another pair of blue lions, also made together, but this one is much more interesting."

After saying that, she asked the two maids and the two foster mothers to help her go to the side room and take out two large boxes. Liu Huiniang stepped forward to open a box and fiddled with it for a while. She saw one with its back reaching five feet high to the ground. A lion eight feet long from head to tail stood in the hall. I saw that the lion's head was carved from camphor tree, it had burnt stone eyes, ivory teeth, a tongue made of Red Lake crepe, and it was covered in a woolen sweater.

The green lion had a bunch of gold-plated copper bells the size of teacups on its neck, and there were many small copper bells on its body and feet. Liu Huiniang twisted the green lion's head and ears, and saw the lion leap out, shaking its head, wagging its tail, and showing its teeth and claws. Dance. As the lion moved, the copper bell on the green lion's body rang loudly.

Liu Huiniang patted the lion's neck, and the green lion stood still on all four legs. Liu Huiniang asked Zhao Zhen to support her, rode on the lion's back, twisted the lion's ears again, and then resumed its action. To advance or retreat, to go left or right, to run fast or slow, to go up or down, Liu Huiniang was playing with it on the lion.

After walking for a while, Liu Huiniang asked her foster mother to take out the red tongue from the lion's mouth. She flicked it somewhere, and fireworks spewed out of the lion's mouth.

After a demonstration, Liu Huiniang said: "My lord, this blue lion is fun to play, but it can't be fought. If you play with it every day, the crankshaft will be worn out in a month. It's usually a showman, and occasionally it can be used as a mount." . When the officer wants to learn, I will teach you how to ride."

Zhao Zhen felt itchy after reading it. After hearing this, he couldn't bear it anymore and immediately asked for advice.

This green lion is made of elm wood, and its belly is made of guanzi. There are a few incidents that make Zhao Zhen unable to understand for a while. This ride is simple. You can use the two ears on the top of the head to move in and out, twist left and right, and you can operate the blue lion to make various movements. Zhao Zhen listened to Liu Huiniang's explanation and learned it in a short time.

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