Lord: Start with a copy of Water Margin

Chapter 57 Completion of the Apprenticeship 1

Let’s say Zhao Zhen resigned from Hu Jiaoyu and sent the farmer back to the village on his own. He agreed to pick her up the next day and ride home on horseback.

Bai Zhi was still talking to her mother in the back hall. Er Niang had gone to the fish shop. Zhao Jin and Zhao Xiang were still waiting in the main hall. Seeing Zhao Zhen coming back, the two took Zhao Zhen to the yard, and the three of them started to fight.

At noon, after a simple meal, his mother Li E said, "Er Lang, Bai Xiao Niang has not visited the county town yet. Today you take her around."

Zhao Zhen thought he had nothing to do in the afternoon, so he nodded in agreement.

After a short break, the sun was slightly slanting, and Zhao Zhen took Bai Zhi out of the door. It was the slack season for farming, and there were many mansions on both sides of the street, with luxurious buildings and shops in front and houses in the back. There were carriages on the road, and people were flowing like a stream, galloping back and forth, and red and green danced. Gongs and drums were loud, silver bells were ringing, and merchants and hawkers along the road shouted to attract business.

The streets and alleys, restaurants and teahouses, famous wines and delicacies, and delicious snacks are dazzling. Bai Zhi pulled Zhao Zhen and lingered.

"Sir, this city is really lively. Compared with Yuncheng County, it is really different."

Zhao Zhen said: "This is only the county town. I heard that the county town is more than ten times more lively."

The two walked along the street. No matter what stalls, they always squeezed in to take a look. If they saw something they liked, they also bought a lot. Zhao Zhen did not bring anyone with him. He hired a porter on the street to carry the purchased items, from large silk and satin cloth to small hair flowers and earrings.

Before he knew it, night fell, the whole city was brightly lit, and the streets of the night market were crowded with people, and the sounds of hawking, talking, laughing, and playing were heard one after another.

The vendors also gathered at the night market, with exquisite handicrafts, sweet and delicious snacks, and all kinds of performances, dazzling and amazing.

Zhao Zhen felt that he was much stronger than Bai Zhi in terms of physical strength, but when he went shopping today, he found that he was far behind Bai Zhi in this aspect. He always wanted to find a teahouse to sit down and listen to a play, drink some tea and rest his feet, but Bai Zhi was the opposite of him, walking around with great energy.

It was almost midnight when he finished his trip today. The porter who followed him sent the groceries home. Zhao Zhen settled the wages, and the porter kept thanking him before leaving, thanking Zhao Zhen for inviting him to listen to several storytellings today.

When he returned home, Zhao Jin and others had already rested, and Zhao Zhen and his wife also washed and went to bed with the help of the maid.

The next day, Zhao Zhen got up early and practiced boxing and swords and guns with Zhao Jin and Zhao Xiang.

Since Zhao Zhen learned Ba Duan Jin, he was used to exercising his muscles and bones. Zhao Jin and Zhao Xiang saw Zhao Zhen's slow movements and shook their heads, not wanting to learn at all.

Instead, Li E saw it when she passed by and asked Zhao Zhen, "Erlang, what kind of boxing are you doing? It's so beautiful." She laughed, and Zhao Jin and Zhao Xiang also laughed when they heard it.

Zhao Zhen said, "Mother, this boxing is called Ba Duan Jin, and I learned it from Bai Zhi. Her family has been doctors for generations, and the ancestral boxing method for promoting blood circulation and fitness is passed down from generation to generation. Mother, you can practice it when you have nothing to do." Then he pulled Li E to teach her.

Li E said disdainfully, "It's better to let Bai Xiaoniang teach me. She is not as good as you."

Zhao Zhen said, "Mother, wait a moment, I will call Bai Zhi. After learning today, you can practice it all the time in the future to keep fit."

As he said that, Zhao Zhen hurried back to his room and called Bai Zhi to go back to the yard together.

When the two entered the yard, they saw not only Li E, but also the second mother Miao Ying, the eldest sister-in-law Zou Yulan, and the younger sister Zhao Tian were all wearing shorts and waiting in the yard. However, Li E saw that Zhao Zhen really wanted to teach him martial arts, so she called two people to accompany him. Zhao Tian thought it was fun and followed him.

Bai Zhi was not shy and taught generously. While doing the movements, she corrected several people and said, "Standing Eight-Section Brocade is a kind of health-preserving boxing. It looks colorful and beautiful from a distance, so it is called this name. The movements are stretching and have the effect of curing diseases and keeping fit. Long-term practice can promote blood circulation and prolong life."

Bai Zhi led the practice twice, and then asked several people to practice it by themselves. Zhao Zhen and the other two also finished the routine. Then everyone dispersed and each cleaned up a piece to have breakfast.

After dinner, Bai Zhi stayed at home to talk with her mother, and Zhao Zhen went to the county school to participate in the completion ceremony today.

After entering the county school, Zhao Zhen entered the school and saw Li Tianyou waving to him, and there were also Lu Zhuocheng, Guo Kaiwen, and Guo Kaiwu brothers beside him.

Zhao Zhen came over and just sat down, Li Tianyou said: "Come, Zhao Erlang, let me introduce you, Lu's Sanlang is a broker, you can find him when you come to the county to buy and sell in the future."

Lu Zhuocheng bowed and said: "Haha, I will need your help in the future."

Li Tianyou continued: "The Guo family brother is now a warrior, joined the army, and is now a sergeant." The two also bowed.

"If we talk about the one who is doing the best now, it is Zhao Erlang. He has become a manor owner and is now the head of a mile."

Zhao Zhen said, "Lucky, lucky." Everyone couldn't help but congratulate him. Lu Zhuocheng's eyes lit up and said, "Zhao Erlang, you must take care of my business in the future."

Zhao Zhen said, "Okay, I wonder what kind of business Lu Dalang is doing."

Lu Zhuocheng said, "I am just a small private agent now. My father is helping me to find an official agent position. I don't know if it will work. I am involved in mediating, introducing business, and hiring people. Brothers can come to me if they need anything."

Zhao Zhen heard it and said, "I do have something to trouble you. I have a batch of wheat to sell in my farm now. I wonder if you are interested?"

After hearing this, Lu Zhuocheng said: "Hey, I didn't expect to be able to make a deal today. There are people here who are asking to buy grain. They are all classmates. I am not lying. The price of grain is very high now. One stone of wheat is worth 2,200 Wen. The other party How does Zhao Erlang feel about paying commission?”

Zhao Zhen said: "It's fair. When will the deal be completed?"

Lu Zhuocheng said: "I can do it tomorrow."

Zhao Zhen gave the address immediately, and the two agreed to deliver the goods tomorrow.

Seeing that the business was done, several people started chatting happily, each talking about their recent awakening experiences. Li Tianyou was the most well-informed and wanted to talk about the matter of completing his career and becoming a teacher.

"I heard that someone discovered an ancient tomb. The monarch organized an army to explore and got a batch of Shattered Illusion World scrolls. Although it is not rare for big shots, it is a rare treasure for newcomers like me. My father I also heard the county magistrate mention it in a chat with someone. It is said that the monarch felt that our country, Gao, has not produced any outstanding talents in recent years, so he specially distributed them to various schools to encourage the underachievers and cultivate talents. "

After hearing this, Zhao Zhen couldn't help but ask: "Captain Li, do you know the contents of the scroll?"

Li Tianyou exclaimed strangely: "Who knows? I heard that the scrolls are all at the county magistrate's office and will be distributed today. Have you seen Hu Jiaoyu today?"

Everyone shook their heads, and Li Tianyou said: "There cannot be too many scrolls in Chengwu County. Hu Jiaoyu went to the county magistrate's office early today to fight for the scrolls."

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