Lord: Start with a copy of Water Margin

Chapter 6: A big tree branches out, a big branch branches out

Zhao Zhen returned to the manor and looked at the compiled books. Unfortunately, they were all newly copied books and there were no antiques.

Instructing Zhuang Ding to send it to the study, Zhao Zhen put the books on the bookshelf one by one. He picked up "Water Margin" and was about to put it on the bookshelf when a token fell out of the book.

Tiangang Disha Ling (treasure, engraved with "Walking for Heaven")

Effect 1: Consume 1 point of luck to randomly summon non-heroic characters in Water Margin, 1 time/10 days;

Effect 2: Spend 10 points to summon a demon-level character, once/month;

Effect 3: Spend 20 points to summon Tiangang-level characters, once/quarter;

Effect 4: The attraction to the character named Tiangang Disha increases and the loyalty increases.

The current luck value in the fantasy world is 4 points, but the summoning function can be turned on, but it will consume luck.

Luck has a certain influence on what happens in the fantasy world. In a fantasy world where luck is high, the probability of good events happening increases.

When Zhao Zhen was studying at the county school, Hu Jiaoyu once gave an example. When he awakened 30 years ago, the son of the governor of Fengcheng County used an ancient copper tripod to become a professional and a bronze warrior. Not only was he extremely powerful in combat, but the fantasy world was also A mine.

Not only does it produce copper ore and cassiterite, but it can also produce level 3 bronze soldiers.

The most important thing is that the initial luck in the fantasy world is as high as 500. In the first year, I had an adventure, and a level 6 treasure - a giant sword - landed in the mist.

Yes, it's called a giant sword, named after its shape.

This sword is forged from bronze alloy, is 21 meters long and weighs 3.8 tons.

Compared with other sixth-level treasures, the attributes of this treasure are as straightforward and simple as the name of the sword.

Attributes: 6 sword professionals can be transferred to sword professions every month.

At a huge cost, this sword was brought to the main world and placed in Fengcheng Square.

By auctioning the awakening quota every month, you can get a lot of wealth.

It also created Fengcheng where there are many swordsmen today, and everyone holds a sword.

Today Fengcheng is known as "Jianyi" and "Jiancheng".

After extensive summarization, the ways to increase luck are probably through population, area, heroes, arms, treasures, special products, etc.

For example, if the population reaches 500, the luck will be +1. The luck in this way is fixed.

Other paths are not fixed. For example, heroes and units, as professionals, have different strengths and will inevitably bring about different changes in luck.

If the luck is too low, the fantasy world will have constant misfortunes, and natural and man-made disasters will break out from time to time. If the fantasy world wants to develop, it will inevitably lead to half the effort with half the effort.

Qi can be used for many purposes. It can strengthen the attributes of items and create treasures. The most important thing is that it can eliminate fog and increase the area of ​​​​the fantasy world.

The fantasy world is like a small island, surrounded by fog. Through the fog, you can reach other realms. No one knows how big the fantasy world is.

Few people can encounter other people's fantasy world. People in the fantasy world believe that people like Zhao Zhen come from the upper world and will maintain the necessary respect, but it is not unlimited. If they are treated too harshly, they will inevitably Will resist.

Xixi Village is affiliated to Yuncheng County and requires a three-day journey through the fog. Although it is affiliated, it has a high degree of autonomy. As long as the county tax is met, no one will care.

In Xixi Village, Zhao Zhen can be said to be like a local emperor.

The fog is a natural barrier. If a large group of people travel through the fog, they may lose everything if they encounter natural or man-made disasters in the fog.

Xixi Village currently has settlements that communicate with the outside world. One is Dongxi Village, which is across the river and can be accessed by boat.

The second is Yuncheng County. After many trips, a relatively flat thorny path was discovered.

Guanghui and his party went to the county town along this road.

Let's say that it was noon when Zhao Zhen had arranged the affairs of the fantasy world and returned to the real world.

Not only the father Zhao Jin and brother Zhao Xiang are still at the manor, but also the mother Li E, the second mother Miao Ying, the eldest sister-in-law Zou Yulan, and the sister Zhao Huang are all at the manor.

"Erlang, how is the fantasy world? Why did you stay so long? What problems did the fantasy world encounter?" asked his mother Li E.

"Mom, there is no need to worry. There is nothing wrong in the fantasy world, and the problems have been solved. The first thing I came back from this time is to report to my parents, brothers and sisters that I am safe, and the second thing is to search for some special products, seeds, and spiritual objects to enrich my personal fantasy world."

Zhao Jin was overjoyed, "So your fantasy world is a settlement, good, good, good..."

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard it.

There are people living in the fantasy world at the beginning, which means that the personal fantasy world has great potential for development. Even if there is no work in the real world, one can still have enough food and clothing by running the fantasy world.

The whole afternoon was spent in a happy atmosphere. Everyone was still in high spirits until dinner.

Ordinary people in the fantasy world cannot enter the main world, but soldiers and heroes can.

If you lead soldiers to join the army, according to the number of soldiers and their strength, you can be assigned positions when you first enter the military camp.

The current leader of the world is the Emperor of Zhou. The emperor's surname is Ji, and he is the son of Zhou Communist King Ji Huhu. He is the seventeenth monarch of the Zhou Dynasty.

Since King Wu conquered Zhou, it lasted for thousands of years. There were many princes, big and small, and they attacked each other, but generally they remained stable.

Chengwu County, where Zhao Zhen is located, is where the capital of the State of Gao is located. It borders the State of Cao to the west and the State of Lu to the east. They are both countries of brothers.

There was Gao Shishuo and his father Ding suppressing the national destiny.

In addition to paying tribute to the Emperor of Zhou every year, the State of Gao also had to send troops to participate in the war against Dongyi. Youqiong, Han, Youge, Zuguan, Youyong, etc. are the main forces invading the mist and fantasy world.

Due to the irregular invasion of the fantasy world and the occasional border disputes with neighboring countries, all the vassal states are diligently repairing their armor. Professionals, especially those with war professions, needless to say the benefits once they enter public service. Those who can command the troops and join the army will be greatly rewarded.

There have been constant frictions between the Gao State and the Song State in recent years. Although the Gao State is not as powerful as the Song State, it is not in danger of annihilation. Firstly, the Emperor of Zhou restrains it, and secondly, the two brotherly states of Cao State and Lu State help.

In Zhao Zhen's personal fantasy world, currently only Guanghui can enter the main world. However, entering the main world requires consuming luck, and returning to the fantasy world also requires consuming luck. There are charges in both directions.

At present, Zhao Zhen's personal fantasy world cannot support such consumption. Moreover, the Fantasy World is now undergoing vigorous development, and Guanghui’s current role in the Fantasy World is irreplaceable.

Another point is that entering the main world is a great gift for people in the fantasy world. The lifespan will be the same as that of professionals in the main world, increasing as the level increases.

For example, although Guanghui is a hero in the fantasy world, his lifespan is no different from that of ordinary people. Once you enter the main world, your life span can reach 450 years. If you reach the fourth level, your life span will be 450 years.

As long as you have been to the main world, your lifespan will increase even if you live in the fantasy world in the future. However, you still need to return to the main world once after advancing.

The next day, after breakfast, Zhao Jin said: "Dalang, Erlang, Youdao is a big branch of the tree, and the family is divided into big branches. According to the laws of the Dazhou Dynasty, if there are brothers in the family who are over twenty or brothers are in the same profession, they need to divide their households. In addition, heavy taxes will be imposed on those who violate the rules. In the past few days, Erlang will go to the Yamen to register information and also register the household division. "

Zhao Jin waved his hand and interrupted brothers Zhao Xiang and Zhao Zhen who were about to speak.

"Erlang Huanshi has great potential, and he is also the owner of the manor. His future income is guaranteed. Dalang is just a corps leader, Huanshi has no output, and his income is limited. Yesterday, I discussed it with your mother and Erniang. Dalang and his wife are in the county seat. If you have a job, stay with us and inherit the family business in the future."

"Tantan is still young and will get married in the future; Erlang lives alone in a separate household, so his life is guaranteed."

"The family's wealth is nothing more than this Zhuangzi and the shops in the city. Zhuangzi produces about 2,000 shi of rice a year, and the price of rice is 2,000 shi. Excluding consumption and labor expenses, the annual output is about 500 shi. The property here belongs to Erlang ”

"The shop produces about two thousand guans a year, and there are 9 swordsmen. Two swordsmen are allocated to Erlang to develop the fantasy world. The rest, together with the shop in the city, will be passed down to Dalang as a family business. Other artifacts will not be subdivided. , the property will be owned by each other, and 300 taels of gold will be taken from the bank as the capital for the family to support Erlang in developing the fantasy world."

After Zhao Jin finished speaking, he motioned to his mother Li E to take out the document and asked Zhao Xiang and Zhao Zhen to sign and fingerprint it.

"When we return to the city in the afternoon, we will send a copy of the document to the county government office for filing. Erlang will also go to the county government office to register professional information."

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