Everyone also laughed. At the table, everyone talked about guns and sticks. Seeing that Du Qian and Song Wan were of average stature, Ruan Xiaowu shouted: "Brother Du Qian, you are just like the new brother Song Wan." Tall and tall, I wonder which one of you is taller?"

The two of them stood up without any hesitation, and walked to one place. Everyone looked at him. Song Wang was taller. Zhao Zhen said, "Both brothers are of rare tall stature. They are truly fierce generals."

For a while, they couldn't find the wooden stile, so they asked the villagers to find a string. The two villagers cooperated, one of them pulled the end of the rope to the ground, and the other stood on a stool with the rope at the top of his head. After measuring everything, I took out a small ruler and measured it against the rope. Go to Qianhui and report: "Master, the measurements are done. Du Qiandu is nine feet and one inch tall, and Song Wanzhuang is nine feet and five inches tall."

After everyone heard this, they all praised them as really strong men.

Everyone drank until midnight and then dispersed. Du Qian fell in love with Song Wan, and after the banquet, he took Song Wan to his place to rest.

The next day, Zhao Zhen practiced with his fellow soldiers in the school field. During the break, he chatted with the soldiers and asked them some family gossip. Seeing that many of the soldiers were unmarried and had children, he said jokingly: "Just wait for me in the next few days." Now that I have some free time, organize a blind date party so that all the men can marry a lovely wife." A soldier with a background of Zhuang Ding made a loud noise, and everyone laughed before they dispersed and went to their duties and drills.

Zhao Zhen took Song Wan and packed up with Ruan Xiaowu and went down the mountain. Zhao Zhen first sent the catch to the main world and brought back a cat and a book of "Cat Phrase".

Zhao Zhen was going back to Xixi Village today and had no intention of staying in the main world. When he returned to the fantasy world, Ruan Xiaowu saw the cat that Zhao Zhen was holding and said, "Does the village owner want to raise cats? I also have two cats on my boat. They are very long." He is so strong and healthy, not as fat as the one in the owner's arms."

Zhao Zhen listened and said with a smile: "I never thought that the fifth brother is also a cat lover."

Ruan Xiaowu said with a smile: "Master, that's not the case. I have heard a storyteller in the county say, 'rats are good at harming seedlings, but cats can catch rats and remove the harm to seedlings, so the word cat comes from Miao. 'The purpose of keeping cats on board is to catch rats. The rats are good at chewing through the wooden boards and causing great damage to the ship.'

Zhao Zhen frowned and said, "Are there many rats on the ship?"

Ruan Xiaowu said: "Nowadays, there is no food stored on the ship, and the cabins are mostly empty, so there are no mice. Cats are also kept as a precaution."

With that said, he called out two cats and brought them to Zhao Zhen. Zhao Zhen looked and saw a white cat with black patches on its back and a brown cat with thin stripes on its back.

Zhao Zhen looked at the round lump in his arms again.

Zhao Zhen thought of what Tian Lei said to him, "Baozheng, this is the alien species that Lu Sanlang found. He said it was said by the owner of the village. The asking price is 20 strings and a pound of salt. He said he hired it from a down-and-out family. Let's buy it together." Also coming was this book of "Looking at Cats". I took away two boxwood pen holder carvings and wrote down two addresses to deliver two Arhat beds. Seeing that he was leaving in a hurry, I settled with him. "

Zhao Zhen asked: "A pound of salt is only 60 yuan. Why do you want this?"

Tian Lei said: "The village owner doesn't know that this gift for hiring a cat also comes with a letter of appointment. Lu Sanlang did it on his behalf. He took a chopstick from the owner's house, wrapped it in salt to welcome the little raccoon slave, and guarded the mountain house with thousands of books." "It's the gift for hiring a cat. Tea, sugar, sesame seeds, etc. are also used as gifts. If you hire a wild cat, you need to give a big cat or a small fish." Seeing that Zhao Zhen had never raised a cat, Tian Lei explained. After a while.

Now that he had returned to the fantasy world and saw these cats, Zhao Zhen took out the "Cat Appearance Book" and said, "Brother Five, just for comparison, what are the names of your two cats." He started to flip through the book.

While looking through it, he murmured: "This white cat has a black patch on its back, which is called... found, general's seal. Hahaha, little five brothers, this has a good meaning."

Ruan Xiaowu also grinned after hearing this and asked: "Master, does this brown tabby cat say anything?"

Zhao Zhen said: "Don't worry, I'll look for it again." After looking through it again, Zhao Zhen said: "The color of this coat is not recorded in the book. It seems to be a raccoon cat."

Ruan Xiaowu didn't care and asked: "Master of the village, do you have anything to say about the ball in your arms?"

Zhao Zhen said: "He is covered in snow-white, and his name is Chi Yuxiao Feilian."

Song Wan, who was standing aside, said: "Master, this cat is too fat, but it catches a lot of mice, does it make it fat?"

Zhao Zhen smiled bitterly and said, "Don't mention it. This cat is called a lion cat. It is only for playing with and cannot catch mice. Just like the Xuelihong I brought back last time, it has a silver-like wax spear head."

Zhao Zhen was not stingy and immediately consumed 1 point of luck.

world log

Lion cat (Linqing exotic lion cat, white in color, long-haired, large in size, with different eyes)

Race: Cat

Level: Level 1

Attributes: Strength 5, Constitution 5, Agility 5, Spirit 15

Skill: Gathering Wealth (Born as a cat, cannot catch mice, eats well and sleeps, cannot be raised by non-rich people, wealth +1)

Zhao Zhen held the lion cat in both hands and looked at it again. As expected, his eyes became more alert. Zhao Zhen said, "How about you call me Xiaobai from now on?" The lion cat made a disgusted cry, making everyone laugh.

When they arrived at the dock, everyone returned to the village together, leaving Zhao Ji responsible for taking care of the four-tailed carp and taking people to transport it back to the pond in the front yard of the village. First, he went to Dongyao to settle Song Wan, and then he put the lion cat in the Angelica room in the backyard. The cat became aware of it, jumped onto the bed, and its chubby body collapsed into a big cake.

As soon as Zhao Zhen changed his clothes, Zhao Yuanli sent a boy to bring a basin of fine sand. Zhao Zhen brought it back to the house, inserted the chopsticks of his old master into the basin, pointed to the wooden basin filled with sand and said to the lion cat: "Xiao Bai, this is This is your toilet. It will be convenient here in the future." Lion Cat responded, and Zhao Zhen opened the door and went out.

Arriving at the East Garden, Guang Hui, Chao Gai, Ruan Xiaowu, and Song Wan were enjoying the shade under the willow trees in the courtyard. More than twenty shirtless villagers in the courtyard were practicing sticks.

Zhao Zhen also walked to Liu Yinli, brought a chair, and the five of them chatted. After a drink last night, Zhao Zhen and Song Wan became familiar with each other. Zhao Zhen no longer avoided taboos and asked: "Brother Song Wan, How do you want to come to Luocao?”

Song Wandao: "The owner of the village doesn't know that because I am tall, I am often hungry, and I eat and drink twice as much as ordinary people. I am not good at management. I really can't make ends meet. I sold off all my property and worked as a servant. I went to firewood a few days ago. I heard someone say that brothers Wang Lun and Du Qian came to Luocao here. I thought about it, and the official from Yangchai wrote a letter of recommendation, resigned from the official from Chai, and went all the way south to find him. "

Guang Hui said: "Why don't you join the army?"

Song Wan sighed and said: "I have thought about it, but I don't recruit the Imperial Army. When I go to the Xiang Army, I only give servants to high-ranking officials. Not to mention there is not much food, and I have to be restrained. Therefore, I have never surrendered to the army."

Zhao Zhen asked: "Where did Brother Song Wan's martial arts come from?"

Song Wandao said: "My family originally had a small amount of money. We hired famous teachers to teach us when we were young, and we learned how to use the Sha family's spear eighteen times. It's a pity that my strength prevented me from taking advantage of my marksmanship, so I replaced the bamboo spear with an iron spear." , This way is a bit easy to master, but there are many moves that are useless. "

At that moment, Zhao Zhenrang brought the bamboo spear and asked Song Wan to demonstrate it. Song Wan was not timid and demonstrated with the bamboo spear and iron spear respectively. Zhao Zhen has now learned a lot of spear and stick martial arts, and he also sees that Song Wanchun relies solely on strength to win, and the flexibility of the long pole is like a burden to Song Wan.

After the demonstration, Song Wan cupped his hands and said, "Brothers, this is a joke."

Zhao Zhen said: "Master Guanghui, brother Chao Gai, what do you think?"

Chao Gai also said: "In my opinion, if the iron gun is replaced, although it is less subtle, it is more powerful."

Guang Hui frowned and said: "Yes, this style of marksmanship is indeed incompatible with the Song Wan brothers. The Tan family gun trained by Zhuang Zhuang, with its hard horse and hard bridge, is more suitable for the Song Wan brothers."

Zhao Zhen said: "Brother Song Wan, my Tan family gun evolved from the Liuhe gun. It is just the most exquisite moves but has not been learned. How about exchanging marksmanship with my brother?"

Song Wandao: "Whatever the owner of the village says, the owner of the village should learn from it, just learn it."

At the moment, the two of them were holding iron spears. Zhao Zhen first taught Song Wan the Tan family spear, and then the bamboo spear. Song Wan also taught Zhao Zhen the Sha family pole. The two of them stayed until dusk, when Zhao Zhen greeted everyone to sit down.

As usual, a braised carp made by a four-tailed carp was served to Song Wan, and Song Wan thanked him again.

world log

Song Wan takes effect, luck +2.

Everyone drank and dispersed at midnight. From then on, Song Wan stayed in the village and became a spear and stick instructor. In addition to leading the local soldiers to practice every day, he also competed with many heroes in martial arts. Song Wan combined with the Tan family's spear, and his marksmanship also improved a lot. He competed every day. , although his skills are not as good as others, his martial arts are getting better day by day. This is another story.

That night, Zhao Zhen went back to his room to rest. When he opened the door and went in, he saw Bai Zhi holding the cat and waiting in the room. Zhao Zhen said, "Madam, it's too late at night. You don't need to wait. You can just rest."

Bai Zhi stood up and said, "My lord, I'm not sleepy." She yawned as she spoke. Zhao Zhen pinched Bai Zhi's nose and said, "I'm still not sleepy." Bai Zhi helped Zhao Zhen wash up, and then the two fell asleep hugging each other.

The next morning, Zhao Zhen got up early. He had agreed with Zhao Yuanli yesterday that he would visit various shops today.

Zhao Zhen practiced martial arts and then went to the front hall, but Zhao Yuanli was nowhere to be seen. After waiting for a while, Zhao Yuanli still hadn't arrived.

Zhao Zhen lifted his legs and stepped out of the door, planning to go and see by himself. As soon as he walked out of the gate, he saw Zhao Yuanli standing in the shade of a tree outside, talking to a big man. Zhao Zhen had never seen this man before. He had a round head, big ears, a straight nose, a square mouth, beautiful eyebrows, sparse eyes, and a waist. Thin arms and broad shoulders.

When he saw Zhao Zhen, Zhao Yuanli led the big man to come closer. When he saw that the big man had thrown away his gun, he fell to the ground. Zhao Zhen hurriedly supported Da Li and asked: "What is your surname?" The man said: "My surname is Yang, my name is Lin, my ancestral home is from Zhangde Prefecture, and I usually live in the green forests. I am called this by everyone in the world." 'Jinbaozi' Yang Lin. Today I heard that the township chief is looking for talents, so I hope that the village owner will not give up and support his younger brother."

Zhao Zhen said: "Brother, I'm very welcome to vote." With that, he welcomed Yang Lin into the village.

world log

Name: Yang Lin (Hero, Ying Di Dark Star)

Nickname: Jinbaozi (gorgeous and good-looking, thin waist and broad arms)

Race: Human race

Reputation: 30 (wandering in rivers and lakes, with no fixed abode)

Occupation: Ranger

Sub-career: None

Level: Level 3 and Level 4 (Force 42, Commander 12)

Attributes: Strength 32, Constitution 33, Agility 45, Spirit 15

Skills: Lucky General level 3 (turn danger into safety, strength +3), sneak attack level 2 (take advantage of others unprepared, agility +2), sentinel detective level 1 (detection, agility +1)

Commander skill: Charge level 1 (lead the troops, morale +1)

Martial arts: Pen barrel gun (proficient, use of gun type weapon +4 force, Liuhe gun) Crossbow arrow (proficient, use of crossbow type weapon force +3), broadsword (proficient, use of knife type weapon force +3. Liuhe sword)

Equipment: Iron Pen Gun (Wu Bei Zong Yao: "A recent border official presented the Taining Pen Gun, which has a small iron plate several inches below the blade, and has a blade. If you want to stab, people can't grab it. It looks like a pen, so it's called sharp +1)

Monthly salary: 10 strings of cash

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