"2,500 copper coins for a grain heavy box, seconds!"

"3,000 copper coins for a grain heavy box, seconds!"


With Xu Mo's repeated attempts, in the end, the price of a grain weight box was set at the price of 5,000 copper coins.

That's already five times the average selling price of the same basic resources such as wood, stone and iron ore.

But it can still be sold quickly.

Although it is not robbed by a second like before.

But it doesn't take ten seconds to sell out.

"Just price 5,000 copper coins!"

After deciding, Xu Mo packed 50,000 units of more than 50,000 grain in his warehouse.

All are listed on the trading channel at once.

After setting up a grain box of 5,000 copper coins, he quietly waited for all his grain to be sold

If all this grain is sold, he will get 2.5 million copper coins!

Together with the remaining 1 million copper coins on hand, it was enough for him to buy all the wood, stone and iron ore needed to upgrade the craftsman's workshop!

And his operation of putting 500 grain heavy boxes on the shelves once again detonated the market.

【World Channel】

"Look, someone on the trading market suddenly put 500 grain heavy boxes on the shelves at once!"

"Oh my God, 500 grain heavy boxes, this is 50,000 units of grain, which big guy is it?"

"The people on the shelves ... Xu Mo, it's Xu Mo's big guy!

However, this 5,000 copper coins are a grain heavy box, which is also too expensive! "

"Profiteers! Definitely a profiteer! 5000 a grain heavy box, who loves to buy who buys, I will definitely not ... Groove! How is it gone!

Which dog day sold all these grain boxes, I was just joking! "

"Father Emperor, Father Emperor is you? I am your long-lost son, please ask my father for something to eat!" "

"Guy Xu Mo, is there still food? Let's put some more food on the shelves.

My county seat is in the Gobi, I can't see a single grain, and now my soldiers have been hungry for three meals.

If I don't give me something to eat, I feel like they're going to give me a quack! "

"Hehe, Xu Mo big guy reward some food, I can warm the big guy's bed."

"Vozh! You bitch with a middle-aged uncle's face, hurry up, don't fucking disgusting person! "


The world channel was directly exploded by Xu Mo when he put 500 grain heavy boxes on the shelves.

But Xu Mo's attention was all on the constantly sounding trading prompts.

And was attracted by a trading tip.

"This big hand called Qin Mengyao actually bought 100 grain heavy boxes at once.

This is 500,000 copper coins, and if you can get so many copper coins, it seems that the other party is also a powerful master! "

It was precisely because I was prompted that I had sold 100 grain heavy boxes at once.

Xu Mo paid special attention to this lord who had purchased his own 100 grain heavy boxes at one time.

After seeing her name and avatar, it turned out that this was a female lord with excellent appearance.

It also made him a little amazed.

After all his grain and heavy boxes were sold, Xu Mo planned to use three million copper coins to buy all the resources needed for the next upgrade of the craftsmanship.

But at this time, a friend application made him raise his eyebrows.

[Qin Mengyao, the lord of Qu County, asked to add friends, did he agree? ] 】

Perhaps he had just made a large transaction with Xu Mo, and this time the friend application prompt was particularly conspicuous.


This time, Xu Mo did not refuse.

He also wanted to know about this lord who was able to come out with 500,000 copper coins in less than two days after coming to this world.

On the other side, under a majestic stone mountain, stands a small city called Qu County.

The entire corner of the stone mountain has been discarded and the vegetation covering it has been removed.

Below, thousands of farmers armed with pickaxes and shovels are constantly smashing hard boulders.

Huge stones are smashed into large and small stones and transported to the nearby town.

On the wall of the small city, a young girl with a delicate figure and beautiful posture stood on the city tower, quietly staring ahead.

At her side, there were also twenty soldiers armed with long swords to protect her.

"Guy Xu Mo passed!"

Watch your friend request get approved.

The beautiful big eyes lit up and said in surprise.

Immediately, he took the lead in sending a message to Xu Mo.

[Qin Mengyao: Boss Xu Mo, hello! ] 】

[Xu Mo: Hello, what's the matter?] 】

[Qin Mengyao: Ahem, it's like this, I just saw Xu Mo put 500 grain heavy boxes on the shelves, I think you should have a lot of grain, I want to buy some more grain from you. ]

But my surplus stone has not yet been sold, so I thought about adding your friends to see if I could order some grain first, and then buy food from you after my stone is sold. 】

[Xu Mo: So, so much of your copper money is obtained by selling stone? 】

[Qin Mengyao: Uh-huh, the big guy is smart! ] I sold a lot of stone in a day and a half, and most of the copper money was obtained by selling stone. 】

After seeing Qin Mengyao's words, Xu Mo was also surprised.

Originally thought that the 500,000 copper coins taken out by the other party would be the same as himself, killing wild monsters and bandits, and completing some difficult tasks to get rewards.

But I didn't expect that the other party actually obtained 500,000 copper money by reselling stones.

Doesn't this mean that she sold 50,000 units of stone in a day and a half!

That's no small amount.

Rao was the one who occupied many quarries and destroyed the Qingfeng Village, and the stone he obtained was only a little over 30,000.

This Qin Mengyao was actually stronger than him, which made him a little curious.

[Xu Mo: My current grain is almost the same, but if I hoard grain again, I can sell it to you first. 】

[Qin Mengyao: Uh-huh, then thank you so much for Xu Mo! ] 】

[Xu Mo: Ahem, don't call me the big guy, just call me Xu Mo, by the way, it's convenient to ask, where do you get these stones? ] 】

After sending this message, Qin Mengyao in Xu Mo's dialog box was also silent for a while, and did not send another message.

Just when Xu Mo thought that she might not be willing to disclose the news, in the chat box, Qin Mengyao sent a message.

[Qin Mengyao: Actually, it's no secret, my luck is better, the territory is near a large, abandoned quarry.

On the condition of providing food, I recruited some people in the county town and nearby displaced people to form a mining team of nearly 2,000 people to mine the stone of this abandoned quarry for me.

This is the ability to have so many stones for sale. 】


Seeing the message sent by Qin Mengyao, Xu Mo fell silent directly.

This Nizi's territory actually has such a large abandoned quarry, which is also very lucky.

She hired so many people and displaced people to mine stone.

If you add the 1,000 militiamen she recruited, then nearly 3,000 people need to be fed.

To supply so many people, it takes 300 units a day to consume food, no wonder there is such a lack of food.

ps: There are some urgent matters to deal with today, the update on the 16th is owed, and it will be made up tomorrow

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