"Lord Wang, the strength of this Jiang City seems to be good!"

At this time, the bandit coalition army of Lianyun Eighteen Village also arrived at a location less than two miles outside Jiangcheng.

Zhu Qiao looked at Zhao Yun, Li Xiuning and Bai Qi rushed back to Jiangcheng with the centaurs one after another.

His face was also not as relaxed as before.

Because he found that the three troops who had just entered the city, although the number was not large, the temperament on each of them was far from being comparable to those bandits under him.

Apparently, these are well-trained troops!

And most importantly, the walls of Jiang City were upgraded to level 5 by Xu Mo.

It is already more than 20 meters high, high and thick.

This is completely different from the shabby small counties they remember.

Needless to say, Wang Guan also discovered this at this moment.

"I didn't expect that there was such an elite force in this small Jiangcheng.

It seems that the county order of this Jiangcheng is also a figure.

However, after all, it is only a small county seat.

Even if you have some skills, it is absolutely impossible to resist the 400,000 army on our side!

You arrange for someone to come forward and call for the formation, and let Najiangcheng County Ling go out to meet me and wait.

As long as it is used for us, we can save him a dog's life.

Otherwise, we will let him Jiangcheng County have no place to die!" "

Even though Jiang Cheng surprised him now, he still didn't put it in his eyes.

He also thought the same as the owners of the seventeen cottages around him.

Their faces were equally marked with disdain and contempt.

There are so many powerhouses in the Yuan Realm on his side, and there are 400,000 troops, which is not at all something that a small county town can resist!

"I'll arrange it!"

When Zhu Wei heard this, he also smiled, and then arranged for a congenital peak bandit from his Qingyun cottage to rush to the front of the team on a war horse.

Run directly towards Jiangcheng City.

Looking at a bandit who rushed out of the army with a congenital peak, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he stretched out his hand to signal the surrounding Yulin Army to stand still.

He wanted to see what the other party was trying to do.

"Listen to the county order of Jiangcheng, we are the joint army of the Lianyun Mountain Range, and those who know each other will quickly open the city gate and go out of the city to kneel and greet us!"

Otherwise, our army of 400,000 will surely break through your Jiang City and slaughter the entire city!" "

The congenital peak bandit rushed to the bottom of the city wall, and when he was about fifty meters away from the Jiangcheng city wall, he shouted luck.

The loud voice fell into the ears of every soldier on the Jiangcheng city wall.

Hearing his words, Bai Qi, who originally wanted to see what this guy wanted to do, turned cold.

Murderous in the eyes.

"Ignorant bandits, dare to insult the lord, be damned!"

"Bow come!"

With a cold snort, a Yulin Army guard beside him immediately handed over the strong bow in his hand.

Took this strong bow.

Bai Qi directly bent the bow and took the arrow, and the strong bow of two thousand pounds of huge force was directly pulled into a full moon by him.

The powerful aura in the body was attached to the arrow.

The next moment, the arrow shot towards the innate peak bandit below with a cold light.

The speed was as fast as lightning, and a sharp whistling sound cut through the air.

Under the city, the bandit who was at the peak of the innate had just finished shouting, with a smug and proud look on his face.

In this way, he quietly waited for the people in Jiang City to open the city gate and kneel to greet him.

In his opinion, the power on his side occupies an absolute advantage.

There is no fear at all that the other party dares to resist.

However, his pride turned into horror the next moment.

Not long after his words fell, he felt a suffocating crisis hit him.

"Not good!"

Out of instinct, he immediately activated the innate true qi in his body, drew his chopping knife and blocked in front of him.


However, he had just drawn his weapon, future and resist.

The arrow that Bai Qi shot directly pierced his chest.

After penetrating the body, the arrow landed on the ground behind him, and the entire arrow was submerged into the ground.

At the same time that the arrow pierced through the chest of this innate peak bandit, the aura attached to it also exploded directly in his body.

Crazy destroying everything in his body.

Quickly wear out his vitality.

"This... This is the spirit... Reiki, how is it possible! "

Only then did this innate peak bandit feel the terrifying power of this arrow.

After muttering incredulously.

He only felt that his head was getting heavier and heavier, and finally he fell to the ground from his horse and lost his life.


After seeing this scene, the army of 400,000 bandits couldn't help but widen their eyes and exclaimed.

Behind him, Zhu Feng and other powerhouses of the Yuan Realm could also see clearly.

When he saw an arrow shot out from the direction of Jiangcheng, he easily took the life of a congenital peak powerhouse.

They, like all the bandits, widened their eyes in horror.

Being able to take away a congenital peak powerhouse with one arrow so easily, the strength of this person who shot is definitely a powerhouse in the Yuan Realm!

And it's not an ordinary Guiyuan Realm!

For a time, Zhu Qi, Wang Guan, and other powerhouses who returned to the Yuan Realm all looked in the direction where this arrow was shot.

I saw Bai Qi standing on the city wall and slowly returning the longbow in his hand to the guards beside him.

And Bai Qi seemed to feel their gaze at this time.

Not to be outdone, he swept towards them with icy eyes.

Swept away by Bai Qi's eyes, whether it was Zhu Qi, or Wang Guan, they felt that they were being targeted by a fierce beast.

My heart couldn't help but tighten.

This is definitely a top master! Not weaker than the masters who have to return to the peak of the Yuan Realm!

"When did such a strong person appear in this small river city!"

Feeling the oppression brought by Bai Qi's glance, Wang Chen's face became complicated.

Such a situation was something he never expected.

And Zhu Qiu had also determined the collapse of the Black Cloud Cottage at this time, and it was definitely inextricably linked with this Jiang City.

It was even the Black Cloud Mountain that Jiang Cheng's centaurs had destroyed!

Plus before, the other party shot an arrow to kill a member of his Qingyun Mountain, a general of the innate peak realm.

At this moment, he was not only shocked, but also angry!

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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