When Xu Mo swept the drinks on the trading platform.

He didn't notice that so many first-class divine weapons and yellow-tier martial arts that he hung out had once again caused a sensation on the entire world chat channel!

[Family, look at the trading platform, Xu Mo has put on the shelves of first-order divine weapons and yellow-order martial arts again! ] 】

[Wozhi, 24 first-order divine weapons, 62 yellow-order martial arts, Xu Mo he won't go to the county to rob it! ] 】

[I really want these divine weapons and martial arts, but unfortunately they are too expensive, a martial art costs 8 million copper money, can Xu Mo sell them cheaper? ] 】

[Indeed, divine weapons and martial arts are good, but there are definitely not many unjust big heads willing to be slaughtered at this price! ] I wouldn't buy it anyway! 】

[Groove! ] How come there are two less first-order divine weapons, and there are also a few fewer martial arts, where are the big dogs? 】

[Again, there is no first-order divine weapon! ] No, I won't fight with you, now I'm still hundreds of thousands away from 10 million copper money, first go to get money to rob the divine weapon! 】

[Just after the seventh day, there are more than nine million copper coins, and he is also a big guy upstairs! ] 】

[Big guy begging to hug your thighs! ] 】

[Hey, and Xu Mobi, I'm just a waste..."

The world channel chatted hotly, but Xu Mo was still sweeping the drinks.

After seeing that his copper money was spending and rising by tens of millions at once, he also knew that the divine weapons and martial arts he put on the shelves had already been won!

"Someone bought divine weapons and martial arts so soon! It seems that we can't underestimate the people of the world.

In seven days, it is definitely not simple for people who can scrape together millions of copper coins to buy divine weapons and martial arts! "

Looking at the record of the completion of his transaction, Xu Mo silently wrote down the names of these people who directly purchased their divine weapons with copper money.

Looking at his own drink, it was almost sweeping.

Xu Mo also came to the school with these drinks and distributed all the purchased drinks.

At night, Xu Mo and Zhao Yun, Bai Qi, Li Xiuning and all the Jiangcheng soldiers drank freely.

Let's celebrate this big victory.

It wasn't until late at night that the celebration feast dispersed.

When everyone went down to rest, Bai Qi and Zhao Yun came to the city wall to garrison.

As a strong person in the Spirit Void Realm, even if 08 was drunk, after leaving the celebration banquet, the spiritual power in their bodies operated.

It's easy to get all the alcohol out.

Ordinary wine is simply impossible for a strong person in the Spirit Void Realm to really get drunk.

As for Li Xiuning, it was once that he helped the drunk Xu Mo back to the room...

In the next few days, no major events happened in Jiangcheng.

Xu Mo was also a rare comfort for a few days.

Until the 10th day, all of his first-order divine weapons and yellow-order martial arts had also been sold.

After harvesting a large amount of copper money, Xu Mo swept away a large amount of Qingyunite, Agni Concentrate and Secret Steel, which were materials for refining first-order divine weapons.

He also spent nearly 100 million copper money, buying a large amount of wood, iron ore, and stone, and upgraded the main city to level 6.

At the same time, all the facilities such as the craftsman's workshop and the alchemy room have been upgraded to level 3.

After the main city was upgraded to level 6, the surrounding map view was once again increased by 100 li.

The main city has been upgraded to level 6, which also has an additional function to expand the city.

It only takes a certain amount of copper money to expand the entire city.

Make the city bigger.

And Xu Mo was carrying a huge amount of money, and he was not polite, and directly consumed 100 million copper coins, doubling the size of Jiangcheng!

Jiangcheng, which had been slightly crowded due to the continuous influx of displaced people, once again became empty.

After completing the construction and upgrading of the river city.

Xu Mo also qualified a large number of junior soldiers obtained in the previous battle into yellow-rank talismans, and recruited 200 innate realm troops.

The Great Snow Dragon Rider and the Yulin Army each recruited 1,000 people.

Plus the previous 1,000 Snow Dragon Riders and 500 Lin Army.

The number of soldiers in all the innate realms in Jiangcheng doubled.

Began to continue sweeping the newly opened resource areas in the wild, occupying various resource areas.

The output of various resources in Jiangcheng has been greatly improved.

At the same time, under the auspices of Fazheng.

The displaced people in Jiangcheng were also transferred out of 5,000 young and strong.

A force of 5,000 people was formed and began training led by Li Xiuning.

These are naturally Xu Mo's arrangements.

As his current territory grew larger, he occupied more and more resource lands.

The number of soldiers needed to garrison resource areas is also rising.

He also didn't want to waste talismans summoning those low-level soldiers to garrison these resource areas.

It is remembered the intermediate specialty of Li Xiuning's Women's Army.

With this specialty, Li Xiuning can completely train a high-level army, the Women's Army!

This is only an army that is inferior to the special class of the Xuanjia Iron Horse.

Although it may be a little out of rhythm when fighting now.

However, it is definitely a good choice to garrison the resource land that has been attacked.

"Master, the troops you asked me to train have been trained enough to take up the post of garrisoning the resource area!"

In the mansion, Li Xiuning found Xu Mo and told her the results of her training these days.

Hearing her words, Xu Mo was also stunned, and said with some surprise:

"So fast, three days to train?"

No wonder he was so shocked, because the women's army trained by Li Xiuning were all high-level soldiers.

It is equivalent to the class recruited with high-level talismans.

Each one is a level 11 Heavenly Realm!

These are all inferred from the talismans he recruited.

And those were either recruited by the recruitment order, or wandered to the vicinity of Jiangcheng on their own.

Everyone, even some young and strong, is basically some ordinary people who are not in the flow of level 2 or 3.

Such a strength, let alone being grown into a level 11 Houtian realm high-level military in three days.

Even if he could break through the average level 5, Xu Mo felt good.

What's more, it takes three days to directly upgrade to the level 11 realm!

"The last general does not dare to deceive the lord, these people I trained have indeed reached the initial strength of the high-level arms of the Women's Army now.

Lord can come with me to the school to see it! "

Hearing that Xu Mo did not believe him, Li Xiuning had to let him go to the school with him to find out.

"In that case, then I will follow you to review the parade troops!"

Seeing Li Xiuning so determined, Xu Mo immediately no longer hesitated, and walked directly with her towards the school behind the mansion.

Three days ago, the day after the celebration banquet, Xu Mo had already completed the upgrade and expansion of Jiangcheng.

The school field was also upgraded to the third level by him, and the current school field is several times larger than when he first became the Jiangcheng County Commandery.

It is enough to accommodate tens of thousands of horses.

At the same time, his soldiers returned to the school grounds, not only improving the speed of physical fatigue recovery.

Even the recovery from the injury has improved a lot.

When he came to the school field, Xu Mo also saw a group of people standing in the middle of the school field in unison.

Although most people are still yellow-skinny.

But the spirit of each of them is very sufficient.

The body also exudes an aura that is stronger than ordinary people.

"Sure enough, it's all the acquired realm!"

Xu Mo's current strength is the Yuan Realm, and his combat strength may not be as good as Zhao Yun and these martial generals.

But eyesight is not much worse than theirs.

In the face of these newly trained women's troops, he also easily felt the breath of these people and saw their strength.

Even if they did not use the level identification function of the lord system, they knew that all of these people had reached the standard of the acquired realm of high-level troops.

Feeling the momentum on these people, Xu Mo also opened his lord interface.

Sweeping away the information of these 5,000 people is a clear understanding.

【Women's Army】

【Growth potential: 3-star soldier】

【Level: 11 (Houtian Realm)】

【Brave Warrior:36】

[Strategy: 20] (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )


[Introduction: A senior soldier trained by military general Li Xiuning has good potential. 】

【Women's Army】


"Sure enough, all of them are level 11 soldiers who have just stepped into the realm of the day after tomorrow!

It's only been three days! In three days, ordinary displaced people who were only level 2 or 3 were trained into high-level arms of the acquired realm.

This speed is not much worse than drugs! "

Looking at the information of the Women's Army displayed on the lord's interface, Xu Mo nodded secretly, and his heart trembled.

He found that he still underestimated Li Xiuning's intermediate specialty Women's Army.

Before that, he had always let Li Xiuning charge at the front to kill the enemy.

I never expected her intermediate specialty to be so powerful!

In three days, they can increase the level of the displaced people to level 11, increasing their strength several times!

Now the population of Jiangcheng has reached 100,000, and young and middle-aged people can make up another 10,000 people.

In the future, as his territory grows, the population of his main city will only increase.

At that time, the number of young adults who meet the standards will definitely be quite large.

These people are completely capable of allowing Li Xiuning to train them into excellent fighters!

Although, these women's troops trained by Li Xiuning were not as loyal to him as the soldiers he recruited directly using talismans.

But now 80 points of loyalty is already an extremely high level.

This kind of loyalty is even higher than that of the soldiers recruited by other lords using talismans.

As long as he runs his territory normally, he does not let the loyalty of these women's armies decline.

He didn't need to worry about these people betraying him at all.

Moreover, he only needed these people to garrison the resource land for him, and he did not need them to charge.

If the good food and drink are stationed on the resource land, these people have no reason to reduce their loyalty to him.

"Good, good, good! Xiuning, in the next step, I will continue to let Fa Zheng recruit more young and strong, and let you train them all into a women's army.

After they all meet the standards, they will be sent out to garrison the resource area.

This will save me a lot of talismans for recruiting soldiers! "

After looking at the attributes of these women's troops, Xu Mo finally understood that what Li Xiuning said just now was true, and did not lie to him.

He immediately said to her again.

"The last general is in command!"

When Li Xiuning heard Xu Mo's arrangement, he did not have any resistance or dissatisfaction.

As a general under Xu Mo, her loyalty reached 100 diehard loyalists.

No matter what Xu Mo arranged for her, she would not have any complaints.

"Good! Hahaha! "

Looking at Li Xiuning's attitude, Xu Mo smiled even more cheerfully, and continued:

"Later, you will find Fa Zheng to explain, but everyone who becomes a soldier of my Jiangcheng and fights for my Jiangcheng cannot be treated badly.

Although the strength of these people has been trained by you, their bodies still need to be recuperated.

You ask Fa Zheng to arrange for someone to take all these things away and dispose of them, and in the future, the food of the Women's Army will add an extra piece of meat from these innate realm wild things.

This is true every day until they keep up with the body's nutrition.

This can help them condition their bodies faster, and only when their bodies are better can they continue to contribute to Jiang Cheng! "

Saying that, he waved his hand and took out all the meat obtained from the large number of innate realm wild monsters that Zhao Yun and Bai Qi and other innate realm soldiers had strangled outside these days.

"Yes! It is their blessing that the Lord is so compassionate! "

Seeing that Xu Mo raised his hand and took out the meat of various wild monsters of the innate realm of tens of thousands of catties, Li Xiuning immediately bowed slightly to Xu Mo.

While expressing his gratitude, he also shouted to those women's troops in the middle of the school grounds:

"You have all heard it, the Lord has high hopes for Er, and you must not let the Lord down!

There are also these innate realm meat, the value is amazing, and they are all great supplements for you! Thank you Lord yet! "

"Lord Xie Xianzun cares, I will definitely not disappoint Lord Xianzun!"

Hearing Li Xiuning's shout, five thousand people knelt down in unison against Su Yu and shouted in unison.

[Ding, loyalty of all soldiers of your troop Lady Army +5, current loyalty: 85! ] 】

At this time, a prompt also popped up on the lord interface of Xu Mo 623.

Looking at this prompt, there were also five thousand women who knelt down in front of them with great respect.

Xu Mo was very happy.

"Hahaha, all up, all up, I believe you will not let me down!"

After mobilizing with these 5,000 people, Xu Mo asked Li Xiuning to arrange for these people to rush towards the lack of resources.

Let them garrison the resource.

After leaving the school grounds, Xu Mo opened the territory.

【Territory: Jiangcheng】

【Main City Level: 6】

【Wood production: 48550/day】

【Stone output:66120/day】

【Iron ore output:43120/day】

【Grain production: 78350/day】

【Tax: 25,000 copper coins/day】

[Warehouse: Wood: 157900; Stone: 548820; Iron ore: 145380; Grain: 95,100. 】

【Wall level: 5 (durability: 3000/3000), bluestone enchantment (durability: 5000/5000)】

[School Level: 3 (Troop Stamina Recovery Speed +30%)]

[Mill Lv.3: Increase the grain production of the main city by 30%, which can grind the grain into polished rice, and there is a 5% probability that it can produce spirit rice. 】

[Ironworks Lv.3: Increase the output of iron ore in the main city by 30%, and the iron ore can be refined to obtain refined iron for making weapons, and there is a 5% probability of producing first-order divine weapon materials. 】

[Craftsman Workshop Lv.3: Increase weapon forging speed, speed +50%, first-order divine weapon forging rate +30%, second-order divine weapon forging power +15%, third-order divine weapon forging power +5%. 】

[Alchemy Room Lv.3: Alchemy speed +50%, pill formation rate +20%. 】

"Now the size of the territory is also large enough, and the production of basic resources has increased significantly.

The production of these basic resources is enough to feed their current troops.

Now is also the time to send people to Tianwu County City and find a few more alchemists and forgers from there.

Only in this way can the output of Jiangcheng's elixirs and divine weapons be increased!

It is best to find a few more strength-enhancing elixirs and synthesize them.

In this way, our strength can continue to improve rapidly in the future! "

After taking a look at the attributes of his territory, Xu Mo also had the next development plan.

The medicinal effect of the Special Grade Essence Cleansing Pill can only improve the strength level of the strong people under the Spirit Void Realm.

Without the new elixir, the three generals under him who had reached the Spirit Void Realm could only rely on their own skills to cultivate and further improve their strength.

Although Zhao Yunbaiqi, their growth potential is not low, and they can improve faster than the martial generals of other lords.

However, in this way, the speed of slowly cultivating and improving the level by himself was much slower than directly swallowing the special grade elixir synthesized by Xu Mo!

After experiencing the thrill of level improvement brought by the special grade Essence Cleansing Pill, Xu Mo was naturally not satisfied with the speed of his martial general.

Since he has a golden finger such as the infinite synthesis column, he must maximize the utility of this golden finger.

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