Following the sound, the two saw several Snow Dragon Rider soldiers at the entrance of the hall slowly retreating.

It seems to be afraid of something inside.

Soon, Li Xiuning and Zhao Yun understood what was going on.

I saw that at the entrance of the main hall, two bandits of the peak realm of the day after tomorrow were one left and one right.

Each took a man and a woman out of the hall.

The chopping knife in his hand was clamped between the necks of the two.

In front of them, there was also a woman in a wedding dress, who was also forced forward.

Seeing this scene, they knew that these bandits were cornered, trying to escape with their lives by taking the injured people as hostages.

[Ding, trigger the mission, 'rescue the hostage', the mission is completed, get the Essence Cleansing Pill Single X1. ] 】

[Rescue the hostages: Murong's family, originally merchants in Tianwu County, were transporting a batch of Essence Cleansing Pills through the Lianyun Mountain Range and were robbed by the Black Cloud Village.

The leader of the Black Cloud bandits, Quetta, took a fancy to Murong Liyue's posture and used his parents as a blackmail, forcibly marrying... Rescue everyone and you're done! 】

The sudden change also directly triggered a temporary mission.

The message that popped up on the lord's interface immediately attracted Xu Mo's attention.

Looking at the task reward, his eyes lit up, and he immediately ordered Zhao Yun and Li Xiuning:

"No matter what, be sure to keep the three safe!"

Receiving Xu Mo's order, Li Xiuning and Zhao Yun both looked at each other.

Then there was an idea.

With a wave of their hands, the two of them were surrounded by the Great Snow Dragon Rider who took their bows and arrows from under their saddle.

It was handed over to the two.

After taking the bow and arrow, the two directly pulled the bow and arrow, before the two bandits of the acquired realm did not react.

Two sharp arrows cut through the air, and in the blink of an eye, they accurately hit the eyebrows of the two bandits who were at the peak of the day after tomorrow.

The powerful True Qi and Yuan Qi infused arrows instantly penetrated the heads of the two and were nailed to the ground fiercely.

The arrow in the heart of the eyebrow, penetrating the head, made the two bandits instantly killed.

You can't even react and make the slightest movement.

At the same time, those Great Snow Dragon Rider soldiers who were right in front of several people immediately stepped forward and rescued Murong Liyue's parents from under the knife.

"Thank you, my lord, for saving your life!"

After leaving the mouth of the tiger, he looked around at the regular troops in standard clothes.

Murong Yunfu and Chu Xiangning both hurriedly thanked the Great Snow Dragon Rider who rescued the two of them.

"If you want to thank you, go back and thank our lord, it is the lord who let us save you."

At this time, Li Xiuning also stepped forward, looked at the Murong family of three, and explained with a light smile.

Hearing her words, the three of them flashed their eyes, as if they were looking for something.

"No need to look, the Lord is not here."

Li Xiuning also guessed what the three wanted to do at the moment, and immediately said with a smile.

Listening to his words, whether it was Murong Yunfu, Chu Xiangning, or Murong Liyue, they were all surprised.

Not here, but if his subordinates save his family of three, is the lord in the mouth of this general a fairy god who is like a god?

Thinking of this, the three of them were in awe in their hearts.

"Thank you General, please also tell the Lord for us, we want to ask to see and personally thank the Lord for saving his life."

Murong Yun has been walking in the rivers and lakes for decades, and he can be regarded as having seen strong winds and waves.

He was the first of the three to react, and said when he bowed to Li Xiuning.

Showed great sincerity.

"Well, no problem, I think the Lord wants to meet you too."

Hearing this, Li Xiuning did not refuse.

Since Xu Mo wanted her and Zhao Yun to save all three, he would inevitably have his thoughts.

These three people may be as useful to him as Na Ouyang Ye, which will make them sure to save him.

"Thank you, General!"

When Murong Yun heard this, he once again pulled his wife and Murong Liyue to thank Li Xiuning again.

After solving this episode, Li Xiuning and Zhao Yun continued to let people collect the entire Heiyun Village.

Finally, it was handed over to Xu Mo to destroy.

They left Heiyun Mountain with the Murong family of three and the materials of the Heiyun Village that had just been collected.

[Your general kills the bandit leader of the Black Cloud Village, copper money +10000! ] Martial Arts Force Splitting Huashan x1].

[Your general kills the bandit leader of the Black Cloud Village, copper money +8000! ] , martial arts force splitting Huashan x1].


[You destroyed Heiyunzhai, wood +20w, stone +20w, iron ore +20w, grain +40w! ] Beginner Talisman +100! Junior Recruitment Order +20! Copper money 500w! Silver two 2000! Cleansing Pill x100! 】

[You completed the "Rescue the Hostages" mission and obtained the 'Cleansing Pill X1'].

In Jiangcheng Mansion, Xu Mo looked at his harvest and was overjoyed.

"This trip, make a numb!

Just the copper money rewarded by the bandits killed and the treasures scavenged, my income from this copper coin is as high as 10 million!

There is also a first-order divine weapon, and nine identical yellow-order martial arts that burst out!

These things add up to a value of nearly 100 million copper coins!

Sure enough, it's better to rob homes and houses, bah, for the Sky Walking Road, for the people to eliminate harm to get money fast! "

After counting the gains of his trip, the smile on Xu Mo's face became even brighter.

"Nine Yellow Order martial arts, I don't know if they can be synthesized!"

Looking at the nine yellow-rank martial arts in the official space, Xu Mo moved his mind.

The next moment, he put it into action.

The two Yellow-Order martial arts books were put into the infinite synthesis column by him.

Then, under his gaze, the two Yellow-Order Martial Arts Splitting Mountains disappeared into the box below.

In the box above, a brand new martial arts book appeared.

[Qianjun Dao Method, Xuanjian Martial Arts: Cultivation to perfection, can burst into four times the combat power of one blow! ] 】

"It worked! Two identical Yellow-Order martial arts can actually synthesize Xuan-rank martial arts! Then next..."

Looking at the newly emerged martial arts, Xu Mo was excited.

Start non-stop synthesis.

All eight Yellow-Order martial arts were synthesized to obtain four Xuan-Order martial arts, and then two Local-Order martial arts were synthesized.

In the end, what appeared in front of Xu Mo was a brand new set of martial arts!

[Heavenly Saber Three Styles, Heavenly Order Martial Arts: Martial arts contain three sword techniques, each cultivation of a sword technique, stimulate martial arts, can cast a knife with three times the superimposed combat power! ] The last knife technique can be cast with an amplitude of 27 times the combat power! 】

"Wow groove!"

But after Xu Mo saw the introduction of the Heavenly Saber Three Styles synthesized by the eight Yellow Order martial arts, even he couldn't help but blurt out.

A knife with 27 times the combat power, the increase in the combat power of the three types of swords in this day is still above the shooting of Liuyun!

With the same Heaven-rank martial art, the value of the Heavenly Saber Three Styles was definitely more than three times higher than the Flowing Cloud Gun Duel he got in the initial lottery!

Dragon Boat reading discount! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)

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