Closing the chat channel of this lord's interface, Xu Mo put his energy into sorting out the items in his official space.

Now he still has a lot of rewards to deal with.

But there wasn't much idle work to fight with other lords.

There are so many rewards, he has to turn all these rewards into his own strength to be able to rest assured!

And before his generals killed so many monsters, a lot of talismans and recruitment orders, he now needs to integrate.

Han Xin and Mulan cleaned up the monsters in the remaining 19 cities, and the burst talismans could synthesize more than 2,500 high-level talismans.

Plus 5,000 Premium Talismans awarded this time.

Xu Mo's high-level talismans have reached more than 7,500 pieces!

Plus 500 high-level talismans rewarded for taking over too punctuality.

That's 8,000 high-level talismans!

Recruiting the talismans of the Seven-Star Arms Divine Arrow Division and the Great Sword Division as Ground Rank Talismans.

128 high-level talismans can be combined into one ground talisman.

Now all of Xu Mo's talismans are synthesized, and the talismans of the ground level can be synthesized into 62 pieces!

It can give him 6,200 more powerful Divine Arrow Masters!

In addition to the talismans, Xu Mo also obtained about 300 primary and intermediate recruitment orders when he killed monsters in 19 cities.

Coupled with the recruitment order to take over the Taishou reward, his own recruitment order can also reach 128 pieces when all combined into high-level recruitment orders.

Coupled with the rewarded high-level recruitment orders, Xu Mo's current number of high-level recruitment orders has also reached 328 pieces.

Two Premium Recruitment Orders are combined into one Special Recruitment Order.

Four Special Recruitment Orders are combined into one Yellow Rank Recruitment Order.

Four Yellow-Order Recruitment Orders can be combined into one Xuan-Order Recruitment Order.

32 high-level recruitment orders can be combined into one Xuan-rank recruitment order.

More than three hundred high-level recruitment orders can be synthesized into ten Xuan-rank recruitment orders.

In other words, these recruitment orders were enough for Xu Mo to recruit ten powerful seven-star martial generals who were close to them.

If it is recombined into a Ground Rank Recruitment Order, it can recruit 2 eight-star martial generals!

The remaining two Xuan-rank recruitment orders can also recruit 2 seven-star martial generals!

These recruitment orders are enough to greatly increase the strength of the generals under Xu Mo!

There are 2 more eight-star martial generals and 2 seven-star martial generals, as well as 6,200 divine arrow masters.

These can make Xu Mo's current territorial strength skyrocket by at least ten times!

Now Xu Mo's territory only has 1,000 Divine Arrow Divisions, 4,000 Great Snow Dragon Riders and 2,000 Yulin Army.

After ten times the attack of the previous monster tide.

Half of the current Great Snow Dragon Rider and Yulin Army have increased their level to level 30 or above.

Reached the realm of returning to the yuan!

That is to say, Xu Mo now has 3,000 innate realms, 3,000 soldiers who return to the early Yuan realm, and 1,000 soldiers who return to the peak of the yuan!

And after he combined all the talismans into the ground level talismans, he was able to summon 6,200 soldiers who returned to the peak of the Yuan!

Just these 6,200 soldiers who returned to the peak of the yuan were enough to increase the overall strength of his territory by more than ten times!

In addition to these, the reward of 50,000 Essence Cleansing Pills and 5,000 Returning Yuan Pills can allow him to synthesize 6,250 Special Grade Essence Cleansing Pills and 625 Special Grade Returning Yuan Pills!

As long as he recruits 6,200 Divine Arrow Masters or Great Sword Masters, he can immediately pull these 40-level Divine Arrow Masters and Great Sword Masters at the peak of the Yuan Realm directly to level 42 through the synthesized Special Grade Essence Cleansing Pill.

Get more than 6,000 seven-star troops in the Spirit Void Realm!

And 625 Special Grade Gui Yuan Pills can also allow him to pull all 125 of the seven-star soldiers who have broken through the Spirit Void Realm to the 52-level Divine Bridge Realm!

At that time, his territory will have five generals of the Divine Bridge Realm, 125 seven-star soldiers of the Divine Bridge Realm, and more than 6,000 seven-star soldiers of the Spirit Void Realm!

After using all the elixirs and talismans that were awarded to this first place.

Xu Mo's territorial strength will be more than a hundred times stronger than it is now!

With such strength, even if the Jiangzhou Prefecture is in the Divine Bridge, the powerhouses in the Spirit Void Realm are far from being able to compare with him!

"More than a hundred Divine Bridge Realms, more than six thousand Spirit Void Realms.

It's enough to instantly increase the strength of my territory by more than a hundred times!

This is the real wave of fat! "

After a rough calculation, Xu Mo's heart also set off a huge wave!

This was the first time he had such a terrifying increase in strength!

This wave of first-class rewards has completely opened the gap between him and all other lords!

Now he only needs to turn these rewards into the strength of his territory.

Even if all the top 10,000 lords in the standings united, they would definitely not be his opponents!

"Now that I have the Flying Ark, all the soldiers on the ground level will recruit the Divine Arrow Master.

Now that I have become the Taishou of Tianwu County, I should also develop more troops now.

Let's not continue to synthesize the Ground Rank Talisman into the Heaven Rank Talisman first, so as not to reduce the number of soldiers I can recruit in vain.

The number of soldiers is large enough for me to better manage all the counties in the entire Tianwu County!

Anyway, with the title effect of the Hidden Dragon in the Wild, within my own territory radiation orientation, all the attributes of all the soldiers will be increased by 50%

Even the seven-star soldier-level Divine Arrow Division was promoted to the Spirit Void Realm and the Divine Bridge Realm with the help of the Special Grade Essence Cleansing Pill and the Special Grade Gui Yuan Pill.

It is also no worse than those Spirit Void Realms and the powerhouses of the Divine Bridge Realm of the ordinary five-star general level of the Endless Continent!

Let them separate and garrison other counties, this strength is enough to ensure the safety of other counties!

At that time, even if a strong man with a blood sect wants to make a move on any county town in Tianwu County, it will not be an easy task! "

After counting the harvest of his three-day battle and the rewards he received in the talismans, elixirs.

Xu Mo soon decided to use these talismans to recruit 6,000 Divine Arrow Divisions.

The number of Divine Arrow Masters who returned to the peak of his territory reached 7,000.

After that, he used all the Essence Cleansing Pills obtained to synthesize the Special Grade Essence Cleansing Pills, and all the strength of the 7,000 people was raised to the Spirit Void Realm.

The Moon Rebellion has ended, and now he has become the Taishou of Tianwu County.

Now it was also time to prepare to take all the counties of the entire Tianwu County into his own hands.

Tianwu County has more than 200 large and small county towns.

As long as Xu Mo can control all these counties.

If nothing else, after he gained control of all the counties in the entire Tianwu County.

The resources and output of these counties will belong to his territory.

At that time, the production of the four basic resources of his territory will definitely skyrocket!

There is also a 10 times resource yield bonus given by the title of Hidden Dragon in the Wild.

It is not a problem for his four resources to reach tens of millions of units per day!

And if he wants to control so many counties, he definitely needs no less manpower.

What Xu Mo thought was not simple, and he ignored all the cities of the entire Tianwu County after controlling all the cities in his hands with brutal means.

Instead, he decided to use the intermediate recruitment order to recruit more than two hundred advisers to serve as new county commanders in the various counties of Tianwu County.

Manage every county well!

Even the strategist Fa Zheng he originally recruited for Jiang Cheng was nothing more than a mid-level recruitment order that he had recruited.

Fa Zheng alone was already able to take care of Jiangcheng, which had nearly 200,000 people behind, in an orderly manner.

Other trivial chores on weekdays don't need to worry about Xu Mo at all.

This has proved that the internal affairs generals recruited by these mid-level recruitment orders are enough to be qualified for the position of any city and county order!

Use more than two hundred intermediate recruitment orders to recruit a large number of advisers to replace the county orders of various counties in Tianwu County.

Xu Mo believed that they would definitely be able to keep all the counties of Tianwu County in order.

As long as these counties are developed, Xu Mo's benefits will also be greater.

The production of the four basic resources, the daily tax revenue, these will continue to grow.

After deciding what to do next, Xu Mo no longer hesitated.

Directly came to the school field behind Jiangcheng Taishou Mansion.

Now the prefecture school has also been upgraded to level 5, with the previous three expansions of Dijiang City.

Jiangcheng's current school area has become extremely vast.

Even an army that accommodates 100,000 people is easy.

After coming to the school field, Xu Mo directly synthesized all the talismans into the ground level talismans.

In the end, all 62 Ground Rank Talismans were taken out.

Then use these ground level talismans and summon 6,200 seven-star arms divine arrow masters!

One after another soaring pillars of light shone, more than 6,000 to the heavenly pillar of light, shining the river city as bright as day!

Of course, these bright lights also disappear in the blink of an eye.

As the light disappeared, there were 6,200 divine archers armed with strong bows.

The Divine Arrow Master had just been recruited to be a level 40 Gui Yuan peak realm.

It only takes one strong attack to turn your vitality into energy arrows to attack your enemies.

As long as the vitality in their bodies is not exhausted, they can continuously bend their bows and shoot arrows.

Bring deadly attacks to your enemies!

"See Lord Taishou!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The 6,200 seven-star soldier-level divine arrow masters who had just appeared on the Jiangcheng school field all bowed down on one knee towards him the moment they saw Xu Mo.

Greeted him in unison.

The sound is uniform, the momentum rises to the sky, shaking the sky!

It is only a team of 6,200 people, but it has burst out with a powerful momentum that exceeds a million troops!

"Good! Let's all get up! "

Seeing this, Xu Mo also said to these people with a smile on his face.

"Lord Xie Taishou!"

Hearing Xu Mo's order, everyone saluted Xu Mo respectfully.

Then he stood up in unison.

Looking at the 6,200 Guiyuan Peak Earth Divine Arrow Masters in front of him, Rao is that Xu Mo has reached level 52 and is already a Divine Bridge Realm powerhouse.

At this moment, he felt a trace of pressure from the powerful momentum condensed by these divine arrow masters.

There is no doubt that quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, so many Divine Arrow Masters who return to the peak of Yuan.

The combined strength of them was already enough to threaten the powerhouses of the ordinary early stage of the Divine Bridge!

"In the entire lord world, who can now have so many elite generals now?

Even if I rely only on these Divine Arrow Masters, who is my opponent? "

Feel the powerful momentum of these Divine Arrow Masters who were recruited by themselves to return to the peak of Yuan.

Xu Mo was also quite satisfied, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his heart, full of pride!

As he thought, among all the lords who had now crossed over to the Endless Continent, there was simply no one who could compete with him.

It was true that from the beginning, when Xu Mo possessed the Infinite Synthesis Column, no one in the entire Lord World could threaten him.

And now, Xu Mo's goal was no longer to be the enemy of these lords who had crossed over with him.

His enemies will be native forces on the Endless Continent!

What he will face next is the various dynasties and dynasty forces on the Endless Continent.

And he will trample all these forces under his feet.

Step on these local forces to ascend to the supreme position of the Endless Continent!

Looking at these powerful soldiers who were completely loyal to him, Xu Mo did not hesitate and began to synthesize all 50,000 Essence Cleansing Pills in the first reward of his points into special Essence Cleansing Pills.

After batch synthesis of 6250 special grade essence cleansing pills.

Xu Mo directly took out 6,200 Special Grade Essence Cleansing Pills, and then waved his hand.

The spiritual power in his body mobilized the spiritual energy of the surrounding heaven and earth, wrapped in these 6,200 special grade essence cleansing pills, and the hardcover fell into the hands of all the divine archers in front of him.

In front of every Divine Arrow Master, there was a Special Grade Cleansing Pill floating in front of him at this moment.

"This is..."

Watching Xu Mo deliver such a pill to them.

All the Divine Arrow Masters looked curiously at the elixir floating in front of them.

Although they were puzzled and curious, none of them took the elixir in front of them without Xu Mo's order.

"Take all these special grade essence cleansing pills, and you will all break through to the Spirit Void Realm in the next half hour!"

Looking at the motionless Divine Arrow Masters in front of him, Xu Mo also immediately opened his mouth to them and ordered.

Hearing his order, all the Divine Arrow Masters first stared at the elixir in front of them with wide eyes, their faces full of shock.

Only then did he react immediately, and they all moved to take the pill in front of them, in a voice of gratitude with surprise.

All 6,200 Divine Arrow Masters swallowed the Special Grade Essence Cleansing Pill given by Xu Mo.

There was no hesitation or hesitation.

Xu Mo's order, they will absolutely carry it out.

Don't say that this is a pill that gives them a boost in strength.

Even one day, they knew that Xu Mo would kill them immediately if they let them eat the poison.

They will also carry out Xu Mo's orders without hesitation!


As they swallowed these special grade elixirs, the elixir melted in their mouths, and then a powerful pharmacological force erupted directly from their bodies.

"What a powerful medicinal effect!"

After he swallowed the Special Grade Essence Cleansing Pill, he immediately exploded in his dantian.

All the Earth God Arrow Masters changed their faces.

They all put down the strong bows in their hands, and then sat cross-kneeled on the ground.

Began to cultivate and absorb the medicinal power of the outbreak of the Special Grade Essence Cleansing Pill.

Quickly improve your strength.

Look at these Divine Arrow Masters who began to cultivate.

Xu Mo's eyes also flashed with essence.

It won't be long before these people will become powerhouses in the Spirit Void Realm!

Strength has greatly increased!

"Tomorrow, I will be able to start preparing (well) for the Divine Arrow Master who has broken through to the Spirit Void Realm and the strategists recruited with the Intermediate Recruitment Order to go to the counties of Tianwu County together.

Exchange all these county orders for their own people and control these counties! "

Xu Mo planned to move the county town managed by those local forces first!

The strength of the county towns of Tianwu County is very average, as long as ten Spirit Void Realm Divine Arrow Masters are sent to escort a strategist to these county towns, they can easily replace the county orders of these counties!

With such a lineup, even if it goes to the old Tianwu County City to take over the entire county, there is no problem.

Without the two top forces of the Wang family and the Wu family, the only powerhouses in the Spirit Void Realm in Tianwu County City now are the remaining five people in the former Taishou Mansion.

This has to be added to Zuo Lan, who hurried back to report the letter before, but still took a step.

Ten people against five, the advantage is on Xu Mo's side!

As for the other counties, they were even more unqualified to resist the people sent by Xu Mo to take over the county order.

For those who dare to resist, directly kill strongly!

After everyone entered the state of cultivation improvement, Xu Mo also quietly left the school.

After taking the Essence Cleansing Pill, it would take at least half an hour to absorb the Special Grade Essence Cleansing Pill to break through the realm.

He didn't plan to wait on the school field for everyone to break through.

Returned to the Taishou Mansion.

Xu Mo was ready to use up the lottery opportunity for the special building he won on the first reward of points.

Take a look at the mysterious special building lottery that can't see anything in this prize pool, and what good things can be drawn for lunch.

After having an idea, Xu Mo clicked on the lottery panel of the special building.

Looking at the pitch black on it, and the lottery button that showed only one chance to draw in the middle, Xu Mo took a breath and clicked down.

"I hope to be able to give some strength and pull out a little good thing!"

Looking at the slightly flickering interface, Xu Mo also silently remembered in his heart.

At the same time, there is also a lot of confidence in my heart that I can draw good things.

After all, when he crossed over himself, the awakened lord specialty was there.

The luck of the lottery was not bad.

Especially since this is the reward given first in points.

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