As for the refining of the Essence Cleansing Pill, Xu Mo handed it all over to other alchemists for refining.

Although these people's alchemy methods were not as superb as Murong Liyue, they were not weak.

Coupled with the increase in the rate of Chengdan with the alchemy room.

It was not a problem for them to use an innate realm demon beast inner dan to refine an average of 3 to 4 essence cleansing pills.

"The money is almost spent, and the price of the demon beast Neidan is not cheap.

The average price of the demon beast Neidan of the innate realm is 100,000 copper coins, while the demon beast Neidan of the Yuan realm is 500,000 copper coins at every turn.

If you want to continue to get more demon beast Neidan, you must sell some of the things in your hand.

In exchange for more money! "

After purchasing the inner tank of the demon beast, Xu Mo looked at the copper and silver taels that were almost consumed by himself.

I began to ponder.

Now, although the people of the former Tianwu County City have entered Jiangcheng, Jiangcheng's taxes have been greatly increased.

Moreover, after occupying the other counties of Tianwu County, the tax on him was also raised.

But now the taxes in the main city plus all the taxes collected from the localities are combined.

Oh, it is about 20 million copper coins a day, about 20,000 silver.

This little money was simply not enough for him to buy all kinds of Neidan he needed.

He glanced at the various items in his official space.

The only items that can be sold are first-order divine weapons, yellow-order martial arts, and elixirs.

He killed the second, third, and even fourth-order divine weapons obtained by killing the enemy, and he planned to stay for his own use.

Because so far, in addition to the Flying Warship, he has only been able to create first-order Agni series divine weapons in batches.

As for those two second-order divine weapons, they lacked the supply of the main raw materials and could not create much.

Even if he created it, he would not choose to sell second-order divine weapons.

First, they need it, and the value of the second- and second-order divine weapons is at least twice that of the first-order divine weapons.

There are definitely not many lords who can purchase second-order divine weapons to use.

Therefore, the only ones who can currently strike are the first-order divine weapon and the yellow-order martial arts that he picked.

The martial arts of the second order and above and the Xuan rank, even if they are hanged, few people can buy them.

It is estimated that it will not be sold.

However, when Xu Mo's gaze was on the elixir in the space of his official mansion, a smile appeared on his face.

Compared to other divine weapons, martial arts these things.

The speed and way for him to obtain the elixir was much easier.

As long as there are enough demon beast inner pills, it can continuously produce pills.

Elixirs like the Essence Cleansing Pill and the Guiyuan Pill that can directly increase the level are for the vast majority of lords.

It's definitely what they need most right now.

The Essence Cleansing Pill can quickly raise the martial artists under the innate realm to the innate realm.

Each 800 Essence Cleansing Pill can raise the level of a martial artist in the Acquired Realm.

Guiyuan Dan, on the other hand, can quickly raise the level of a warrior in the innate realm to the Guiyuan realm.

The combat power of the Yuan Realm is currently the most powerful combat power that other lords other than Xu Mo now have.

Even when the monster attacked the city before, he ranked second and third after Xu Mo in the standings.

Among their territories, the most powerful generals are still in the Yuan Realm.

If you take out the Guiyuan Dan and sell it, you can definitely make a lot of money.

The price of a Gui Yuan Pill, Xu Mo can completely set it higher.

Even if it is priced at a thousand taels of silver, some people buy it!

However, after Xu Mo glanced at his Essence Cleansing Pill and Gui Yuan Pill.

He did not intend to sell the Guiyuan Pill, but decided to synthesize the Essence Cleansing Pill for sale.

Compared to the demon beast inner dan of the Guiyuan realm needed to refine the Guiyuan Pill.

Refining the Innate Realm Demon Beast Inner Dan of the Essence Cleansing Pill is easier to obtain.

After being on the trading platform, every day, a large number of lords will put on the shelves the demon beast Neidan obtained by the wild monsters of the innate realm that they kill in a day.

Xu Mo could completely refine the Essence Cleansing Pill by acquiring the Innate Realm Demon Beast Inner Dan sold by these people.

Then, after synthesizing the intermediate essence cleansing pill, it is sold at a high price in turn to earn a huge profit.

Although the Essence Cleansing Pill can only raise the level of a martial artist below the innate realm.

However, the Essence Cleansing Pill synthesized by Xu Mo through the infinite synthesis column was able to break this limitation.

Two Essence Cleansing Pills can be combined into one Intermediate Essence Cleansing Pill, which can raise two levels of martial artists in the acquired realm and one level of martial artists in the innate realm!

The high-grade Essence Cleansing Pill synthesized by the four Essence Cleansing Pills can even improve the four levels of martial artists in the Acquired Realm, two levels of martial artists in the Innate Realm, and even one level of martial artists in the Yuan Realm!

As for the final Special Grade Cleansing Pill, eight Essence Cleansing Pills are required to synthesize.

Its effect is that it can upgrade a martial artist of the Guiyuan realm by two levels, allowing a warrior at the peak of the Guiyuan realm to break through the realm and reach the Spirit Void realm!

Judging from Xu Mo's current innate realm demon beast inner dan being able to refine three to four essence cleansing pills.

With a little luck, you only need two demon beast inner dan to get a special grade essence cleansing pill.

Together with other ordinary refining pill materials, the cost will not exceed 300 silver.

And a special grade essence cleansing pill that can allow a strong person at the peak of Gui Yuan to break through to the Spirit Void Realm, even if Xu Mo buys 5,000 silver, someone will pay for it!

However, Xu Mo did not plan to sell the Special Grade Essence Cleansing Pill directly.

It was enough for him to sell the Intermediate Essence Cleansing Pill that could directly increase the level of the Innate Realm warrior and allow the soldiers and lords of the Innate Realm to raise the level to more than 30 levels of the Yuan Realm.

Moreover, the market demand for this position is the largest, and the price can also be controlled, so that other lords can accept it.

"An intermediate Essence Cleansing Pill, the cost is probably less than 100 silver, the price is 1,000 silver a piece, I think there are people who buy it!"

After Xu Mo pondered a little, he set the price for the sale of the Intermediate Essence Cleansing Pill.

Soon, he synthesized the 3,000 Essence Cleansing Pills stored in his official space into 1,500 Intermediate Essence Cleansing Pills.

One Essence Cleansing Pill 1,000 silver, all of his 1,500 Intermediate Essence Cleansing Pills were sold, allowing him to obtain 1.5 million silver, a total of 1.5 billion copper coins!

It's not much, but it's a sustainable source of income!

Without hesitation, Xu Mo directly put all 1,500 Essence Cleansing Pills on the trading platform.

After setting the free purchase quantity and the price of 1,000 silver per pill, a redemption condition was added at the back that could exchange two demon beast inner dan of the Yuan realm for one pill.

The trading platform was then closed.

And this is the same as the previous price, the total price of 1,500 intermediate essence cleansing pills as high as 1.5 billion copper coins, which directly makes Xu Mo's special grade essence cleansing pill directly ranked first on the trading platform.

The changes on the trading platform soon attracted the attention of countless lords.

The next moment there was already news on the world channel.

[Groove! ] It can directly increase the level of the powerhouse of the innate realm! Able to break the limit and raise the innate realm to the Yuan realm!

This is much better than ordinary elixir pills! Xu Mo's big guy must be a fine product! 】

[Fifteen hundred Intermediate Essence Cleansing Pills! ] Where did he get so many pills? 】

[Don't forget that Xu Mo is the first in the standings, and there are 50,000 Essence Cleansing Pills rewarded alone! ] Isn't it trivial to take out these 1,500 Essence Cleansing Pills? 】

[However, that is the Essence Cleansing Pill, and this TM is the Intermediate Essence Cleansing Pill! ] 】

[That's right, could it be said that Boss Xu Mo has mastered the ability to turn the Essence Cleansing Pill into an intermediate Essence Cleansing Pill? ]

Breaking through the upper limit of the effect of the elixir directly increases the grade of the elixir, which is also too perverted! 】

[Not to mention, hurry up and buy two, my martial generals have reached the innate peak of level 30. ]

As long as you take a medium-grade Essence Cleansing Pill, you will be able to break through the Guiyuan realm at that time, and your combat power will be greatly improved! Ha ha! 】

[Brothers, rush! ] 】

[Groove! ] How long has it been, and it's gone? Do you want to be so fast! 】

[Woo hoo, I just saw the news, and it has already been sold out when I turn back, can the big guy still put on some more goods? ] Xu Mo】

【Support loading! 】 】

【Loading +1! 】 】


For a time, many lords rushed towards the trading table to buy the Intermediate Essence Cleansing Pill sold by Xu Mo.

In almost less than a minute, all the 1,500 Intermediate Essence Cleansing Pills that Xu Mo put on the shelves were snapped up.

1.5 billion copper coins directly to the account.

This kind of speed also shocked Xu Mo. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"It seems that I still underestimated the demand of these lords for the Intermediate Essence Cleansing Pill now.

I actually lost my 1,500 Intermediate Essence Cleansing Pills in seconds so quickly! "

Whispered, Xu Mo was also quite helpless.

In this way, he felt that even if he put 15,000 Intermediate Essence Cleansing Pills on the shelves, it was estimated that the supply was in short supply.

It's a pity that now his production speed of Essence Cleansing Pill is only more than 2,800 a day.

This was still the speed of producing pills with Bai Qi and Zhao Yun in the alchemy room in Jiangcheng and the second batch of alchemists they brought back. (bhai)

This speed is still far from keeping up with the speed of the elixir he needs to consume.

"Next, it's up to Zhao Yun and Bai Qi to solve all the other lords of Tianwu County, after twenty more sub-cities.

You can first build the alchemy houses in these divided cities and upgrade them all to level six.

Anyway, now I don't lack stone, wood, iron ore and other resources.

When all the alchemy houses in these twenty sub-cities have been pulled to level 6, then they will recruit alchemists in other counties near each sub-city.

In this way, the output of my Essence Cleansing Pill should be able to increase a lot!

It's just a pity that not many people are willing to sell and exchange this demon beast Neidan of the Yuan Realm.

In the future, if you want to continue to recruit a large number of dragon beard horses, you have to hunt the demon beasts of the Yuan realm by yourself and obtain the demon beast inner dan.

Most of these guys can only provide me with the innate realm demon beast Neidan now.

There are still fewer people who can kill the demon beasts that return to the Yuan realm, and after obtaining the demon beast inner dan, they can still take it out and sell it.

This strength is ahead of the curve, and it is also a nuisance for other lords to be too many. "

Xu Mo looked at the sold out middle-grade Gui Yuan Dan, and soon had plans for the next step.

Although the original Tianwu County City was the largest and most prosperous city in Tianwu County, the population and alchemists were also the largest.

But there are more than two hundred other large and small counties within the limits of Tianwu County.

These counties will more or less have some alchemists who can refine elixirs.

At least around the former Tianwu County City, those county towns close to the county seat are well built.

There are also many alchemists and forgers inside.

If only all the alchemists in the entire Tianwu County's more than two hundred large and small counties gathered together to refine pills for Xu Mo.

There are also the blessings of alchemy houses in various cities.

Xu Mo's current output of Essence Cleansing Pill will definitely be expanded by at least five times!

At that time, it was not a problem to produce tens of thousands of elixir pills a day.

Plus now Han Xin and Mulan have already taken 4,000 Spirit Void Realm Divine Arrow Masters to Longyang County.

It won't be long before all the county towns of Longyang County will also be controlled by him.

His territory will continue to expand and gain more population resources.

Alchemists will naturally grow greatly in these talents.

The yield of his elixir will continue to increase!

At that time.

Xu Mo was able to ensure that he had a steady stream of funds just by peddling the Intermediate Essence Cleansing Pill.

After using all the funds obtained from the sale of the Intermediate Essence Cleansing Pill, he purchased a large number of Innate Realm Demon Beast Inner Dan.

Xu Mo turned off the trading platform.

On the trading platform, he didn't see much Gui Yuan Dan for sale.

And there weren't many lords who had just exchanged the Demon Beast Neidan of the Returning Yuan Realm for his Intermediate Essence Cleansing Pill.

1500 Intermediate Essence Cleansing Pills.

There were less than a hundred pills exchanged for the demon beast Neidan of the Yuan Realm.

Xu Mo had only harvested more than one hundred and eighty demon beast inner dan of the Yuan realm.

This rate is still too slow, and it is not even as good as the monster beasts of the Yuan Realm that he now finds and kills every day in the resource lands scattered around Tianwu County and sweeps across the Tianwu County.

Therefore, Xu Mo had to temporarily give up his plan to obtain a large number of demon beast Neidan of the Yuan Realm from other lords through the world trading platform.

Instead, he was ready to send more troops to sweep all the areas of Tianwu County.

Solve all the demons and monsters in the territory to obtain more demon beasts in the Guiyuan realm Neidan to refine the Guiyuan Pill and recruit dragon beard horses.

After purchasing a large number of innate realm demon beast Neidan, Xu Mo also returned to his room in the Taishou Mansion, ready to rest.

In the middle of the night, a familiar figure appeared outside Xu Mo's room again.

It was Li Xiuning, who was wearing a nightdress.

After lightly avoiding all the guards, Li Xiuning quietly slipped into Xu Mo's room.

Soon, there was another strange sound from inside, echoing in the night sky for a long time.

【Ding! You have occupied all the county towns and cities in Tianwu County, and the control of the entire army city is 100%, and you have achieved the achievement of controlling the whole territory! 】

[Control the Territory: Lords gain the ability to view all objectives on the county-wide map!] 】

The next day.

Xu Mo had just finished washing when he received a reminder from the lord's system.

"Take control! In a moment, all the other lords' territories were finally solved! "

Xu Mo received the sudden news, and immediately his face was happy.

He immediately knew that now the other twenty lords of Tianwu County other than him had all been eliminated by him.

All of their cities were occupied by him.

Only in this way will he be able to achieve the achievement of dominating the entire territory.

After some understanding, he knew the results of Zhao Yun and Bai Qi yesterday.

In just one night, Bai Qi captured twelve county towns, and Zhao Yun captured eight county towns.

Facing the two fierce generals Bai Qi and Zhao Yun.

The lords of these counties all knew that they could not be opponents of two powerful enemies of the Divine Bridge Realm.

Without exception, they all chose to surrender.

It was these wise choices that allowed them to save their lives.

Although he lost his territory, he lost his lordship and became a wanderer.

But in the end, his life was saved, and the city would not be destroyed.

Moreover, these people also improved their strength a lot when they were lords.

Basically, they have all been upgraded to the innate realm above level 20.

Such a level and strength, even if you lose the lord system.

They also have a better life than ordinary people.

Choosing a place to stay is not difficult.

At the same time, after the reminder of his lord system, there is also a world announcement on the world channel that all lords can receive news.

[World Announcement: Lord Xu Mo successfully occupied all the cities of Tianwu County and achieved the achievement of controlling the entire territory! ]

As the first lord to achieve this achievement, all the resources of his territory Tianwu County increased by an additional 1000%! 】

[World Announcement: Lord Xu Mo successfully occupied all the cities of Tianwu County and achieved the achievement of controlling the entire territory! ]

As the first lord to achieve this achievement, all the resources of his territory Tianwu County increased by an additional 1000%! 】


As soon as the world announcement came out, it was still being discussed just now, and the lords who shouted to let Xu Mo put on the shelves some more intermediate essence cleansing pills were collectively shaken.

The whole world channel exploded on the pot.

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