Not only the giant eyed mosquito, but also some of the blessed races in the ten thousand races also have a variety of talents.

For example, the four-armed troll race is naturally powerful.

Because of this, the Blue Star Terrans will rank lower in the Ten Thousand Races Ranking at the beginning.

Of course, these gifted races are not invincible.

At the beginning, their talent will not be very strong, and only with the improvement of the realm of strength, will they show a relatively strong side.

Just like giant eyed mosquitoes that can emit lasers, when they have no realm, at most, their eyes are a little bright!

When they come to the non-entry realm, when they display their talents, their eyes are at most equivalent to high-power light bulbs, which can only be used for lighting!

Only by breaking through to the zero-order realm can they launch small lasers with extremely weak power.

The zero-order one weight can ignite the paper, and the zero-order nine-fold can leave a scorched black spot on the wood.

It does look weak.

However, when they break through to the first-order realm, the laser that the eyes can emit is more powerful!

If you compare and describe it with firearms, the ordinary level giant eye mosquito of the first-order and heavy realm, every time it fires a laser, the power is equivalent to the bullet fired by an AWM sniper rifle.

The main thing is that the speed of the laser is so fast that it is difficult to dodge!

However, they also have a big weakness, and lasers take time to condense.

When you see their eyes, they gradually brighten.

That means that they are about to emit lasers, and only need to carry out snakeskin movement at a very fast speed, and the probability of being hit will be extremely low.

After going through the intelligence information in the world trading market, Chen Ze and the others rushed towards the team of giant eyed mosquitoes.


A few minutes later.

Chen Ze and the others came to the vicinity of the giant eye mosquito team.

At this time, the distance between the two teams is less than 600 meters!

Even if 6 of the giant eye mosquitoes in the team had better eyesight, they were also affected by the fog in the chaotic secret territory.

Not to mention surpassing the eyesight of Chen Ze and Bai Shuang, even the eyesight of the other eight lords was better than the eyesight of those giant eyed mosquitoes!

After all, the Great Qian Lords who can teleport into the Chaotic Secret Realm not only need to reach the zero level seven or above, but the current bloodline level must also be elite level or above!

The team of giant eyed mosquitoes not far away is only ordinary level at the current bloodline level, and the highest giant eye mosquito in the realm is only zero rank four.

The gap is too big, so the eyesight is not as normal as that of the lords of the Daqian Territory.

Immediately, the shadowless shuttle, which was flying in the air at all times, shot directly towards the team of giant eyed mosquitoes.

Facing the shadowless shuttle with a speed of almost 10 times the speed of sound, the giant eyed mosquito flying in mid-air to carefully explore the chaotic secret realm was cut off before he knew what happened.

"Look" at the giant eyed mosquito that fell to the ground.

Chen Ze couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

It is worthy of being a mosquito tribe called the giant eye mosquito, and the eyes are really big.

On a body the size of a bathtub, the eyes are the size of a washbasin!

At this time, the giant eyed mosquitoes that fell to the ground also reacted, and they encountered an invincible powerful enemy!

"Buzz..." the

giant eyed mosquito buzzed with its blood-sucking mouthparts.

It's so amazing that mosquitoes can use bloodsucking mouthparts to make sounds, instead of only relying on flaring wings to make sounds!

And the "buzzing" sound made by the giant-eyed mosquitoes is also very simple.

The enemy is quite strong and invincible, so hurry up and run separately!

So, the giant-eyed mosquitoes whose wings were cut off began to support their bodies with their slender feet, preparing to stay away from here.

The idea is beautiful, the reality is cruel!

The 10 giant-eyed mosquitoes that had just stood up were cut off by the shadowless shuttle flying back and forth in an instant.

It's not that the giant-eyed mosquitoes are blind and can't see the flying shadowless shuttle.

It's just that the speed of the shadowless shuttle is too fast, and it is completely transparent!

In addition to relying on strong perception, or realm improvement, the eyes are strengthened, ordinary creatures basically cannot see the shadowless shuttle flying at great speed and completely transparent!

After a while.

Chen Ze and the others appeared not far from the team of giant eyed mosquitoes.

The eight first-order concentrating gatlings held by the eight great leaders all pointed to the giant eyed mosquitoes who had fallen to the ground and were buzzing in pain.


Although listening to Chen Ze and the others' ears, it was only a continuous hum, but he could understand the meaning.

"Who are you, and why are you sneaking up on the team in our Big-Eyed Territory?" The captain of the giant eyed mosquito pretended to be calm.

"Captain, they are Terrans, the same race that conquered the Chaotic Secret Realm before."


The captain of the giant eyed mosquito glared at the team members who were buzzing, and then continued to buzz:

"The territory that conquered the Chaotic Secret Realm is the territory of Daqian, what does it matter to them?" Could it be that we are encountering the Great Dry Territory?

As soon as the captain of the Giant Eye Mosquito team talked about the Great Dry Territory, his big eyes turned and he thought of a good way:

"You are Terrans, right? The lord of our big-eyed territory, mosquito big-eyed, has a very good relationship with the lord of Daqian! Captain

Giant Eye Mosquito just finished speaking.

The washbasin-sized eyes secretly glanced at Chen Ze and the others, and after finding that there was no reaction, the buzz became a little louder:

"You'd better give some compensation, otherwise our lord mosquito big eyes will definitely tell the big dry lord."

"Do you know that the Great Qian Lord has a lot of points, and can consume some points to find you?"


It is undeniable that the giant eyed mosquito makes a buzzing sound very quickly, and the meaning is also very large, often one buzz can translate 3~9 Chinese characters!

So, don't look at what they say, but the time that has passed is less than three seconds.

And when they heard the conversation of the giant eyed mosquito team and the meaning of the captain's questioning, Chen Ze and the others almost laughed.

Look at the giant eyed mosquito that still wants to continue buzzing.

Chen Ze said expressionlessly: "Since you know the Daqian Territory so well, you should have seen the photos transmitted by the mainstream of the Daqian Leader, as well as the logo on the equipment of the Daqian Leader, right?"

Unsurprisingly, after hearing Chen Ze's prompt.

The big eyes of the giant eyed mosquitoes blinked, and then quickly grew larger, full of incredulity.


Terran team we encountered turned out to be a team from the Great Qian Territory, and it was also a team led by the Great Qian Lord himself!"

"That is, the Great Qian Lord led the team to attack us?"

"Buzz (cry), the sister of the lord mosquito big eye, the beautiful mosquito little eye also promised me that he would look at me for 66 seconds when he went back, and now..." Just

when the giant eye mosquitoes continued to buzz.

Chen Ze interrupted again: "You guys take out everything in your backpack, I promise not to kill you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Ze added in his heart: I don't kill, but the other lords can kill!

In this way, it is not considered to deceive them.

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