
After the dinner, Luo Ning pushed Wiggins back to the latter's study, which was regarded as doing some superficial work. ⃝ⓒⓞⓜ

As for Luo Ning, he has no affection for the entire Wushanbao people.

But as he said, the blood of the Wushan family flows in his body, and he cannot change or deny this. His bond with the Wushan family will never be broken, and this relationship needs to be maintained.

In the study room, the conversation between Luo Ning and Wiggins did not last long, and neither of them seemed to have much to talk about.

Luo Ning took the opportunity to mention that he wanted to recruit some craftsmen in Wushan City, and that he would like to move the families of the previous batch of guards to Shanlin Town at the end of the year.

I don't know whether it was because Luo Ning conquered the savage tribe to fulfill one of Wiggins' wishes, or because he promised to lead the army on behalf of the Wushan family, Wiggins was very polite and agreed to all these requests.

After a brief exchange, Luo Ning left Wiggins' study.

Outside the study, Brayton was leaning against the wall, and the magic crystal lamp in the corridor made his figure leave a long shadow on the ground.

As a boy who is only thirteen years old, Brayton is more than 1.6 meters tall and does not look like a child.

"Are you done talking to your father, brother?"

Luo Ning nodded, "Why, are you waiting for me?"


Brayton smiled and said: "I have a lot to say to you."

The two brothers have communicated in the past, but they can't be said to be close. The main reason is that their lifestyles are not the same.

The predecessor liked to be carefree and have fun everywhere;

Brayton devoted most of his energy to training and learning, which is why he activated the seeds of fighting spirit at the age of thirteen and became a professional knight.

If placed on the earth, his predecessor would have been a rich second generation who lay down, enjoyed himself, and had no knowledge and skills. Brayton is a potential stock full of motivation and struggle.

The current situation is that the rich second generation has collapsed and potential stocks have taken over.

The two found a room at random, and the servants immediately brought candles to light up the room.

Luo Jing waited quietly. He wanted to see what his brother who was bringing him a glass of juice wanted to say.

"Actually, I'm very grateful to you for giving up your inheritance rights."

Brayton handed a glass of juice to Ronin, then picked up the glass in his other hand and took a sip of the juice.

"Because I always feel that our Wushan family needs a strong heir. Please forgive me, my father can't do it, and neither can you, brother."

Luo Ning didn't know what the other party was going to say next. Could it be that the other party was trying to pull off a trick in front of him?

"You know, it's not that I want to give up the inheritance rights, it's that grandpa thinks you are more suitable."

Luo Ning raised the cup and took a sip, and said with a smile: "Actually, that's fine. You awakened the fighting spirit seeds when you were thirteen years old. As long as you practice well, you might be able to catch up with your grandfather and become a hero when you are thirty years old. Meteor Star Knight.”

"You are indeed more suitable to lead the Wushan family and continue the glory of the past!"

Brayton was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Ronin to be so sure of him, which actually made him block what he was planning to say.

But he was not angry. On the contrary, there was still light in his eyes, "Really, brother, do you really think so?"

Luo Ning's tone was unquestionable, "Of course, I've always thought so!"


The smile on Brayton's face grew wider, "I was always worried that you would hate me if grandpa gave me the inheritance, but I'm glad that you didn't."

Of course Ronin didn't.

If he had been disinherited after living in this world for more than ten years, he might hate Brayton.

But he was deprived of it the day he crossed over. The right to inheritance was more like an irrelevant thing to him, and he didn't feel deeply about it.

As the saying goes, if you haven't loved, how can you lose?

In comparison, if something he once owned was taken away, such as taking away the title of Baron of Luoning Mountain Forest Town, he would definitely not be willing to do so.

"There are many people outside who say that after I get the inheritance, I will suppress you, persecute you, or even kill you."

Brayton's tone was disdainful and his eyes were serious. He stared into Ronin's eyes.

"We both belong to Wushan, we have the same silver hair and black eyes, we are brothers! How could I possibly attack you? They underestimate me!"

For a moment, Luo Ning couldn't figure out what this little guy wanted to say.

He could only echo: "We can't control other people's mouths."

"you're right!"

Brayton laughed and said, "Besides coming to you today to talk about this matter, I have one more thing that I need your help with."

Luo Ning raised his eyebrows and said, "You tell me."

Brayton pondered for a moment and said: "I heard that your Mountain Forest Town has a very small population. Even if you include the three savage tribes, the population is estimated to be only two to three thousand people. Such a small number of people is not enough to even develop Mountain Forest Town, so How about giving me the land of those savage tribes?”

"Why, are you still in the mood to manage those mountains?"

Luo Ning frowned slightly. These people didn't know the value of sericulture and ceramics. Why did one or two of them want these lands?

Is the enclosure cute?

"Daily training and practice take up most of my time. How can I have time to do this?"

Brayton shook his head, "You know, there are many swamps in Thane Territory and there is a lack of good land for growing food. If the land of the savage tribes can be taken over and used, development will be faster and it will bring greater benefits to me in the future. Help.”

"So I'm going to let Baron Rayson run those places."

Well, in the end, Thain was brought in. It seems that their relationship is really good, and they can actually let Brayton serve as a lobbyist.

"But grandpa has the final say over the management rights of the land, right?"

Ronin looked Brayton up and down, meaning you mean what you say?

Brayton patted his chest and assured: "Don't worry, grandpa doesn't care about such trivial matters. He will only leave it to father to decide. I will just tell him about it then."

Indeed, many government affairs in the Wushan Territory were left to Wiggins to handle, and Rulans rarely interfered.

Luo Ning thought for a while, but shook his head, "Brayton, I'm afraid you're late on this matter. I have already asked Grandpa for the management rights of the three pieces of land, and he also agreed to let me manage it."

Brayton was a little surprised, he didn't expect Ronin to move so quickly.

"It doesn't matter. As long as you tell Grandpa, it won't be a problem to transfer the management rights to Thain Territory. Then it will be up to me to make the decision and let Baron Leisen pay you at least five hundred gold coins!"

Luo Ning had a faint smile on his face and shook his head.

I just complimented Brayton because he said nice words for free. Now when it comes to specific interests, he can't follow the other person's wishes.

"I'm sorry, I'm not going to transfer this right. Besides, who can guarantee that the places I run will be worse than those run by Raisen in Thain?"

Brayton frowned slightly, "But you only have so many people. How can you have the manpower to run such a big place? Or do you think five hundred gold coins are not enough? If so, I can help you talk to me."

Luo Ning saw hesitation and a flash of confusion from the other party's expression. Maybe the other party didn't expect Luo Ning to refuse, so he didn't prepare a corresponding plan?

He was ready to test it out to see if Brayton was targeting him.

"Brayton, you just said that we are brothers."

Luo Ning looked directly at the other person, "Then why are you willing to help an outsider persuade me to give up what should be mine?"


Brayton suddenly felt that the Luoning in front of him was so strange, completely different from before, and the aura coming from him made him a little overwhelmed.

"Baron Leisen asked his son, my classmate Moravi, to let me talk to you."

He explained: "Furthermore, I also think what the other party said makes sense. After all, Thain has enough manpower to develop those places quickly and bring more tax revenue to our Wushan family."

Luo Ning's eyes softened a lot.

After all, Brayton is still just a thirteen-year-old boy. Although he usually displays confidence and calmness, it is all the self-confidence brought by his talent cultivation, and there is nothing special in other aspects.

This is like a top student who passed mathematics, physics and chemistry, but failed miserably in terms of physical fitness.

Brayton is obviously not very good at negotiating and acting as a lobbyist, and his personality does not seem to be strong enough.

"Don't worry, I will find a way to solve the shortage of manpower problem you mentioned."

Luo Ning said: "I guarantee that my management will be better than his!"

"Okay, okay..."

Brayton spread his hands and said, "I just said that I am not suitable to be a lobbyist. Negotiating with people is much more tiring than practicing."

Luo Ning smiled and said, "I can see it."

The atmosphere in the small room softened.

Brayton said helplessly: "My mother told me that many nobles have dissatisfaction with Wushan Castle. Let me win more nobles to our side. Baron Leisen of Thain has recently become a bronze knight, so we can get closer. relation."

Luo Ning's heart moved and he wrote these words down.

In his impression, Baron Leisen was just a high-level knight, and he didn't expect to make a breakthrough recently.

"Dianne is right."

Luo Ning nodded in approval, "But no matter how much you win over Leisen, he is still an outsider, and I am your brother. Although our mothers are different, as you just said, we both belong to Wushan."

"Yes, you are right, brother!"

It seemed that the topic had opened up, and Brayton simply became casual. He pulled up a chair and sat down.

"Now that my father is dying, and grandpa's physical condition is getting worse and worse, in the near future there will only be you and me in the Wushan family."

Brayton said sincerely: "I hope you can continue the courage you had when you conquered the savage tribe and become a powerful lord. Together, we can rebuild the family's past glory!"


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