Chapter 118 118. Storm Wolf

As the unknown monster fell, everyone cheered in victory.

"How are everyone's injuries? Especially those of you who were just swept away. Please check your status."

Luo Ning warned and came to the corpse of the monster.

Although this guy is motionless, looking at its huge body of nearly three meters, there is still a clear sense of oppression, especially when exaggerated by the choking smell left by the fire element explosion in the air, it still makes people feel a little panicked.

Elrond crouched aside, stroking its fur.

After being blasted by the Pyroblast Technique, a lot of hair on the head had been burned off, and part of the neck was yellow and curled, but most of it was still intact.

"I don't know what level of monster this is. It doesn't look like a level three monster, but its strength seems a bit low compared to a level four monster."

"It is a level four monster."

Luo Ning said, "Open its belly and take a look. There is a scar there. It should be left by other beasts. It is injured."

Elrond tried it, but he was not strong enough, so he had no choice but to find a helper: "McCann, come here, help me."


Mikan was regretting missing a battle. After hearing Elrond's call, he immediately stepped forward and pushed the giant beast down.

"There is indeed a wound!"

Elrond checked it and said: "There are more than one place, sir. There are also scratches on its buttocks."

Luo Ning walked over and checked. The wounds here were not big and they were almost healed.

"Perhaps this monster came to Shanlin Town after being defeated in a fight with other monsters. After giving birth to its cubs, it thought about recuperating and did not leave."

Elrond asked, "My lord, what shall we do with it?"

"Of course I pulled it back. The monster is full of treasures."

As he spoke, he ran into the grass and picked up the Warcraft cub. The little guy was still screaming. Since he hadn't opened his eyes yet, he naturally didn't know what was going on here.

"Oh my god, there's actually a monster cub here!"

McCann exclaimed, he was only two or three minutes late, how could he miss so many good shows?

"I remember that the trainer who trains the messenger bird in the team that came back this time is called Browning. You will take him to the castle to meet me later to see if there is any possibility of taming this little guy."

Although it sounds very cruel to kill the female beast one second and want to tame the cub for his own use the next second, this is the reality.

Humans will always be on the diet of carnivorous monsters. In the human mind, monsters are always a threat unless they can be tamed.

Luo Ning did have a Warcraft Contract Scroll in his hand, but it was an extremely rare thing that could only be made by a seventh-level dark magician. It was a bit of a waste to use it on a fourth-level Warcraft.

He had thought about whether this scroll could be used to contract a magical beast with great potential, or a powerful adult magical beast, but in any case, it was not suitable for use on this cub.

So if you want to use it for your own use, you can only rely on taming it.

"Okay, sir, I believe you will be able to tame it smoothly!" McCann blessed.

"Can I hug it?"

Erin came over and asked timidly.


The cub was only about forty or fifty centimeters long, and Irene easily held it in her arms.

Perhaps because the smell was very unfamiliar and the surrounding environment was noisy, it kept humming uneasily. Erin stroked its little head and tried to soothe it, but this obviously didn't work.

"Maybe it's hungry, let's go back first."

Luo Ning whistled, and the Cloud-Stepping Horse ran over. He got on his horse and said, "Chahar, you should come back as soon as possible. There are many new people in the territory, and you and Wilson need to come and settle them."

"Okay, sir, I'll go back right away."

After Ronin returned to the castle, he ordered Galen and Bella to prepare warm milk and goat's milk. The Warcraft cub smelled the smell of milk, but because it did not open its eyes, it could not lick it on its own.

There was no other way, so Luoning could only take a spoon and feed the little guy little by little with Irene. It took a lot of time and energy for the two of them to finish feeding a bowl of milk.

After it was full, the cub stopped humming and began to smell and explore the surrounding environment.

"Sir, the security officer has brought Browning to the living room." Outside the room, Galen said respectfully.


Luo Ning stood up and said with a smile: "Let's go and learn from the beast tamer."


Erin, who was wiping the milk spilled from the cub's mouth with a cloth, happily picked it up and walked out.

In the living room, the servants had already brought fruit plates and tea to the animal trainer. Chahar was very polite to this guest from Wushanpu.

Browning looked at the living room environment. Although there were all the necessary fireplaces, sofas, etc., compared with Wushan Castle, this place was too simple. It was hard to imagine that the grandson of the Marquis would live in such an environment.

Seeing Ronin walking in from behind, Browning immediately stood up and said, "Dear Baron of Hillwood Town, Browning is very happy to be summoned by you in person!"

He said and saluted respectfully, "Since entering Shanlin Town, I have heard people praising your achievements. Your presence has brought new life to this barren land!"

"Your compliments are so delightful!"

Although Luo Ning felt a little numb after hearing such praise, he was not surprised after hearing it many times.

He motioned for the other party to sit down, "Mr. Browning, I'll leave it to you to train the messenger birds for Hillwood Castle this time! If you need assistance, you can ask anyone in the castle and they will tell it to me. "

"Don't worry, sir. Within three months, I will be able to build the bird path between Shanlin Town and Wushanbao."

Wushanbao's trust bird management team attaches great importance to what the Marquis personally explained.

Not only did they prepare a sufficient number of messenger birds for training, they also sent Browning, an experienced bird training master.

"I came to see you today for another matter."

Ronin gave Irene a look, and Irene, who was standing behind, came forward with the Warcraft cub.

"Is this a dog?" Browning wondered.

"Today I led the knights in the territory to kill a monster that invaded the territory. This is the cub it left behind."

Ronin explained: "I would like to ask Mr. Browning if there is any way to tame this cub for my use?"

Browning's eyes widened and he walked quickly to Irene in surprise, "Oh my god, this is not a dog, this... this is really a wild Warcraft cub, and it hasn't opened its eyes yet!"

"Can I hold it?" he asked inquiringly.

Luo Ning nodded, "We don't know anything about this monster. What type does it belong to?"

Browning did not answer immediately. He held the skin around the cub's neck and hung it in the air to examine it carefully, marveling as he watched.

"Sir, if I see correctly, this should be the cub of the third-level monster 'Storm Wolf'!"

Level 3 monster?

Luo Ning asked in surprise: "But the monster I killed was level four."

Level four monster?

Browning's eyes widened in shock, "Sir, you can actually kill a level four monster?"

"This is all the work of McCann and other knights. I just went to join in the fun."

McKenton, who was waiting by the side, felt embarrassed. He didn't use a single move or sword from beginning to end this time, and he didn't expect to have to take the credit.

But Browning believed it to be true. He had seen McCann and the Galil Knight compete with each other along the way, and knew that the sturdy guard officer in front of him had great strength.

"The strongest individual of the Storm Wolf can only reach level three. I have never heard of a level four."

He hesitated for a moment, "Sir, can I see the dead wolf?"


Ronin nodded and let Eileen stay in the house holding the cub while he took the animal trainer to the outer castle.

"This is indeed the Storm Wolf!"

After seeing the dead monster, Browning was extremely convinced.

"It's just that its size is larger than the average storm wolf. I'm afraid it's a mutant. This also explains why it is a level four monster."

"It's fast, its claws are sharp, its fur is very defensive, and it can also use extraordinary power to attack."

Browning said, looking at McCann with great reverence: "The guard officer can kill it, your strength is really amazing."

"Uh, you're ridiculous!" McCann scratched his head in embarrassment.

Luo Ning explained with a smile: "Although it is a level four monster, there is a long wound on its abdomen that has not healed, which greatly limits its attack power. This gives us a chance to kill it."

Upon hearing this Browning examined it carefully.

After a while, he agreed with Luo Ning.

"Storm wolves have family characteristics. They are usually led by a male wolf and a female wolf to lead their offspring. Now that this female wolf appears alone, it can only mean that its group has suffered a devastating blow."

Browning analyzed and said: "The leader of the pack is definitely dead, and the remaining members may also have been killed, so there is only one female wolf here."

Luo Ning frowned, "In other words, there are still monsters in Wushan over Shanlin Town that can destroy the Storm Wolf clan?"

No matter how big the storm wolf's group is, the opponent at least has the strength to defeat the fourth level monster.

If the Storm Wolf can reach Shanlin Town, then so can the other party.

"That's not necessarily the case."

Browning shook his head, "After the storm wolf loses its pack, it will leave its original territory and migrate a long distance. It takes three months for this female wolf to get pregnant and give birth. In other words, its original territory is far away from Shanlin Town. It could be up to three months away.”

Luo Ning knew that this was just a guess, "McCann, we must ensure the safety of the Ironwood Workshop area!"

"Yes, sir!" McCann responded seriously.

Luo Ning suppressed the worries in his heart and changed the topic back, "Okay Browning, let's not discuss this storm wolf for now. I want to ask you to help me tame that little guy for me."

"I am at your service, Lord Baron."

Browning is very interested in taming monsters. "If this young wolf has been living with the mother wolf for a while and activated its wild nature, then I can hardly guarantee that I can tame it, but it has not even opened its eyes now. It’s so much easier to tame!”

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