Chapter 133 133. Dog barking

There was plenty of sunshine in the next two days. Except for some snowy slopes or buildings that were facing the sun, the snow in other places had basically melted. s⃞ h⃞ u⃞ x⃞ .⃞ c⃞ o⃞ m⃞

It’s not cold when it snows, it’s cold when it melts.

Although Luo Ning is now a senior knight and his physique has strengthened a lot, he can still feel the temperature drop in the past two days.

Apart from that, everything is relatively humid.

The room was relatively humid, the roads to the castle were relatively humid, and even more so were the mountain roads outside that were flowed by snowy water.

Luo Ning rode the Cloud Horse for a distance along the mountain road. Some places with a lot of loess were muddy, and the wheels of the carriage would probably get stuck in it.

He planned to wait two more days before hitting the road.

In the open space of the inner castle, Luo Ning threw a small wooden stick high into the air, "Black Tiger, catch it!"

As soon as the words fell, a black shadow rushed out quickly, ran towards the wooden stick in the air, picked up the end of the wooden stick as it curved in the air, and bit it with precision.


Luo Ning couldn't help but admire, the black tiger's jump just now was at least about 1.5 meters.

Although this height does not look high, the black tiger is only one month old, and its body is only fifty centimeters. It can jump so high all at once, and its explosive power can be imagined.

The black tiger that caught the stick waggled its tail and ran over quickly.

Luo Ning was not stingy either. He picked up a piece of dried meat from the pottery basin held by Bella and threw it to the other party.

Black Tiger took it accurately, took it to the corner and started to eat.

Although Luo Ning separated it from Gouzi in the past two days, the habits he learned from Gouzi still remained.

Ning walked up to Heihu and reached out to take away the other's dried meat. Sure enough, the guy started to show his teeth and let out a low sound. This was a sign of a dog protecting its food.


Luo Ning slapped the opponent on the head, and then successfully took the dried meat in his hand.

"How dare you protect the food!"

Then he handed over the dried meat and started to hit it a second time. Black Tiger's behavior was still the same, so he took the second and third blows...

After an unknown amount of blows, the black tiger seemed to react. When Luo Ning stretched out his hand, it subconsciously shrank back and let the dried meat out.

At the same time, it was wagging its tail and looking at Luo Ning flatteringly, which seemed to mean "Head, you eat it."

"That's pretty much it."

Luo Ning touched the black tiger's head vigorously, letting him eat the dried meat with peace of mind.

"Okay, that's it for today."

Luo Ning clapped his hands and washed his hands in the basin brought by the housekeeper Chahar.

"I'll be leaving in two days. Remember to tell Irene to train the black tiger more like this to train its obedience. But you must also pay attention to safety and don't let this little thing bite you."

"Okay sir, I understand."

Chahar has rarely had time to stay in the castle recently. "Sir, when are you going to go to Wushanbao?"

"Probably the fifteenth."

Luo Ning wiped his hands with a towel, "Leah is weaving silk scarves at a pretty good speed. She said it will be completed in five or six days. I will just wait for him."

"Oh, by the way, later you can bring me the coat made by the Storm Wolf that the tailor has processed and tidy it up. I want to take it away."

These two things were the birthday gifts that Luo Ning brought to Lu Lansi.

"Your Majesty the Marquis will be very happy to receive these two gifts."


He waved his hand, signaling Chahar to go about his business, and he walked leisurely in the castle.

He wandered into the hall of the castle and saw Irene teaching David, Bella and others how to read like an old lady. The students below were all scratching their heads and frowning. How uncomfortable.

Especially after seeing Luo Ning appear, everyone was extremely nervous, fearing that the lord would come to test them.

Luo Ning just said a few words of encouragement, then climbed up the tower and looked at the returning team of guards under the dusk in the west——


In the past half month, the cavalry has also been recruited. Although there are not enough horses, it is still possible to train with the guards first.

After walking around, Ronin returned to the castle and sat at the desk.

The black tiger, which had finished eating the dried meat, also came over. Despite its small size, it was not slow at all in climbing stairs. Sometimes it even jumped several steps in a row.

It circled around Luo Ning's trousers a few times. Seeing that its owner had no intention of paying attention to it, it lay aside and nibbled on the legs of the chair.

Luo Ning was too lazy to talk to this guy. He took out the parchment and quill and began to draw the shape of the porcelain to provide reference for making ceramic vessels in the future.

In fact, every day for the past two days before dinner, he would draw one or two pictures based on his impressions, and there were already seven or eight pictures piled on the table.

Luo Ning feels that his painting level has improved a lot since time travel, and he may become a famous painter in the future.

"When I have more people under my command in the future, I must compile a basic book and include all my works."

The quill clattered on the paper, slowly tracing the shape of a small cup, and describing its size and characteristics next to it.

Luo Ning was concentrating on the design, and Black Tiger was meticulously nibbling the chair legs, but suddenly, the "puppy" stopped and stared at the door closely.

Ronin didn't notice anything unusual until the little guy purred.

"What's wrong, Black Tiger?" Luo Ning stopped writing and looked over in surprise.

However, he saw that the black tiger had already stood up and stared at the door as if facing a formidable enemy, as if there was a being there that it was very afraid of.

But Luoning didn't find anything at first glance. The valet Galen was waiting there in the corridor outside the door, and there was nothing unusual.

"What's wrong with you?" Luo Ning scolded with a smile.

Galen outside couldn't help but glance at him. He thought Black Tiger was baring his teeth at him, so he moved outside and disappeared at the door.

But then the black tiger actually started barking.

Luo Ning originally wanted to curse a few words, but an ominous premonition suddenly rose in his heart.


Without thinking, he quickly used the wind of detection. Within the field of vision of the wind element, he actually sensed a figure two or three meters away in front of the desk.

At this moment, the figure rushed towards him quickly.


Luo Ning cursed angrily, but without any time to react, he kicked the floor with his toes, causing his whole body and the chair to fall to one side, rolling to the ground.

At this moment, a figure wearing long black clothes suddenly appeared in the room. The dagger in his hand stabbed Luo Ning where he originally was.

If he hadn't noticed it, the dagger would have definitely pierced his heart!

"You actually avoided it."

The man made an evil mocking sound, put away the dagger, drew his long sword, jumped over the desk, and thrust it from above.


The Flowing Flame Sword was held in Luo Ning's hand, and as fighting energy was injected into it, violent flames broke out.

"You are not a junior knight!"

The man was very surprised, but his reaction was not slow at all. He used his fighting spirit almost at the same time, condensing it into a long sword light, and at the same time, it wrapped his whole body, forming a pair of blue-black fighting spirit armor.

The two swords collided with a loud noise, creating a strong storm in the small study room. All the papers on the table were blown away, creating a chaos.

The black tiger screamed even more violently, and it rushed forward, but was blown away by a gust of air;

Galen, who was waiting outside the door, heard the chair falling to the ground and wanted to come over to see what happened. However, he never expected such a movement in the room, and he was stunned for a moment.

The stalemate only lasted a moment, and the huge power of the man in black pressed forward. Luo Ning was directly thrown away by the power of the sword, and hit the wall heavily.


The man in black didn't stop at all, and rushed towards him with a big stride. He raised his long sword and wanted to chop off Luo Ning's head with this sword.

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