Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 135 135 is worth one thousand gold

Chapter 136 Worth a Thousand Gold

The thrilling assassination was finally passed without any danger.

Luo Ning put the Flowing Flame Sword into the space ring. In this battle, he also understood the level of his combat power.

Without being attacked by surprise or losing the opportunity, with the help of magic, he could defeat ordinary bronze-level players.

"Master, how are you?"

Chahar and others gathered around, "I'm sorry, we can't help you kill the enemy."

Luo Ning waved his hand, "Who should do what? Everyone should perform their duties."

He lowered his head and looked at himself. He rolled and crawled several times. His body was already stained with dust and mud, and the corners of his clothes were torn by the aftermath. He looked a little embarrassed.

"Go and prepare hot water. I'll wash myself and change my clothes first."

Luo Ning said: "Chahar, please bring someone to tidy up my study. Don't mess up those drawings."

"Okay, sir!"

Chahar clapped his hands and said, "Everyone, stop standing around. Those who should cook should cook, those who should boil water should boil water. Come on, everyone, get busy!"

The lord was safe and sound, and everyone's tense heartstrings relaxed, and everyone got busy with their work.

But the assassination was bound to be something they discussed for a long time to come.

"Brother Luo Ning, are you okay?"

When Irene came over, everyone had almost dispersed.

Listening to this cautious voice, Luo Ning couldn't help but smile, "Of course I'm fine, the assassin can't kill me yet."

He said and looked over, but saw Irene covered in dirt and a large stain on her fair face, and asked in surprise: "What's wrong with you?"

Erin sniffed, tears streaming down her face, but with a smile on her face, "I just went to look for the McCann Knight. I fell down on the way."

Luo Ning was slightly moved. He waved to the other person to come over and rubbed the other person's blond hair lovingly, "You are too careless."

"I'm so nervous." Erin said with some fear.

Luo Ning wiped away the tears from the corners of the other party's eyes, "You have to believe that brother Luo Ning is the strongest and invincible! Go, let Bella boil water for you and wash it off. You don't look good at all like this. ”

In fact, Luo Ning was moved by the reactions of the servants, guards, and knights just now.

Although the strength of this group of people is a bit lacking, at least they dare to rush forward to protect his safety, then they are competent.

The tense atmosphere in the castle gradually dissipated, but the tension outside the castle was slowly rising. This assassination shocked many people.

When Political Affairs Officer Wilson heard this, his expression changed drastically, and he ran over almost rolling and crawling.

Everything he has now is given by the lord. If the lord is assassinated, then everything he has now will be finished.

In addition to Wilson, the village chiefs, team leaders, and many residents in the town all ran outside the castle to inquire about the news.

Shanlin Town finally welcomed a good lord, and they didn't want to be killed by some assassin.

In desperation, Luo Ning could only climb up the tower, hold a torch high and say peace to everyone, and then dismissed the crowd.

After dinner, a fire burned in the living room fireplace, keeping the room warm.

Ronin changed into clean pajamas, sat on the sofa, and quickly read a note that McCann had found from the assassin.

There is not much valuable content on the note, only a few simple sentences:

Assassinate Baron Luo Ning of Shanlin Town and get a reward of 1,000 gold coins. Pay attention to the fact that there are senior peak knights with strength comparable to the bronze level around him, and try to find an opportunity to get alone.

Luo Ning couldn't help but laugh: "Am I only worth a thousand gold coins?"

"They don't know your level, sir," McCann said.

Luo Ning put the note into the space ring, "Did any other information come out from the interrogation?"

In response, McCann shook his head helplessly.

"Sir, this assassin should have been well trained and has a strict mouth. No matter how hard David and I whipped him, except for some information about his identity, he did not reveal anything else."

Luo Ning frowned, "It seems that this assassin is more professional than Pedro, so let's talk about his identity first."

"This man said his code name is 'Shadow' and he is a formal member of the Skull and Bones Society."

McCann replied: "And this Skull and Bones Society, according to him, is a killer organization established by the Black Gold Brotherhood. It targets all the nobles in the Wushan Territory, assassinates them, creates chaos, and creates a situation conducive to the expansion of the Black Gold Brotherhood." ."

The Wushan Territory was in chaos. The nobles were busy dealing with the affairs of each family. Of course, not many people paid attention to how much territory the Black Gold Brotherhood occupied on the border.

"Did he disclose the number of members of the Skull and Bones Society? Or the location of the base?"

McCann shook his head, "He didn't disclose any of this information."

"You're quite strict with your mouth."

Luo Ning stood up and said, "Let's go, take me to see him."

There is a dark room on the north side of the castle, which was generally used to imprison slaves in the early days. After Luo Ning entered the castle, this room was seldom used and was left idle.

McCann used this place as a temporary prison cell.

At this time, the assassin named Shadow was tied to a pillar, with a lot of bloody wounds all over his body. Although the place where Luo Ning stabbed him was bandaged, the blood had dyed the linen bandage red.

It was really miserable, but it was not enough to kill him. After all, the vitality of a bronze-level knight was much stronger than that of ordinary people.

Luo Ning couldn't help but touch his nose, feeling a little emotional.

If this kind of scene was placed in a normal TV series, he and McCann would probably be villains.

But when dealing with assassins, sometimes it is necessary to use force to force them.

"This darkroom is too humid. Wharton, go and get some firewood from the kitchen to heat it up and keep our Lord Shadow warm."

Luo Ning warned: "But remember to ventilate the fire when lighting it. Don't suffocate in the house."

The miserable assassin raised his eyes and sneered: "You don't need to use this little trick in front of me. I've told you everything I can, and don't even think about asking me what you can't."

He thought that Luo Ning suddenly cared so much about him because he wanted to pry his mouth open through small favors.

"You have a pretty tough mouth."

Luo Ning kept his distance and asked with a smile: "Is it possible that I just don't want you to freeze to death?"

David had already picked up the whip and was about to strike twice more, but was stopped.

"To deal with such a tough-talking character, the more tough you use, the harder it will be to pry open his mouth."

"Please give me some guidance!" David asked quickly.

Luo Ning crossed his hands on his chest and looked thoughtful.

He knows a lot about torture. After all, it often appears in costume TV dramas, such as the tiger bench, burning, etc. Isn't it too inhumane to bring it out like this?

While thinking, he frowned and looked up and down at the wounds on the assassin's body, and thought of a way.

"That's the end of the interrogation today. Just hang him like this at night. If it's too cold, put some more clothes on him and let him have a good rest."

Luo Ning said: "Let the kitchen boil a pot of sweet water tomorrow and pour it on him after it has cooled down. Then let the guards find a few ant nests and catch a few ants."

Although it is winter and ants don't come out much, there are places with high temperatures in the castle, and there are always ant nests that can be found, just take them out.

"Ants like sweets very much. Just imagine, the sweet water seeped into his wound at that time and adhered to the blood and skin. These ants loved it even more."

Luo Ning bared his teeth and smiled. Under the candlelight, this smile was not to mention how sinister it was. He couldn't help but shiver when he looked at David.

The assassin who was originally prepared to ignore it couldn't help but open his eyes with a horrified look when he thought of the scene described by Luo Ning.

Luo Ning reminded slowly: "Imagine how you would feel when thousands of ants crawl along your wounds, gnawing and gnawing."

"It hurts? Or is it itchy?"

Luo Ning's voice seemed to come from hell, with a natural coldness.

"I heard that although the ant's mouth is small, its bite force is amazing. I just don't know how many bites the Bronze Knight's body defense can withstand?"

The people in the darkroom felt their scalps numb and couldn't bear to imagine that scene.

McCann and others felt that compared to the Lord's interrogation method, their whipping was too weak.

"Luo Ning, you!"

The assassin panicked. His mind was filled with images of ants eating his flesh and drinking his blood. His scalp was numb!

Luo Ning interrupted the other party first, "You have one night to think slowly, and then wait until tomorrow to fully understand it."

After saying that, he walked out and warned as he walked: "After catching the ants tomorrow, remember to light a fire in the house. Only when they are warmed up, the little guys will be more energetic and motivated."

"Okay, okay..." David responded blankly.


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