Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 153 153 The Princess Arrives

Chapter 154 154. The princess arrives

When Luo Ning stood next to the griffin at close range, he could feel the power of this flying mount even more. ♦♡

Although it has been tamed since childhood and looks docile, no one should doubt its strength.

It is said that most adult griffins are level four monsters, and some of them can reach level five or even six.

Thinking about the injured Storm Wolf that left Elrond and others helpless, you know how difficult it would be to deal with this flying monster.

When Luo Ning came to the griffon, the knight above jumped off the back of the two-meter-high griffon and landed firmly on the ground.

He was wearing silver-white armor, and his face was covered by a silver helmet, so his face couldn't be seen clearly.

But the specially made silver armor outlined the body of a woman. Luo Ning was surprised, could the Griffin Knight be a woman?

Without thinking too much, he stepped forward and saluted, "Hello, distinguished Griffin Knight. I am Luo Ning, the eldest grandson of Marquis of Lulans, and I am waiting here for Her Royal Highness the Princess."

The griffin knight gave a knighthood to Luo Ning and introduced himself: "Missy Cox, a member of the royal gryphon knights and the escort of Her Royal Highness Princess Blanche, nice to meet you, Your Excellency Luo Ning! "

This crisp female voice proved that the other party was indeed a female knight.

Luo Ning was a little surprised. It is said that the lowest knights in the Royal Griffin Knights are Bronze Knights. Could it be that the female knight in front of him also has such high strength?

"Nice to meet you too, beautiful knightess."

Luo Ning said hello again: "I wonder when Her Royal Highness the Princess will arrive?"

Knight Missy looked at the sky, estimated the time, and replied: "Her Royal Highness the Princess should arrive in ten minutes. Please be prepared, Lord Luo Ning!"

"Please rest assured that everything is ready."

Although Luo Ning was asked to receive them, he only needed to accompany and greet them, and he did not need to worry about other trivial matters.

Under the arrangements of Diane, the housekeeper, and Captain Tolu, the guards of the First Knights have surrounded the square and prepared defenses; the servants have also laid out a red carpet that stretches all the way to Wushan Fort Inside.

The nobles who came to watch the excitement also stayed in the distance. They did not come forward directly. Instead, they stood on both sides, communicating and waiting.

Ten minutes was a short time, and soon several black spots appeared in the distant sky.


Missy Knight reminded in a low voice that Ronin was ready.

The black spots in the sky grew bigger and bigger, and soon appeared over Wushan Fort.

Luo Ning looked up and saw that there were eleven griffins in the sky. Except for the one in the middle, which had two people sitting on it, the rest of the griffins only had one person on them.

Moreover, Luo Ning discovered that these griffins had a light cyan energy surrounding the riders, like a safety protective cover that enveloped them, protecting them from the cold and strong winds.

I don't know if this cover is cast by the gryphon itself, or if it is some kind of ability used by the rider.

With a loud cry, the gryphon team seemed to have heard the order, and they all swooped down, carrying a powerful airflow impact. The huge sense of oppression made the surrounding guards change their expressions.

Luo Ning, who was in the center, also changed his face slightly. He could imagine what it would be like if these griffins and their knights attacked.

He secretly praised in his heart that he was worthy of being a royal family. It was such a grand scene.

If it weren't for his good mental quality, he would have been so frightened that he sat on the ground when faced with such power.

Knight Missy beside her also showed a surprised look. She had heard rumors about Luo Ning, but she didn't expect this person to have such determination.

She had faced such a scene when she was selected to become a Griffin Knight. This was a test from the leader.

Although she was not so scared that she collapsed on the ground, she took two steps back. She was not as calm as Luo Ning.

Eleven griffins landed neatly on the ground, and the knights above jumped down one after another. Only the lady on the back of the griffin in the middle slowly came down on the white ladder temporarily built by the crew.


Luo Ning could tell at a glance that the other party was the famous Princess Blanche, and he walked over quickly.

Although Blanche's reputation outside is not very good, she has to admit that as the daughter of the Alduin royal family, her appearance is impeccable.

At least she is the best among all the women Luo Ning has ever seen.

Blanche has the Alduin family's signature golden brown hair and lavender eyes.

Especially her smart eyes, which not only do not look evil, but also make her fair skin more delicate.

The only flaw might be that when Luo Ning got closer, she noticed a few freckles on her little nose, but the number was very small and had no impact on her beauty.

The appearance of this marriage partner is really not bad at all.

Luo Ning sighed in his heart, then walked forward enthusiastically, put his left hand on his chest, and said in greeting:

"Dear Princess Blanche, I am Luo Ning, the eldest grandson of the Marquis of Wushan, and I welcome you on behalf of the entire Wushan Castle!"

Blanche knew her father's intention of arranging for her to come to Wushan Castle, but she didn't expect that the person receiving her would be Luo Ning, and a trace of panic flashed in her eyes.

However, as a serious royal princess, she quickly calmed down. She slightly bent her knees and lifted both sides of her skirt with her hands, nodding in greeting.

"Nice to meet you too, Ronin."

Her voice was soft and sweet, and she sounded like a gentle and kind person.

Next, the princess introduced the team members accompanying her this time.

To put it simply, the escort team of Her Royal Highness the Princess was personally led by Sir Broll Geller, the deputy head of the Royal Griffin Knights, and was accompanied by eleven members of the Griffin Knights.

Without exception, they are all powerful Lord Knights.

Luo Ning greeted them one by one, shook hands and said hello.

"Your Highness, please follow me into the castle!"

Luo Ning stood up straight, raised his right hand in front of him, and stretched out his arm.


Blanche put her arm around her and the two walked slowly along the red carpet towards the castle.

Behind them were only Knight Missy and Deputy Captain Broll, while the other gryphon knights stayed to lead their mounts to the settlement area.

The nobles who had been waiting for a long time stood on both sides and gave warm cheers and greetings to Her Royal Highness the Princess.

Luo Ning could see that Her Royal Highness the Princess was not nervous at all when facing such a scene. While holding his arm, she nodded enthusiastically and waved hello to the nobles around her.

But before entering the gate of Wushan Fort, a loud cry suppressed the cheers of the crowd and interrupted the lively scene.

Luo Ning and everyone else couldn't help but turn their heads and look into the air, only to see three more griffins flying in the distance.

According to Broll, there are only twelve griffins in their team. Why are there still griffins?

"This is?"

Luo Ning looked at Blanche in surprise.

The latter frowned slightly and shook her head imperceptibly, indicating that she didn't know what the situation was.

Brower, however, looked up and said, "The white griffins should be Count Jesus and his griffin knights."


Luo Ning quickly had an impression.

Jesus Alduin, the younger brother of His Majesty Bruno, is the Earl of Moonlight Valley. His territory is located in the southeast corner of Wushan Territory, so he has an impression of his predecessor.

Luo Ning narrowed his eyes slightly and watched the three gryphons descending at high speed and landing steadily on the square.

Did the Earl of the Kingdom also come to congratulate Rulans on his birthday?

He hadn't heard of it before.

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