Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 157 157 The bloody and cruel Colosseum

Chapter 158 158. The bloody and cruel Colosseum

Although Luo Ning did not participate in every aspect of formulating Princess Blanche's itinerary, as an escort, he still knew the specific content of each aspect.

Watching gladiator performances at the Colosseum, they are just pure spectators, and there is no special introduction.

The sudden spotlight made Luo Ning secretly wary, so he reminded McCann to be careful around him to avoid unexpected situations.

However, he seemed to be worrying too much.

The host on the other side of the stand turned off the spotlight, and after the atmosphere became a little cooler, he resumed introducing today's animal fighting event, gradually drawing the audience's attention back.

This beast fighting show has been promoted for a long time, and almost everyone who came here knew that what the gladiators needed to defeat this time was the green-skinned troll, a level three monster.

This monster has the appearance of a primate, but it also has long arms and huge feet. It also has webs between its fingers and toes. It is very good at climbing and swimming.

According to reports, the green-skinned troll has a pair of sharp horns on its head, long fangs in its mouth, and red eyes. It looks very ugly.

Many people came to watch with a curious attitude. After all, it is difficult for some people living in cities to have the opportunity to see Warcraft with their own eyes.

"Now, let us use the warmest applause and exclamations to welcome tonight's protagonist to the stage!"

Along with the host's loud shouts, the huge stone door on the east wall of the Colosseum slowly opened, exposing the huge iron cage to everyone.

Suddenly, everyone who saw the monster in the cage couldn't help but gasp, and some timid women couldn't help but scream in fear.

The cage contained a huge monster nearly three meters tall. Its furiously roaring fangs and its basin-like palms that tightly grabbed the iron cage were chilling.

"This kind of creature should be rare in the Wushan Mountains. Maybe it was caught from the Misty Mountains."

Blanche had obviously seen the green-skinned troll before, "It seems that the organizers put a lot of effort into this performance at the end of the year. No wonder the viewing price is so expensive."

"Do you know this creature?" Luo Ning asked in surprise.

He doesn't remember much about Warcraft.

Blanche nodded, "These creatures usually move in groups of three or five, and the strongest individuals are comparable to human bronze knights. They have a certain amount of intelligence, but not high."

While he was talking, the door in front of the iron cage was slowly pulled up from the gap above the stone door, and the trapped green-skinned troll rushed out like crazy.

It roared up to the sky, and its originally red eyes became extremely bloodthirsty due to the anger.

Especially after it saw the audience in the stands, it roared angrily and rushed towards the wall, jumped up two to three meters, and then climbed two meters along the wall. It scared the audience above to scream and step back. .

Fortunately, the stands are more than ten meters higher than the performance stage. Even if the green-skinned troll knows how to climb, he will have no choice but to fall back to the performance stage.

The shocked audience recovered. This scene did not make them timid. On the contrary, they became more excited and looked forward to the next beast fighting competition. Many people also cheered.

Blanche glanced at the troll that fell back, and continued: "This kind of creature is violent, murderous, and likes to feed on humans. There seems to be a time in history when trolls were rampant, and it was common for humans to be eaten at that time. yes."

Luo Ning nodded slowly and gave the other party a thumbs up, "Learn as you go, Blanche, you are really a scholar."

Blanche was slightly embarrassed, "It's okay, I just read a lot of various books."

During the conversation between the two, the host had already comforted and ignited the emotions of the audience, "Now, we invite our first gladiator. He is the Wolf King, the god of war who is undefeated in a hundred games at the intermediate level!"


A small door on the west wall slowly opened, and a burly knight wearing heavy armor and holding a knight's sword slowly walked in.

The identities and backgrounds of gladiators are relatively complex. Some are free knights, while others are captured professional knights who were sold to the Colosseum by slave owners for special performances.

The former will get money if they win, and the latter will get money if they win the slave owner.

However, whether they were free knights or slave knights, their death in the Colosseum was in vain, and their families or slave owners would not receive any compensation.


As the gladiator entered, the angry green-skinned troll seemed to have found an object to vent its anger on. It roared angrily at the human gladiator nicknamed "Wolf King" and then rushed over like crazy.

The Wolf King roared angrily, and powerful fighting spirit erupted from his body, condensing a bright sword light on the knight's sword.

He slashed out with his sword, and the sword light shot out, and he ran towards the troll, preparing to strike again.

Regardless of how powerful this move is, at least the Wolf King's momentum is released.

This naturally caused the ordinary people in the stands to exclaim, thinking that the green-skinned troll was going to be killed by this sword. Some people were even shouting the name of the Wolf King.

But the ending is always surprising.

The green-skinned troll did not dodge. He raised his palm, and a yellow light flashed on his palm. Then he smacked it, and the sword light was shattered.

Then it stretched out its long and thick arms, crossed two or three meters and pinched the wolf king's neck.


The harsh breaking sound turned the entire Colosseum into silence. When the sword in the knight's hand fell to the ground with a thud, everyone reacted. Some people jumped up in fear as if they were having a stress reaction. .

The troll killed the human, and its anger seemed to be vented, and the bloodthirsty light in its eyes dissipated a little.

It made a cooing sound in its mouth, then sat down on the ground, pulled the Wolf King's body in front of all the audience, bit into the skull, took out the brains inside, and started to enjoy it.

This scene made people's scalp numb, and everyone in the stands exclaimed.

Luo Ning couldn't help but frown. He had never seen a monster eat a person in front of him.

This scene looks too cruel and bloody.

But looking at the surrounding audience, they were exclaiming and had unusually stimulated looks in their eyes.

At this time, the host's voice sounded just right.

"It seems that an intermediate knight cannot defeat this crazy monster!"

He paused for a moment, and then said loudly: "Then next, we will invite three intermediate gladiators to challenge this monster at the same time!"

Sure enough, these words immediately attracted applause and cheers from the audience.

"These three gladiators all have an astonishing record of winning ten games in a row in the arena. Their physical strength and strength have reached astonishing intensity!"

"Let us applaud!"

The small door on the west side was opened again, and three gladiators dressed exactly like the Wolf King just now walked in.

They glanced at each other, then cautiously separated their positions, preparing to coordinate attacks from three directions to kill the monster.

Luo Ning held on to the railings of the stands and looked at the scene below, "This troll is obviously a level three monster. Why should an intermediate knight challenge it?"

Blanche said: "Because this can make fighting beasts exciting."

In fact, she knew it even without telling Luo Ning.

But such an answer was too bloody, and Luo Ning once again experienced another corner of the darkness and cruelty of this world.

Human life is just a prop used to please other people here, and does not receive any respect.

He glanced at Blanche, who seemed to be excited as well. Sure enough, everyone in this world is influenced by this kind of atmosphere.

She may feel cruel or kind in her heart, but that's it.

Although Luo Ning will not betray his own interests, he is a person who has been influenced by socialism. After coming to this different world, he still has some ideas of his own and some things he wants to do.

"What do I want to do?"

Luo Ning held on to the guardrail and watched the three knights below attacking the green-skinned troll from three directions.

The cyan monster discarded the headless body of the previous gladiator and began to howl excitedly. It still showed no sign of fear in the face of the three of them.

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