Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 159 159 Fire Dragon Swallows the Sky

1st Dragon Swallowing Sky

There are seven assassins in total.

No, to be more precise, there were seven people around the exclusive stand where Luo Ning was. Luo Ning didn't know the number of assassins left in the thick fog.

Their arrangement was perfect——

Three knights led by the Bronze Knight held Missy, and then two senior knights trapped McCann. The last two assassinated Blanche and Luo Ning respectively.

From the previous confrontation, Luo Ning judged that the two people who assassinated him and Blanche should also have advanced abilities.

Coupled with the wind blade magic that came through the thick fog, this assassination was quite impressive.

"Quick kill!"

The Qingfeng technique blew away the surrounding fog and exposed these people, making them stunned for a moment.

However, they were all well-trained killers, and they reacted almost instantly, wanting to end the assassination operation faster.


Blanche in her arms reminded her softly that she did not expect Luo Ning to have such strength, nor did she expect that in addition to possessing fighting spirit, he was also a magician.

This is something that no one outside the world knows.

Faced with the attacks of two assassins at the same time, Luo Ning held the sword in one hand without any fear.

Before the Qingfeng Technique lost its effect and the thick fog was about to spread again, Luo Ning knocked back one of the assassins with a sword, then strode forward, blocked the second assassin's attack with the Flowing Flame Sword, and directed towards the opponent. Pressed over.

"Your power!"

The assassin immediately panicked. He felt the unshakable power from the opponent's sword. But according to the intelligence, shouldn't the opponent be just a junior knight?

He had no chance to learn the truth.

Luo Ning did not explain, murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and the long sword in his hand slashed the opponent's throat, bringing up a stream of blood.

When the assassin fell in a pool of blood, the two assassins who besieged McCann also fell to the ground. Their necks were twisted with great force and they were obviously dead.

Now McCann is a real silver level, and his fighting skills have always been good. Letting two high-level knights restrain him is undoubtedly asking for death.

After dealing with the two assassins, McCann rushed towards Missy who was aside, and the moment he arrived on the scene, he opened up the situation forcefully.

Missy was quite flustered at first, not because she was under siege, but because she was worried about Blanche's safety.

Blanche is only an intermediate magician. Once she is assassinated by a knight, it will be difficult for her to survive.

But what she didn't expect was that Luo Ning, who was said to have poor cultivation qualifications, actually showed shocking strength!

Also, Missy discovered that the guards around Luo Ning were also very powerful in combat. They were able to force back the strongest person among the three who besieged him with one sword. They seemed to be hiding their strength!

"Go rescue the princess and leave it to me."

Missy hurriedly shouted that although she was at a disadvantage, she could still hold on. Ensuring the safety of Princess Blanche was the top priority.

McCann did not obey Knight Missy's command. After all, this was contrary to Ronin's order. At the same time, he also noticed that Luo Ning was no longer under pressure, so he fought with the Bronze Assassin.

The battle between bronze knights is very fierce and requires a large space.

Although Missy and McCann avoided the area where Ronin and Blanche were, the exclusive stand only had so much space, and soon the battle spread outward.

The fighting spirit that collided and spurted formed an extremely sharp blade and cut on the spectators who were in the thick fog and unable to escape.

Just the aftermath of the battle cost many lives.

Some people were even more unlucky. They were blown away by the shock wave and fell from the stands to the performance stage. At a height of more than ten meters, ordinary people would probably fall to death.

Suddenly, screams, curses, and cries resounded throughout the Colosseum, completely losing the excitement they had just watched the gladiator match.

Luo Ning took the opportunity to kill the other assassin who assassinated him and Blanche. He pulled Blanche and stood back.

"Are you okay?" Luo Ning asked.

"No, it's okay!"

Blanche's heart was pounding.

She had just been held by Luo Ning's hand, and when she was watching him killing people without any fluctuations, she found that she seemed to be fascinated by that scene, and now she couldn't help but feel her heart beat faster when she thought about it.

At the same time, she didn't understand why such an outstanding Luo Ning was deprived of inheritance rights?


She didn't believe that Marquis Rulans would do such a ridiculous thing. There must be some reason for it. Could it be a strategy used by the two men together?


Blanche was about to ask, but she saw Luo Ning staring ahead, where the mist was surging, and a tall figure slowly appeared.

"Interesting, I didn't expect that the information we got was false."

The voice revealed amusement, "Luo Ning, you are so powerful, and your fighting skills are not low."

As he spoke, this man revealed his face, it was none other than the gladiator Mundo who had just appeared!

According to Luo Ning's perception just now, this guy jumped directly to the stands more than ten meters away, which shows that the opponent is very powerful!

At least, the Bronze Knight can't do this yet.

Sure enough, the assassination of the princess would definitely not be that small.

"Who are you, Skull and Bones?"

Luo Ning asked: "What is the purpose of assassinating the princess?"

"You don't need to worry about these. Now you and Princess Blanche, you can prepare to go to hell to get married."

As the man spoke, he drew out the slender sword from his waist. He was going to kill Luo Ning first, and then Blanche.

But at this moment, the roaring sound of the giant dragon dispersed the surrounding dense fog, and Luo Ning was seen holding a scroll in his hand. Endless fire elements gathered upward, forming a clearly visible red vortex.

Immediately afterwards, accompanied by the sound of dragon roar, a huge fire dragon phantom rushed out from the spell scroll and rushed towards Mondo.

It opened its bloody mouth, and endless flames surged out like a flood that broke a bank, directly burning the stands in front of it.

This was the sixth-level spell scroll "Fire Dragon Devouring the Sky" prepared by Lu Lansi for Luo Ning. Luo Ning took it out without any hesitation at this moment.

Mainly because this Mundo brought him too much sense of danger, and it was a trump card arranged to assassinate the princess. His strength was definitely extraordinary.

"You actually have a sixth-level spell scroll on you!"

Mundo obviously did not expect this to happen, and immediately changed his offensive thinking and switched to a defensive state.

His fighting spirit condensed into beautiful golden armor on his body, and a huge sword light spurted out from the long sword as if to cut off the giant flame dragon.


The impact and collision of the two forces erupted with a deafening roar. The entire stand was shaking, and the area in front was cracked inch by inch, turning into large and small rocks rolling down.

Mundo's hasty sword obviously failed to defend against the power of Luo Ning's "Fire Dragon Devouring the Sky" spell scroll. His whole body was impacted by huge flames and turned to the arena of the Colosseum.

The green-skinned troll looking around in the mist was pulled off his back and was flattened by the impact.

The soaring temperature and violent shock waves dispersed all the thick fog covering the Colosseum, and the audience whose sight was obscured by the thick fog could finally see clearly again.

But when they saw the surrounding scenes clearly, some people were so frightened that they peeed on the spot and froze in place as if they had lost their souls.

At this time, there were countless people lying in the stands.

Some of them were injured by the remaining energy from the battle between McCann, Missy and others, and some were injured by the shock wave from the collision between Mundo and the Fire Dragon just now.

Those who were lucky were only slightly injured, and those who were unlucky met their fate on the spot.

"Sir, how are you doing here?"

"Princess, are you injured?"

After the battle, McCann and Missy Knight quickly ran over.

Blanche shook her head slightly, "Thanks to Luo Ning's protection, I'm fine."

"I'm fine too."

Luo Ning was not injured, but the sixth-level spell scroll he had just used had consumed a lot of his mental energy, and he was very tired at this time.

He steeled himself and asked, "Are there any survivors?"

McCann shook his head, "Originally, I was planning to capture a person alive, but I didn't expect that person to commit suicide by taking poison."

Luo Ning frowned. It seemed that these assassins were different from the shadows. They were determined to die if they failed.

He looked at the fighting platform and saw that a big hole had been made there. It's just that there is only the body of the green-skinned troll in the center of the pit, but not Mundo's body.

Obviously, the golden knight successfully escaped from the battlefield.

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