1st brother

The conversation between Ronin and Lulans lasted for a long time.

In addition to matters related to the Thain Territory, later in the conversation, Lu Lansi taught Luo Ning some cultivation experience.

For example, when the Bronze Knight uses fighting energy to temper his internal organs, he can cooperate with external blows to assist his practice.

At the same time, after each practice, you can buy some potions from the Magic Energy Merchant Guild to take a medicated bath to strengthen your body.

Luo Ning didn't expect that there was a theory of medicinal bathing in other worlds. This was the first time he heard about it.

Fortunately, he has an attribute panel, otherwise he would have incurred another expense.

The night was getting darker, and when it was past twelve o'clock in the morning, Luo Ning opened the monthly sign-in interface and received the heart-warming gift box above.

This is the fifth end-of-month heart-warming gift box he received after traveling here. As the gift box is opened, the attribute points and energy essence have been greatly improved.

[Sign in successfully, attribute points +40, energy essence +40]

Luo Ning added all the attribute points he obtained to his knight level. The invisible energy strengthened his internal organs, and his physique improved rapidly.

[Level]: 4-Bronze Knight (Great Magician (0/1200)

[Attribute points]: 0

[Energy Essence]: 451

This time, he chose to upgrade the knight level first. After all, after experiencing these two assassinations, he understood that some battles happened too suddenly. Upgrading the knight level was beneficial in dealing with emergencies.

Moreover, in the future, his fighting style will mainly be reflected in knights and fighting spirit, so it is reasonable to upgrade the knight level first.

"If I can successfully obtain the title of Viscount this time, I will be able to obtain 278 attribute points every month from now on. It will take me seven months to break through to the silver level by relying on natural growth."

Seven months is a long time, but it is also short. After all, Luo Ning has been living here for five months without feeling much.

There was no words for a night. When the sun rose again, it was already the imperial calendar.

The nobles gathered in Wushanbao were still communicating and chatting in small groups;

The servants are still busy preparing for today's dinner;

The First Knights of Wushan Castle are nervously responsible for the security and defense of the castle.

Luo Ning got up early and moved his body. After a night's rest, his current condition has been fully restored, and due to the improvement in strength yesterday, his energy and energy have reached a new level.

While he was enjoying breakfast, the first guest of the day came to his courtyard.

"Brother, there were too many things happened last night. I didn't have time to come over and see you."

Brayton came to sit down at Ronin's dining table and asked excitedly and concernedly: "I heard that you were mentally injured. How are you recovering now?"

Luo Ning ate a bite of cake and drank a sip of milk. He didn't expect that the first guest to come today would be this cheap brother.

"It's nothing important. I've fully recovered."

Luo Ning smiled and said: "I must be very busy today, how come you still have time to come to my place?"

"Wanted to come over and see you!"

Brayton came closer and asked in disbelief: "Her Royal Highness the Princess said that you are a high-ranking knight. Is this true?"

Only Rulans knows that Luo Ning is a Bronze Knight, and after last night's exchange, his specific strength will be expressed as vaguely as possible in the future.

Therefore, what the outside world currently knows is that he is still just a high-level knight.


Luo Ning smiled, opened his palms, and fighting energy suddenly covered his palms like gauze, forming fighting energy armor.

Brayton's eyes widened, "Wow, this is true, I couldn't believe it last night!"

He stood up and paced back and forth excitedly, "Brother, you are already a senior knight at the age of seventeen. It's really amazing! It's amazing!"

"You're not bad either."

Luo Ning encouraged: "When you reach my age, you might be able to reach the bronze level."

Brayton shook his head. Unlike Ronin, he had a more professional education and knew how difficult it was to become a Bronze Knight.

"I am very satisfied to have the strength of my brother at the age of seventeen."

Brayton is simple, but his life background is complicated, this is Rulans's evaluation.

Thinking of this, Luo Ning's heart moved, and he couldn't help but said: "Whether we can reach the bronze level or not, you and I are destined to surpass our father and become the pillars of the Wushan family."

He pointed to the chair next to him and showed his big brother's aura, "Sit down, Brayton, I have something to say to you."

Brayton sensed Ronin's seriousness, and he obediently walked over and sat down, "Brother, tell me!"

"I know that when my strength is exposed this time, many people will gossip around you."

"For example, my strong rise will threaten your right to inherit the position of Marquis. Some people even say that I will kill you to seize power."

Time and space are dislocated. Brayton said the same thing when he took the initiative to chat with Luo Ning.

"But as you once said to me, we both belong to Wushan. We have the same silver hair and black eyes. We are brothers. There is no way I can do anything to you."

He paused and continued: "Our rise and strength are all to make the Wushan family stronger. This is also your wish."

Brayton's eyes flashed, as if he was moved by Ronin's sincere words.

He grinned and said: "Brother, you are right, this is my wish!"

"At first, I thought I was more suitable because you were not strong enough. But now it is different. You are better than me in cultivation. Instead, I feel that the inheritance rights should return to you, and I will assist you with peace of mind just like before. That’s it!”

Sure enough, Brayton didn't have complicated thoughts. He simply felt that whoever was stronger would be more suitable.

Such people are easy to get along with, but they are also easy to be taken advantage of.

However, if Luo Ning really allows the other party to sincerely assist him, then he will have a very powerful and loyal general under him in the future.

Brayton's qualifications may not be inferior to Rydal's, but the key is that he also has the ambition to become a strong person.

What Luo Ning needs to do is to eliminate the possibility of the brothers turning against each other, and wait until the other person is older and matures mentally so that he will not be taken advantage of by someone with ulterior motives.

"No, I don't need that."

Luo Ning smiled and said: "You will still be the Marquis of Wushan Territory in the future."

Rulans is still alive and Wiggins is still alive. It will be their turn for the third generation to inherit the position of marquis. It will be a matter of years and months.

At that time, what heights will Luo Ning and his men reach?

"You do not want?"

Brayton was shocked by these words. Since last night, Diane had been emphasizing that Ronin would come to seize power from him, saying that the relationship between the two was very dangerous.

He was secretly glad that he had come to talk to Luo Ning in the morning, otherwise he would really have been misled.

"Brayton, sometimes people need to raise their horizons a little higher."

Luo Ning made an enlarging gesture, "If you stick to one thing, it will often become something that binds you."

"Take the knight's swordsmanship as an example. Once your swordsmanship level reaches a certain level, you will often not get a breakthrough if you stick to a certain posture or a certain sword move."

"What you have to do at this time is to raise your perspective, start from the overall swordsmanship, and examine it and understand it from more angles."

He said so much mainly because he wanted to establish the image of a good brother in Brayton's heart.

As for this example, first of all, it is certainly correct, but it is more like talking about general principles. Whether you can understand it all depends on your personal comprehension ability.

Brayton's eyes were bright. He felt that this was his brother imparting extraordinary experience to her, and he listened very carefully.

"Brother, your words made me realize a lot, I seem to understand!"

Luo Ning coughed slightly and changed the subject, "Have you brought your sword?"

Brayton stood up excitedly, knowing that Luo Ning was going to test him, "I'll go back and get it right now."


Ronin stood up and walked towards the yard, "Tom, give Brayton your sword, and I will teach him his swordsmanship."

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