Chapter 170 170.Judgment

Luo Ning's words were so abrupt that the nobles and knights present were shocked and puzzled.

They don't understand, what does this knight's game have to do with Baron Leisen of Thain?

Even Brayton, the host of the Cavaliers competition, couldn't help walking up to Luo Ning and reminding him softly: "Brother, Baron Leisen must be fifty years old. According to the rules of the Cavaliers competition, he is not eligible to participate."

At this time, Leisen, who was watching the game with great interest on the terrace, also came to the front. He thought that Luo Ning wanted to challenge him in front of many nobles.

"Luo Ning, I admit that your strength is very strong, far beyond my expectation. This is Wushanbao's blessing."

Leisen held on to the railing at the edge of the terrace and said, "But today is a festive day. Someone will definitely be injured when you and I fight, so please forgive me for not accepting your challenge."

Although he refused with a smile, he felt very contemptuous of Luo Ning's move in his heart.

In Leisen's view, Luo Ning's act was clearly a form of public revenge.

Yes, Hillwood Town and Thain Territory are indeed at odds with each other. Leisen even lost to Luo Ning's knights, but one thing is the same and Luo Ning's decision to settle an old score on an occasion like today would be too much. A little lower.

"No, no, no, you misunderstood me, Rayson."

Luo Ning said no three times in a row. He raised the Flowing Flame Sword in his hand and pointed it directly at the opponent. As the fighting spirit poured in, the Flowing Flame Sword flashed with blazing light. Luo Ning's expression also changed from indifferent to very serious, even There was also a bit of murderous intent.

"I'm not challenging you, I'm judging you!"


After Luo Ning said this word, the nobles present were even more stunned, and many people started whispering.

The word "judgment" is too impolite to apply to aristocrats.

When Luo Ning said this, it meant that his relationship with Leisen had reached an irreconcilable point.

Many nobles who had a discordant relationship with Leisen watched all this with a spectator mentality. For example, Viscount Marvin, who did not take it too seriously, said:

"Leisen, no matter how Ronin wants to judge you, since he has publicly pointed it out, I think you should stop standing on the balcony and get down quickly."

Some nobles for unknown reasons, based on the principle of "harmony brings wealth", began to persuade Luo Ning to temporarily put aside the dispute between Hillwood Town and Thain Territory and celebrate the festival with peace of mind.

"Interesting, interesting."

Jesus' voice rang out at an inappropriate time, "I didn't expect that in order to prevent Her Highness the Princess from being bored at Wushan Castle, such a program would be arranged. It's really wonderful, wonderful, and an eye-opener for me!"

"Count Jesus, Wushan Castle has arranged a comfortable bedroom for you. If you are tired, please go down and rest early."

Wiggins, who is in a wheelchair, has long been unhappy with Jesus.

His Majesty Bruno's younger brother is actually only the Earl of Moonlight Valley, which shows that Jesus' status has no weight at all in the Alduin royal family.

As the second master of Wushan Castle, Wiggins could not do anything to him even if he said something rude.

However, Wiggins was also baffled by Ronin's behavior, and he was quite unhappy.

Jesus sneered, "I just want to remind you that if a noble is publicly tried for slander, according to the laws of the kingdom, it is a serious crime!"

Not to mention the discussions and whispers among these people, Leisen, who was brought into the public eye by Luo Ning, began to panic a little.

Could it be that Luo Ning has his evidence?

This is impossible, the other party has never shown any signs before.

Leisen felt uneasy, but his expression remained calm, "Luo Ning, you want to judge me? In what name do you judge me?"

He jumped into the middle of the square.


The fighting spirit surging in his body represented his anger, "Insulting a nobleman, even if you are the eldest grandson of a marquis, I will challenge you to a life-and-death duel!"

A duel to the death was an extreme way to resolve disputes between nobles, but it was very common and considered a symbol of honor and courage.

"I admire your courage, Baron Leisen."

Luo Ning smiled and said: "If I lose to a senior knight, I will definitely not challenge anyone else to a duel, at least not for three to five years."

Luo Ning's words immediately caused many people to burst into laughter.


Leisen's face turned red with anger. He roared angrily and was the first to take action.

However, McCann, who had been standing aside for a long time, stood in front of Luoning and blocked the opponent's menacing punch.

Leisen was horrified to find that the guard beside Luo Ning seemed to be no weaker than Ruidal.

When did this Shanlin Town and this Luoning have so many cutting-edge forces?

"Leisen, don't worry."

Luo Ning stepped back slightly and said loudly: "Everyone must be very concerned about the assassination of Her Royal Highness the Princess yesterday. Now I want to identify it in public. Behind this matter is the shadow of Baron Leisen Thain of Swamp Town!"

Suddenly, there was an uproar.

On the terrace, all the nobles were shocked by Luo Ning's words.

Even Jesus, who had been joking and sarcastic just now, now showed a serious expression;

Even Viscount Marvin, who was not too concerned about the excitement, stopped smiling;

Even the very nervous Wiggins was a little anxious, "Luoning, what are you talking about!"

Identifying a noble to assassinate a noble is a big deal, and identifying a noble to assassinate a princess is even more of a big deal.

"What is Luo Ning doing?"

Orson's expression was serious and cold. He couldn't help but glance at Lulans sitting in front of him. He still looked calm at this moment.

"Did Lulans know about this in advance?"

"He should know!"

Orson thought in his mind, "So, he is planning to use Luo Ning's hand to kill Leisen? But this assassination of Her Royal Highness the Princess cannot be related to Leisen?"

Leisen is just a baron, and Swamp Town is not a rich place. He does not have the ability to hire a gold-level assassin, and he does not dare to assassinate the princess.

Faced with this identification, Leisen felt relieved.


He seemed to be angry and laughed, "You want to falsely accuse me of assassinating other nobles. It is somewhat credible. You said that I assassinated Her Royal Highness the Princess. Do I have the ability?"

"As we all know, my father was assassinated by the killer organization Skull and Bones a few months ago."

Ronin looked around, and his eyes finally fell on Wiggins.

"In that assassination, although my father saved his life, he lost a leg. He can only use a wheelchair for the rest of his life, without the possibility of charging into battle."

Wiggins looked displeased. Judgment will be judged. Why pull him out to make an example and rub salt in his wounds?

At this time, Luo Ning said loudly: "And on the 7th of this month, I, Luo Ning, was also assassinated in the castle of Shanlin Town, my territory!"

These words were like a boulder falling into a lake, causing big waves.

Leisen's expression changed drastically.

He always thought that the Skull and Bones Society had not taken action against Luo Ning, and he even thought that the assassination of Princess Blanche was supposed to be aimed at Luo Ning.

He never expected that the Skull and Bones Society had already taken action, and the place of action was still in Shanlin Town.

Does that mean the assassination failed?

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