Chapter 178 178. Canonization

With the annual celebration and the Marquis's birthday party over, nobles of all sizes are already preparing to return to their respective territories.

However, before they officially set off, they were more curious about how Wushanbao would deal with Baron Leisen, and some meddlers even delayed their return to the territory because of this.

In the afternoon, nobles of all sizes gathered at Wushan Fortress.

Although they were whispering in groups, most of them were discussing the purpose of the Marquis calling them together.

Many people speculated that this meeting was either related to Leisen or Luoning.

Of all the people present, Luo Ning was probably the only one who knew the purpose of the meeting, but he sat in his chair and watched his nose and heart. Even if someone came to inquire tentatively, he would not reveal a word in advance.

Not long after, Rulans arrived, followed by the great wizard Miroslav, as well as Broll, Blanche, and Missy Knight.

As they took their seats, the fortress hall fell silent.

Lulans smiled slightly, "There are two main things for calling everyone here today."

"The first thing is to deal with Rayson Thain."

The old Marquis paused and glanced at Tolu, who was sitting below. The other party had already prepared the testimonies of Leisen's entourage.

"After last night's interrogation, it has been confirmed that Leisen misappropriated the resources of Wushanbao and tried to kill Luo Ning many times. Moreover, he is highly suspected of participating in the assassination of Princess Blanche and Wiggins."

"For such a crime, the noble laws cannot protect him. Now I officially declare..."

Everyone concentrated their attention. Although they already knew Leisen's fate, they still wanted to hear it with their own ears.

"Deprive the Thain family of their hereditary baron title, deprive the Thain family of the Swamp Town territory, and put Leisen and his family in prison. As for whether he participated in the assassination of Her Royal Highness the Princess and Wiggins, the royal family and Wushan Castle will jointly Send someone to investigate.”

"But regardless of whether he was involved in the latter two incidents, after the matter is found out, Wushanbao will hang Leisen to cleanse him of the crimes he committed!"

To put it simply, Leisen cannot escape death, but the specific time of execution will have to wait until the follow-up investigation is completed.

Rulans waved his hand, and Sir Tolu took two steps forward holding some testimonies.

"This is the result of yesterday's trial. Anyone who is interested can take it and take a look. Anyone who has objections to my verdict can raise it."

Suddenly, many nobles raised their hands to see the results of these interrogations, including Viscount Marvin and Count Orson.

It wasn't that they suspected Wushanbao of fraud. In fact, most of them were just curious.

Next it’s time to check.

Orson flipped through it carefully for a long time until he had read all the testimonies, "I have no objection."

Luo Ning was a little surprised.

He also thought that Orson would defend Leison in an attempt to save his life, but he didn't expect that the other party would directly publicly express that he had no objection.

At this time, more nobles had finished reading it, and they all expressed that they had no objection to the Marquis's judgment.

"Since everyone has no objections, the judgment on Leisen will take effect."

Rulans said, looking at Blanche who was sitting at the bottom, "If Leisen is later found to be related to the assassination, Wushanbao will hand him over to the royal family, and will also assist the royal family in hunting down the assassins." and the people behind the scenes.”

Blanche nodded slightly, "Broll, please arrange for a knight to cooperate with Wushan Castle in the follow-up investigation."

"As you wish, Your Highness Princess!" Brower respectfully obeyed.

The fortress hall was quiet for a moment before Rulans continued: "After the Thain family was deprived of their title and territory, Swamp Town became a land without one."

As soon as the words fell, everyone cheered up.

Nobles all hope that their territories can be bigger and bigger. Unowned territories are very attractive to them, especially territories with a basis for development.


Although the various industries in Swamp Town are not very good and the population is not large, it does have a specialty - black buffalo.

This kind of animal performs very well in farming, and Leisen makes a lot of gold coins every year by selling cattle.

Whoever can take over this unclaimed land means taking over the black buffalo industry.

Luo Ning noticed that the eyes of many nobles had changed. Even Viscount Marvin had a burning look in his eyes. On the contrary, Count Orson was relatively reserved.

"In this assassination incident at the Colosseum, it was Ronin's protection that kept Princess Blanche unscathed."

"Luo Ning resolved the crisis for Her Royal Highness the Princess and made indelible contributions to the Alduin royal family! At the same time, he also avoided a disaster in Wushan Castle, and his contribution to Wushan Castle cannot be concealed!"

Lulans looked at Luo Ning, "Now, as the Marquis of the Kingdom of Alduin and the Lord of the Wushan Territory, I will name the Thain Territory and the land to the north the 'Ubei Territory', and officially canonize the 'Luo Ning Territory'. Ning Wushan is the Viscount of Wubei Territory!"

The breath of many nobles was stagnant. Wubei Territory, what a huge area it must be, was all turned into Luo Ning's territory?

This is too...

However, thinking about Luo Ning's performance, thinking about Luo Ning's contribution to saving Princess Blanche, and thinking about Lu Lansi's mentality, they seemed to understand.

Orson frowned slightly.

In fact, he had already guessed that Thane would become Luo Ning's territory, but he didn't expect that Rulans would play big enough and give all the northern area to Luo Ning.

The area of ​​Wubei Territory is not small even if it is regarded as an earldom, let alone a viscount.

Of course, these are secondary. After all, Wubei Territory is extremely barren and has almost no population. It is extremely difficult and time-consuming to develop and operate it.

Orson was more concerned about what Rulans said.

If he remembered correctly, Luo Ning had already changed his surname when he became the Baron of Shanlin Town and no longer had the surname "Wu Shan".

But in the announcement just now, Lu Lansi used the name "Luo Ning Wushan", which means that Luo Ning reused his original surname.

The meaning can be imagined.

Orson's hand under his robe slightly clenched into a fist, and he thought to himself: "Lulansi, do you really want to depose my grandson and establish Luo Ning as your heir again?"

It is easy to deprive Luoning of his inheritance rights because all of Luoning's maternal line is dead and he does not have the support of other nobles;

But depriving Brayton of his inheritance rights is not a matter of words. Orson will be the first person to jump out and object.

Lulans let the discussion in the hall continue for a while, and then he asked with a faint smile: "Anyone who has any opinions about this canonization can also raise it."

Rulans and even Wiggins can decide whether to confer a baron or a baron in a remote area like Hillwood Town, because this does not hinder the interests of other nobles.

However, the title of Viscount, and the area of ​​Wubei Territory is still so large, may cause dissatisfaction and resentment from other nobles.

In the aristocratic world, vassals bear the obligation of allegiance to the lord, and the lord also has the obligation to provide protection to the vassal.

If the canonization infringes upon the interests of other nobles, then the lord has failed to fulfill his duty of protection, and his vassals can naturally raise their opinions.

Therefore, it is more reasonable for Rulans to ask this question.

Many nobles looked at each other.

Although they coveted an area as large as Swamp Town and even Wubei Territory, they would not raise objections to Lu Lansi's decision.

Because anyone with a discerning eye can see that Lu Lansi wants to support Luo Ning.

Seeing that no one raised any objections for a while, Luo Ning was secretly relieved. Unexpectedly, things progressed much more smoothly than he expected.

But just when his rejoicing had just ended, an untimely voice sounded.

"My Lord Marquis, I have an objection!"

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