Chapter 181 Advice

As Rulans accepted Orson's challenge, the topic in the Wushan Fortress changed to discussing when and where to hold this competition.

The Meteor Star Knight's battle is very destructive, and it is impossible to choose a square or lawn or yard in the castle.

At the same time, considering that the nobles need to watch, the venue should be open.

After some discussion, everyone chose an abandoned pasture outside the castle, where the terrain was open and there was no need to worry about destroying any buildings.

As for the time for the discussion, it will be at 3 p.m.

In the study, Rulans was wiping his long sword. He didn't look impatient at all and was very calm. It's like this decision wasn't a spur of the moment decision on his part.

"Grandpa, why did you agree?"

Luo Ning asked in confusion, "I have already agreed to Orson's proposal."

"Yes, father, your body cannot support a high-intensity battle."

Wiggins is also complaining and worrying. Although he has a bad temper and has no good achievements in all aspects, he has respected and feared Rulans since he was a child.

Compared to his father-in-law Orson, he didn't want his father to get hurt.

Rulans put the long sword aside, looked at Ronin and Wiggins, and finally turned his eyes on Brayton who did not speak.

"Brayton, what are you thinking about?" Rulans asked.

Brayton's eyes were red, and his situation was very embarrassing.

"I don't know why grandpa wants to challenge you even though he knows you are injured. But I also think it might be better for you to reject his challenge directly."

Rulans nodded, "I'm very pleased that you all care about my safety, but I also have a reason to accept the challenge."

Orson has not behaved like this once or twice. The reason why he is so aboveboard today is simply because his strength has improved.

Regardless of whether Lu Lansi accepts it or not, it is an established fact that Wushan has gained a meteor-level warrior. This will definitely weaken Wushanbao's influence, especially when Wushanbao has a shortage of talents.

At this time, it was a trivial matter to lead Wubei to Luo Ning, but how to maintain the prestige of Wushan Castle became more important.

Rulansi has his own plans.

He glanced at the three people in front of him and said with a smile: "Sometimes if you break away from yourself and think from the family's point of view, you may have different opinions."

"Especially you Brayton."

He looked directly into the other person's eyes, and his solemn expression made Brayton look solemn.

"I know that you have always been pretending to be a family in your heart, and you want to make the Wushan family a strong man again through practice, so you spend most of your energy on practice, which also leads to your lack of knowledge in other aspects. .”

"But no matter what time you have to remember, your tribe only has the three people standing in front of you now, and your brothers are only Luo Ning, and no one else!"

Brayton's eyes flashed. He didn't fully understand the meaning of this sentence, but he would remember it.

"I remember Grandpa!"

Rulans nodded, then looked at Wiggins, "I'll express my opinion after thinking about something. Incompetence and rage will only make people look like a joke. If it doesn't work, just pretend to be dumb or deaf."

Wiggins shrugged and sat in the wheelchair, "I know."

Finally, Lulans looked at Luo Ning and smiled with relief. Unexpectedly, the person he despised the most at first and even gave up on him was now the most mature one among the three.

"Practice well."

Luo Ning sighed, "To be honest, I don't like the current atmosphere. It makes you feel like you are explaining your funeral. But since the battle is inevitable, I still hope that you will be safe."


Lulans couldn't help but laugh heartily, "I just haven't warned you like this for a long time. Why does it sound like I'm saying my last words?"

He waved his hand quickly, "Okay, okay, everyone, go down. I need to adjust my condition."

Meanwhile, another room.

"Father, why did you do this?"

Diane was expressing confusion and doubts to Orson, "You clearly know that it is not appropriate for the Marquis to take action, why do you still challenge him?"

She shook her head in annoyance, "I don't understand, what benefit does this do to you?"

"Diana, you may have made a mistake. The challenge to the Marquis was not made by me, but by Count Jesus of Moonlight Valley."

Orson leaned on the soft chair with an innocent expression on his face: "Seven Gods, after Jesus said those words, until the Marquis agreed, I only said one sentence, and it was to Wushanbao Find the steps and settle the argument in the hall.”

He spread his hands and said, "Unfortunately, Lord Rulans agreed to Jesus' proposal before I finished speaking. What do you want me to do?"

What he said is true.

"Father, do you believe this?"

Orson looked slightly cold, "Diana, you shouldn't question your father like this. Why do I do all this? You still don't know? Don't you have a sense of urgency?"

Diane fell silent.

She was naturally aware of the threat that Ronin now posed to Brayton, and she could feel Lulans' attitude towards Ronin.

"But the Marquis has already said that he will not change the heir easily, right?"

In Diane's view, Brayton and Ronin are different. As long as the Hyde family remains prosperous and defends its borders, her son's status as heir will not change.

Orson's challenge was completely unnecessary.

In addition, Diane actually didn't want to see Rulans injured.

She also has her own little thoughts.

As long as Rulans is alive and well, Brayton will have more room and time to grow. The stronger Brayton is, the more important he will be in the future, and he will not easily become a pawn controlled by others.

"Father, if you really think about Brayton, I suggest you take the initiative to cancel this afternoon's sparring session."

Diane said solemnly: "I don't want Rulans to get hurt, and I don't want to see you get hurt."

Orson shook his head slowly, "Since the Marquis has agreed, this contest is inevitable and I have no reason to cancel."

Diane sighed, feeling powerless.

At this time, in Wushan Castle, in addition to these two places, other nobles also gathered together in twos and threes to discuss this matter.

Some people even immediately used the messenger birds they bred in Wushan City to spread the word about the upcoming contest between Rulans and Orson.

I thought that after the New Year celebrations, the atmosphere in Wushanbao would calm down, but no one expected that such a thing would happen.

Luo Ning played with the powerful healing scroll in his hand, which was a gift from Lulans. This is the only one left in Wushan Castle.

"McKen, if something happens this afternoon, rush in and use this scroll."


Ronin handed the spell scroll to McCann.

"There must be other preparations."

Ronin frowned, he had to be prepared if Rulans was defeated. At that time, he did not want to let Orson, the challenger, leave calmly.

Although the opponent is a Meteor Knight, with strength exceeding the gold level, he is not invincible.

In addition to Rulans and Orson, there is also a Meteor Knight in Wushan Castle now, and that is Brower who is following Blanche.

In addition, there are several gold-level and silver-level knights.

"You have to check their attitude beforehand."


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