Chapter 184 Soul-Eating Surge

Over the years, everyone thought that Rulans was completely incapable of action, but today's contest between him and Orson changed everyone's perception. ♡

Rulans is not only able to take action, but can also fully display the strength of a meteor star.

At the same time, even though he hasn't fought much in thirty years, his actual combat skills are still the same as before, and can even surpass Orson.

Of course, it has to be admitted that the hidden injuries on Rulans still had a huge impact on him.

He is unable to fight for long periods of time, and if he receives a huge impact during a battle, he may be unable to suppress the injury, resulting in a sharp decline in combat effectiveness.

For example, in the just-concluded contest, Rulans' injury broke out and caused him to vomit blood. Although he knew Orson and his eagerness for success, he caught him off guard.

If Orson could stabilize his mentality at that time and choose to continue to waste away the money instead of rushing up to deliver it, this contest would not have ended so quickly.

In any case, today's battle made people understand one thing - the owner of Wushan Fort is not incapable of using any force.

Even if Rulans won't take action unless necessary, if he is really pushed hard, it may be a little difficult to kill a meteor star, but it is still easy for him to kill a silver-level or gold-level knight.

After the contest, the nobles still stayed in Wushan Castle and did not leave. They wanted to determine the specific injuries of Rulans and Orson.

It's just a pity that the Marquis will not accept visits from others for the time being, and even Orson will stay behind closed doors after he wakes up. Even Diane and others are turned away by him.

In the dim room, Orson was breathing heavily, like a seriously wounded lion.

The Meteor Star Knight's body was very strong. It was impossible for him to have such a big reaction after the abdominal wound was less than five centimeters and had been treated.

Orson's current state is obviously not caused by superficial injuries.

"Damn Rulans, what did you do to me!"

He closed his eyes and felt what was going on inside him.

At this moment, he could sense a dense black energy at the wound on his abdomen, radiating around like a burning black flame;

At the same time, the limbs and bones in his body also had these black energies. Although the concentration was lower than that of the wounds, they persisted for a long time. These black energies were brought to Orson's body through the power of Lulans' thunder and lightning.

Orson turned his fighting spirit and wanted to touch it.

But as soon as the fighting energy came into contact with the black energy, he felt a heartbreaking pain at the contact location. The more contact there was, the more pain there was, so that dense sweat oozed from his forehead, and he had to stop the movement of fighting energy!

Just imagine, the knight's fighting spirit is much more intense than at this time, and all the fighting spirit in the whole body will be mobilized, and this black energy is spread all over the body.

At that time, wouldn't every inch of his skin, every internal organ, and every bone have to endure endless pain?

"Damn it!"

"Damn it!"

Orson seemed to know what this black energy was, but the more he knew the truth, the more fear and panic in his heart became.

He had just become a shooting star, and he was so excited that he didn't sleep well for several nights. He was still waiting to show off his ambitions, and there were many things waiting for him to do.

He didn't want to be like Rulans and have to live in the castle for the rest of his life.

"Suppress...suppress it!"

"Yes, I will definitely be able to suppress it!"

Orson closed his eyes again and moved towards these black energy covers with majestic fighting spirit.

He wanted to completely suppress these black energies at the cost of enduring the temporary pain.


Diane and other nobles who were waiting outside the door looked at each other, wondering what happened to Orson to howl so violently.

But without permission, they didn't dare to go in rashly, so they could only wait anxiously outside.

At the same time, in the back courtyard of Wushan Fort, Lu Lansi's bedroom.

"I knew it would be like this."

The great wizard Miroslav is holding a large crystal test tube in his hand, which contains a blood-red unknown magic potion.

"There's not much material left. I'm going to buy some more for you after I go back this time."

Lulans took the test tube and drank the magic potion inside in one breath.

Suddenly, a warm current flowed along his mouth, throat, and reached his stomach, and then spread from his stomach to his limbs, greatly improving his cold condition.


Rulans said.

"It's chargeable. What are you grateful for?"

Miroslav laughed and put the test tube away again, "I won't stay with you for long. I will leave early tomorrow morning. Your condition has worsened a lot. If you can, try not to do anything in the future."

"Don't worry, I know my situation."

Lu Lansi smiled and said: "I believe that after this competition, those meteor-level guys will not easily take my chances."

"You are so mean, then Orson will probably hate you to death!"

Miroslav put away his toolbox and handed it to the assistant beside him.

"Don't worry, I won't sell this magic potion to him."

After saying this, Miroslav stood up and left.

"Most." Rulans called.

The old butler appeared at the door of the room, "Master, please give me your instructions."

"Go and call Luo Ning over."

Most bowed and obeyed.

Not long after, Luo Ning appeared in the room.

Since Rulans avoided seeing guests in the afternoon and Diane and others had to take care of Orson, he became the host in the castle and prepared the dinner with Hallwart.

At this time, he was summoned by Lulans, and he was also looking forward to and anxious in his heart.

"Grandpa, how are you?"

Luo Ning walked to the bed, and after seeing Lu Lans' appearance clearly, he froze there.

At this moment, Rulans's hair became grayer, his whole body seemed to be ten years older, and his body became more and more rickety.

Luo Ning didn't know how to describe his feelings at this time. In just half a day, the changes in Lulans were heartbreaking.

"How could this happen?" he asked tremblingly.

Lulans pointed to the chair next to him and asked Ronin to sit down.

"Over the years, I have been suffering from the erosion of a dark attribute magic called 'Soul-Eating Surge'."

The old man began to talk about his physical condition.

"This magic is very special. After it pours into my body, it will be accompanied by flesh, blood and fighting spirit. As long as your fighting spirit comes into contact with it, it will become stronger and stronger."

"The more you use fighting energy to suppress it and eliminate it, the stronger it will become, and it will also bring you bone-eroding pain and extreme cold, eventually forcing you to no longer be able to use fighting energy like a normal knight. "

Soul-eating surge.

Luo Ning murmured the name softly. It turned out that it was this dark attribute magic that tortured Lulans like this.

What kind of perverted magic is this?

Seeing the other party's obviously old and decadent state, Luo Ning felt very heavy.

"Is there no way to cure it?" Luo Ning asked.

Rulans shook his head, "Miroslav has helped me find many solutions over the years, but they are basically ineffective. However, he also came up with a magic potion that can relieve my pain and dispel the coldness in my body."

"It was with the help of the medicine that I was able to slightly control my injuries, and I was unexpectedly able to use these dark energies for a short period of time."

Luo Ning immediately thought of the last scene of the afternoon battle, "Grandpa, did you infuse this dark energy into Orson's body in the afternoon?"

"Hahaha, not bad!"

Lu Lansi forced a smile and said: "There is always a price to pay for a challenge! With Orson's character, he must be thinking about using fighting spirit to suppress the soul-devouring surge in his body, but he doesn't know that indiscriminate suppression will only lead to more serious consequences. rebound."

This news really surprised and surprised Luo Ning.

Thinking about it now, I'm afraid Rulans was already prepared to do this when he accepted the opponent's challenge.

"Then after Orson..."

"same as me!"

Rulans said: "He can only try not to take action in the future. If he does, he will suffer even greater torture like me."

Ronin's eyes widened.

Unexpectedly, Rulans took action this time and directly destroyed Orson, who had been promoted to meteor star!


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