All the guards guarding Swamp Castle have been replaced by members of the knight team of Wrangler City, and all the guards of Thain Territory are being held in the castle prison, together with the Fenris knights, Leisen's wife and daughter. ☜

Luo Ning took a rough tour of the manor.

Compared with Hillwood Castle, this place is obviously more luxurious. Among other things, there are many magic crystal lamps here, which are rare items in Hillwood Castle.

However, the humidity here is a bit heavy and there are many bugs, so the castle servants need to take care of it regularly. Otherwise, furniture, clothing, books, etc. will easily become moldy.

After a cursory inspection, Ronin accompanied Galil in the castle's fortress to conduct a simple interrogation of Leisen's family and accompanying knights.

When Fenris saw Ronin sitting on the throne, he was finally convinced that Baron Rayson they were following was really finished.

"Is it you, Joffrey, is it you who betrayed Lord Rayson?" Fenris, who was bound by chains, asked through gritted teeth.

Joffrey stood beside Ronin. If it weren't for Ronin's special attention, he would have died in the prison of Wushan Castle by now.

He didn't have a good impression of Fenris. When Leisen placed him in the Black Collar Tribe, the two had a dispute.

"Leisen paid the price for his stupidity and it has nothing to do with me."

Joffrey said: "Fenris, you and I have gotten to know each other. I advise you to disclose the relationship between Rayson and the Skull and Bones Society to Lord Ronin and Sir Galil of Wushan Castle without reservation. In this case, you may Can be spared some torture.”

Fenris had a sullen face and did not continue to pester Joffrey. Instead, he was thinking, if he could surrender, would he be accepted by Ronin like Joffrey?

With this thought, his tone softened, but he really didn't know what the relationship between Leisen and the Skull and Bones Society was.

"I don't know, but maybe Feridon does."

Fenris said: "In December last year, Feliton left Thain Territory and returned after a long time."

Galil looked at Ronin, "This Knight Feliton."

"My men will bring him here."

Luo Ning said, "If it were earlier, we might know tomorrow."

Feliton was also arrested?

Fenris was shocked. Master Leisen just went to Wushanbao to celebrate the New Year. What happened in such a short period of time?

Ronin did not stay in the fortress longer. He was not interested in the interrogation, and he had no intention of taking a professional knight like Fenris, who was difficult to control, into his own.

On the contrary, other weaker knights, and even the ordinary guards and archers who made up the Knights of Thainland, were more interested in him.

The cavalry, archers, and infantry in Shanlin Town are still in training. If these people from the Thane Leader can be perfectly absorbed, the defense of the territory will be much easier to deal with.

Now he has six places under his control: Marsh Town, Shanlin Town, Qingzhu Village, Ziguo Village, Huitu Village and the Black Collar Tribe.

Needless to say, Swamp Town is the place with the largest population in Wubei Territory and needs people to guard and maintain it;

Shanlin Town is Luoning's base camp, with a large amount of farmland, ironwood workshops, etc., which also need management;

Ziguo Village is a sericulture base and Huitu Village is a ceramics base. It is impossible to give up;

As for the Black Collar Tribe, he learned from Joffrey that the land of the Black Collar Tribe is very fertile and the crops produced are very high. It has now cultivated more than 4,000 acres of land, and last year it delivered more than 70,000 kilograms of grain to the Thain Territory. .

It can be seen that the black-collar tribe also has huge development value.

After counting, it seems that Qingzhu Village does not have much value. Luo Ning can consider relocating more than 300 people from the Qingzhu tribe first.

"Are you the steward of Marsh Castle?"

Ronin found a room at random and asked Joffrey to bring Rayson's butler over.

"Yes, my lord."

This is a middle-aged man with short brown hair. He should be very energetic normally, but after being detained for a few days, he now looks very haggard.

"Your original owner Leisen committed the crime of assassinating a noble and was deprived of his noble title and territory. Now I, Ronin Wushan, am the new owner of Swamp Town. Tell me about the production, operation and financial status of Swamp Castle, and I will allow you to Continue to live on this land.”

"Selin is at your service, my lord!"

Just like when Ronin first entered Hillwood Castle, he did not need Leisen's servants to work for him, but he could get information about the castle from this group of people.

Selin is obviously a qualified steward, and he clearly controls the financial situation of Swamp Town.

Take the breeding of black buffalo as an example. He clearly knows the number of cattle in the pasture.

There are 82 adult black buffalo bulls and 54 cows and calves.

Luo Ning made a rough estimate. If each cow sold for an average of 20 gold coins, he could earn more than 16,000 gold coins by selling all the cows in a package.

Of course, the price of 20 gold coins should be low.

Black buffaloes are large in size and are good at plowing the land. A black buffalo with a slightly better quality is comparable to an ordinary war horse, and it is not a problem to sell it for 30 gold coins.

However, compared to the horse industry in Muma City, Leisen's buffalo business is much smaller, with less than a thousand cattle in total.

Luo Ning plans to distribute some of these cattle to Shanlin Town and Heitu Village to speed up land reclamation and increase food harvests.

In addition, Luo Ning also learned from Sailin that Leisen also operates fish, shrimp and other aquatic products business. Although it cannot be compared with the aquatic products business in Hushang Town, it can still generate an income every year.

In the entire Swamp Town, there are still thousands of gold coins that fall into Leisen's pocket every year.

The only regret is that there are not many fertile fields here. In order to maintain the consumption of the territory's population, Baron Leisen needs to purchase food from outside.

It is precisely because of this that the other party sets its sights on the black-collar tribe in the north. The 70,000 kilograms of grain shipped from the black-collar tribe last year saved him a lot of money.

In addition to this information, Luo Ning also learned from the other party the approximate population of Swamp Town - more than 9,800 people.

When Wilson comes and completes the census, the registered population in Ronin's territory will seem to exceed tens of thousands.

Based on the previous experience of completing the [Prosperous Wealth] achievement, Luo Ning guessed whether he would complete two [Prosperous Population] achievements at once this time.

After all, the second level of this achievement only requires the registered population to reach 5,000, and the third level is very likely to be set at 10,000.

However, Luo Ning hasn't figured out how to complete the achievement of "Conquering City and Land".

It stands to reason that he has now occupied the Thain Territory and should be considered complete, but the achievement status has still not changed.

Luo Ning guessed that this might have something to do with the word "city".

Swamp Town is still just a town, not a city.

Whether a territory can be called a "city" mainly depends on its population.

"If Swamp Town has a population of tens of thousands, can it be considered a city?"

Luo Ning planned to wait until the census of Swamp Town was completed before considering whether to leave some of the thousands of slaves purchased from the Viper Slave Exchange in Swamp Town to bring together a population of tens of thousands.

Completing as many achievement tasks as possible and obtaining attribute points and energy essence is very important to him at the moment. (End of chapter)

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