With the completion of this census, the number of citizens under Luo Ning's rule has reached more than 14,000, meeting the 5,000 and 10,000 population requirements for the second and third levels of the [Prosperous Population] achievement. requirements.

Just like completing the [Prosperous Wealth] achievement twice at once before, Luo Ning also received two rewards at once this time.

As the two lines of prompt text disappeared from his sight, Luo Ning's attribute points and energy essence increased by 250 and 500 points respectively.

He did not immediately check the attribute panel, but carefully flipped through the parchment in his hand and read the statistical information.

From the perspective of population structure, Marsh Town and Shanlin Town have something in common - less than 5% of the population is over fifty years old, and nearly 60% of the population is under thirty years old.

It can be seen that the population situation of Marsh Town is still very healthy and full of vitality.

I believe that as long as there is sufficient food security and fertility is encouraged, the population here should be able to grow.

In addition, judging from the identity and occupation of the residents, there are not many serfs in Marsh Town. Most of them are free tenants, and the remaining part are freedmen.

But no matter what your status is, living here will make you dependent on the lord. There are many types of people in this group, including those who farm, those who herd, those who hunt, etc.

As the population increases, there will naturally be more people who know carpentry and masonry work.

"Wilson, there are a few things you need to do."

Wilson sat upright, "Sir, please tell me, my subordinates will do their best!"

"First of all, these are those who are good at carpentry. You need to coordinate and assign them to the ironwood workshop to speed up the production of ironwood weapons and armor. The order for Wushan Fort will expire in three months, and I don't want the construction period to be delayed. .”

"Secondly, these skilled masons must also be put to use. Shanlin Town, Huitu Village and Black Tu Village will be key areas for future development. There will be more and more people there, and it is necessary to build more residences."

"Finally, there are those who can play with mud, and some of them will be allocated to Jim. The ceramics workshop will be the focus of future development. In addition, the blacksmiths must also be integrated. There is a lot of cultivated land in Wubei Territory waiting for us to cultivate, and we need curved shaft plows, farm tools, etc. Speed ​​up production.”

There are more people, and only when they work together can they exert greater power.

Wilson wrote down these things one by one. Thinking of asking these people to leave their hometown where they had lived for many years, he felt a little embarrassed: "Sir, what if these people are not willing to go to Shanlin Town or other villages?"

Luo Ning raised his eyebrows, "I not only pay them a salary, but also arrange their food and accommodation. What don't they want? Tell them that as long as they work for me wholeheartedly, I will reward them with land."

As long as a serf works hard for Luo Ning for ten years, he can get ten acres of land. This is the incentive policy that was set before, and it can still be applied here.

Moreover, taking Marsh Town as an example, there is a lack of arable land, so the importance of land to the residents can be imagined.

Now the lords offered them a way to acquire land, which was an excellent thing for them.

Wilson nodded quickly, "They will definitely be grateful for your kindness, sir."

Kindness, in fact, is not really called kindness. It just gives these people a goal to move forward.

After all, even if the land is divided up in the end, the property rights will still belong to Luo Ning. The only difference is that the farmers can farm freely on this land and pay less food.

"Spring plowing is coming soon."

Luo Ning looked at Wilson and the opponent's five assistants and began to arrange the spring plowing plan.

First of all, all the more than 60,000 acres of land in Marsh Town must be cultivated this time, and peat must be mined to replenish the fertility of the fields before sowing.

Fertilizing tens of thousands of acres of land is a huge project. At that time, I am afraid that in addition to the people who herd and breed, other labor forces will be involved.


But for Luo Ning, whether Wubei Ling can be self-sufficient in food this year depends on this spring plowing. No matter how many people are invested, it is worth it.

After spring plowing comes land reclamation. Luo Ning plans to divide Marsh Town into several villages and form land reclamation teams based on villages.

Finally, rewards will be given to villages and individuals with outstanding performance based on the results of land reclamation, so as to further enhance the enthusiasm of the territorial residents to develop the territory.

"Wilson, do you remember the last time I told you about the 'political affairs chief'?"

Wilson's breathing stagnated, and then became a little rapid.

He clearly remembered that the lord once said that he would be appointed as the "chief of political affairs" after the political affairs of the northern savage tribe were completed and the political officers were assigned.

It's just that the situation is different now. Now the Lord's territory not only includes all the savage tribes, but also has an additional swamp town.

Thinking of this, Wilson's eyes became a little eager.

Luo Ning smiled and said: "Congratulations Wilson, from now on you will be the political affairs director of Wubei Territory."

Since becoming a political officer, Wilson has done a good job, at least Luoning's requirements have been met.

And as he became more and more proficient in handling government affairs, the other party not only did not slack off, but became very active.

This attitude deserves recognition.

Since his attitude is very good and his abilities meet the requirements, there is no problem in promoting Wilson.

"Thank you, sir!"

Wilson burst into tears of joy and quickly knelt down to express his loyalty.

From a political affairs officer to a political affairs chief, the five-fold increase in salary is only secondary. The main thing is that he has been recognized, which indicates that he can make further progress in the future.

His experience immediately aroused the envy of the five assistants. Their boss and their master were promoted. When will it be their turn?

Luo Ning smiled slightly, naturally promoting people is to motivate them.

He said to the five assistants: "After Wilson becomes the chief political officer, Hillwood Town, Marsh Town and other villages will have vacant seats for political officers. This is your opportunity."

The assistants immediately became excited. This was indeed an opportunity for them.

And in the future, when Wubei Territory becomes bigger and stronger and has several small towns with a population as large as Marsh Town, Luo Ning will also need to appoint business, taxation, finance and other official positions.

This emerging land is full of opportunities, and it depends on whether these young assistants can seize the opportunity.

Next, Luo Ning continued to convey to Wilson and others the subsequent coordination and promotion of spring plowing and land reclamation.

"Okay, that's it for today. If you need anything, you can come to me anytime."

Luo Ning waved his hand to see off the guests, picked up the parchment at hand, and said, "Also, let this person named 'Pearson' come to see me tomorrow morning."

It was written clearly on the parchment: Pearson, the leader of the Swamp Town caravan.

Luo Ning can indeed use the caravan of the Iron Hoof family in Muma City to sell iron and wood weapons, and even silk and porcelain later.

But this does not mean that he does not need to form his own caravan.

On the contrary, in the future, business in Wubei Territory will really take off, and it will be very necessary to have your own caravan.

To form a caravan, you naturally need to find people who know how to do business. It is too unrealistic to randomly find farmers who only know how to farm to sell things. You might lose money and still help others.

There is no such candidate in Hillwood Town, but Pearson from Swamp Town fits Luoning's requirements very well.

As long as Pearson is capable and willing to work for Luo Ning, it doesn't matter even if the caravan led by the other party has served Leisen.

As a businessman, the pursuit of profit is fundamental. (End of chapter)

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