Luo Ning and Pearson chatted for a long time. On the one hand, they learned more about the operation of the caravan, and on the other hand, they also decided on the remuneration and expenses of the caravan members.

To put it simply, Luo Ning provides all the supplies for the caravan, such as packhorses and vehicles for transportation, rations for people and livestock on the road, etc.

Pearson and his staff are responsible for visiting customers, selling products, and promoting cooperation.

There is no such thing as bonus commission in this world, so Luo Ning offers fixed remuneration to all members of the caravan.

As the manager of the caravan, Pearson's daily salary reached twenty copper coins, and his nine deputies averaged five copper coins per day.

Compared with the Leisen period, Luo Ning gave Pearson an increase of three copper coins and gave each of the opponent's deputies one copper coin.

This salary level is already very impressive. You must know that Wilson's daily salary when he was a political officer was only ten copper coins.

However, there is no reason why they can receive such high remuneration. After all, the caravan brings an income of three to four hundred gold coins to the territory every year, and they have contributed a lot.

"What a wonderful morning!"

Standing on the steps in front of the castle's drawbridge, Pearson wiped away the anxiety and apprehension he had felt when he arrived, and regained his former energy.

He didn't expect that he could gain the trust of the new lord so easily. Not only did he let him continue to manage the caravan in Swamp Town, but he also increased his salary, making him look forward to the future even more.

"Although the Lord is young and kind, he is not as bad as what is said outside."

It was obvious that Pearson's knowledge of Ronin was still in the early version, and he knew nothing about what the new lord had done recently.

He just made this judgment based on his own feelings.

Pearson could tell from the exchange just now that this young lord is not innocent, and his kindness is just to make you serve him more wholeheartedly.

If he and his caravan do anything extraordinary, they will definitely be punished accordingly.

But Pearson has a clear understanding of himself.

He is just a businessman attached to the lord. Without the lord's support, he is nothing.

"We have to gather those little boys and get ready to start work!"

Pearson stopped staying and strode towards the outside of the castle.

Next, he and his men will complete the first task assigned by the lord - not sales, but procurement.

First of all, in order to cope with the subsequent land reclamation work, Luo Ning prepared to purchase three thousand kilograms of wrought iron to make plowshares and various working tools;

Secondly, the cultivated land in Marsh Town, Shanlin Town and several villages has now reached 100,000 acres. Barley and wheat cannot be grown all of them, and the diversity of food must also be considered.

So Luo Ning is also planning to purchase crops such as peas, lentils, and onions this time. Not only can they enrich people's rations, but beans, for example, can also be used as excellent feed to feed war horses.

Last but not least, he needs to purchase food.

While Shanlin Town was self-sufficient in food harvested last autumn, it was barely distributed to the four villages in the north. It was no longer able to support the food rations for the thousands of slaves that were about to arrive, let alone support Swamp Town.

According to Chahar's statistics over the past two days, before today's autumn harvest, there is at least a food shortage of at least 300,000 kilograms in Marsh Town.

Although the people in the territory need to spend money or labor to buy from him, he needs to pay for the purchase from outside.

Three hundred thousand kilograms of grain would cost at least nine hundred gold coins at once. Add in the cost of wrought iron and seeds, and almost twelve hundred gold coins would be lost.

After such calculations, Luo Ning actually admired Leisen. After all, it seemed that the other party had to spend a lot of energy to support such a large swamp town.

If Luo Ning didn't have enough money in his pocket, he really wouldn't know where to get money to buy food.

Of course, 300,000 kilograms of grain can’t just be bought.

New 𝗰𝗼𝗺

Firstly, it was not easy to collect food here, and secondly, he was not so ambitious as to hand over thousands of gold coins to Pearson at once.

The wrought iron and seeds were easily bought by Pearson. The main thing about the grain this time was to contact the purchasing channels.

When it comes time to buy food later, Luo Ning will arrange for a few knights to go there with the soldiers, so as to ensure the safety of both money and food.

“With a large population, the expenses will be huge!”

Luo Ning stood on the tower overlooking the town. Although the expansion of the territory was refreshing, making money also became urgent.

“Although there are two groups, the Black Gold Brotherhood and the Polish Thieves Group, who are causing trouble in the Oshan Territory, they are all small troubles and do not let the territory fall into a wartime state. This is why the food prices in the Oshan Territory are kept at a low level. s level."

The average price of barley, wheat, and rye is less than four copper coins, which is indeed relatively low.

But once a war does break out, it will not be this price. It may be doubled, tripled or even more.

Wushan has three major grain production bases: Wushan City, Lingchuan City, and Heimang City.

Even though Wushan City belongs to the Wushan family, the Liwei family in charge of Lingchuan City also stood up for Luo Ning and spoke for him in Wushan Fort. But when everyone is short of food, Luo Ning may not be able to Bought so much.

In a place like Marsh Town, where there is a shortage of hundreds of thousands of kilograms of food every year, it is easy for famines to occur and people to starve to death.

Luo Ning is a benevolent lord. He doesn't want to see his subjects starve to death. After all, if one dies, there will be one less labor force.

“We must be self-sufficient in food!”

"And have enough reserves!"

Taking advantage of the fact that Wushan Territory is still in a peaceful period, Luo Ning has to actively promote the progress of land reclamation.

When he was complacent, a group of people appeared on the road leading to Swamp Castle from far and near, attracting Luo Ning's attention.

"It's Tom who's back."

When Luo Ning passed through Wuma City last year before heading to Wushanbao, he bought forty-four horses from the Tiedi family's horse farm at an extremely favorable price.

It was just that he was in a hurry and Luo Ning did not have the manpower to bring these horses back to the territory, so he had to foster them at the Iron Hoof family's horse farm.

After returning to Swamp Town this time, Ronin asked Tom to take some cavalry to Horse Wrangling City to transport the horses back.

Speaking of which, I have to mention the number of horses that Luo Ning currently has in his hands - very many.

Excellent war horses: 10 horses;

Ordinary war horses: 29;

Riding horses: 93;

Draft horses: 27.

The reason why Ronin owns so many horses is mainly due to the seizure of the wealth of Swamp Castle - he seized a full 65 horses from Leisen!

Now even if Wu Bei Ling wants to form a second knight team, Luo Ning does not have to worry about insufficient horses.

This is a huge hidden wealth.


Luo Ning looked at the team and found two familiar figures in the team.

"Rogner and Kurami, why are they here?"

Outside the castle gate, Tom and his party stopped on the road in front of the drawbridge.

"Baron Leisen probably didn't expect that the Swamp Castle he spent a lot of effort building would fall into the hands of Viscount Ronin."

Kurami looked at the castle in front of him carefully, frowning slightly, "The castle is nice, but it's a pity that the air here doesn't smell very good."

Rogner smiled slightly, "Just get used to it."

"Rogner is right. I was a little unaccustomed to it on the first day here, but after a good sleep, I felt that the smell of earth in the air was lighter."

Tom smiled and got off his horse, "You guys wait a moment, I will go in and report to the adults."

Rogner also got off his horse and said with a smile: "Then I'll trouble you."

He took a deep breath, and today it was finally time for him to take action. (End of chapter)

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