Rogner has adapted to his new life. ♦♜

Since he followed Luo Ning, after completing the mission of clearing Swamp Town more than a month ago, he took Kurami and three other knights to clean up the wild areas around Huitu Village.

After clearing away the threatening beasts and monsters around Huitu Village, he returned to Swamp Town and began the task of purchasing food.

"Sir, 300,000 kilograms of grain have been safely transported to Marsh Town."

In the study, Rogner reported the results of the work to Luoning: "Wilson and Chahar are arranging manpower to transport and store this batch of grain."

Although most of this large amount of food will be consumed in Marsh Town, some of it will also be dispersed to places such as Shanlin Town and Black Earth Village, requiring secondary transportation.

Fortunately, the routes between several villages are relatively safe now, and there is no risk even without a knight escort.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Purchasing food is actually a simple task. After all, Luogna grew up in Muma City and has friends and connections there. He even got some discounts for Luo Ning.

However, transporting 300,000 kilograms of grain takes a lot of time and energy.

This time the food supplier was a chamber of commerce in Lingchuan City. They did not have enough reserves in Muma City, so they could only transfer food from Lingchuan City.

Lingchuan City is located to the north of Wushan City, five to six hundred miles away from Marsh Town. Although it’s not too far, there are a lot of things to prepare and it’s quite cumbersome.

Luo Ning is very willing to try this kind of long-distance food transportation.

Because this can train the transportation capabilities of Rogner and his team. If a war breaks out in the future, logistics will also have certain experience and foundation.

"Sir, there is one more thing I need to report to you."

After talking about the food transportation, Rogner began to talk about what he saw in Lingchuan City, "It's about Leisen."

"Oh?" Luo Ning became interested.

The bird path from Shanlin Town to Wushan Fort was built two days ago. Luo Ning tried to send a letter of greetings to Lulans, but due to the short time, he has not received a reply yet.

If there is a reply, perhaps we will know about Rayson's final trial.

"Leisen admitted the crime of embezzling the resources of Hillwood Town and assassinating you many times. He also admitted that he had approached the Skull and Bones Society, but as for what Feliton revealed, the Skull and Bones Society is related to the Purple Thunder family under Earl Hyde. Rayson has denied the accusation."

Luo Ning frowned slightly. He knew that it was not easy to establish the relationship between the Zi Lei family and the Skull and Bones Society, but he did not expect that Leisen directly denied the confession of his cronies.

"How did the other party make excuses?"

Rogner replied: "The other party only said that they accidentally obtained a stronghold of the Skull and Bones Society when they attacked the Black and Gold Brotherhood, so they asked Feliton to go to 'Yangguang Town' to deliver a letter, and accused Feliton of being forced to do Perjury, calling Yuanguang Town the Purple Thunder Territory."

Yuanguang Town is located in the southeast of Wushan Territory. It used to be the vassal of Wushan Castle.

However, in several subsequent wars, the lord of the place was killed by the Black Gold Brotherhood, and Yuanguang Town also fell into the hands of the other party, and it has not been recaptured until now.

"What did Feliton say?" Ronin asked.

Rogner couldn't help but sigh, "Feliton cried and complained that he was sorry for Rayson's trust, so he bit Galil back, saying that the other party was forced to do so, forcing him to forge his testimony, and then committed suicide in court."


When he came into contact with Feliton in Swamp Town, the other party showed his intention to follow him like Joffrey, but Ronin did not agree.

Unexpectedly, the other party's final outcome was to commit suicide in court. Luo Ning really did not expect that the other party would have such courage.

Perhaps when facing Leisen, Feliton's vow to follow him in the past had an effect.


"What's the final result?" Luo Ning asked.

"Under the jury of officials from the kingdom, Lord Wiggins, officials from Black Python City, and many nobles from the Wushan Territory, Leisen was finally sentenced to death and executed four days later, on the morning of April 5th."

Rogner sighed, "Galil is also unlucky. The people in Black Python City accused him of framed the nobles and asked Wushan Castle to put him on trial."

On the one hand, Luo Ning lamented Leisen's ending, and on the other hand, he was shocked by what happened to Galil.

However, thinking about it, this kind of accusation can only disgust Galil, and it should not have much substantive impact on him.

After explaining these things, Luo Ning took out the things from the drawer.

"This is a healing spell scroll made by Elrond in February or March. I would like you to take it to the Silva Magic Merchant Guild to sell it."

Although Ronin asked Elrond to focus most of his energy on the research and production of herbalism and magic potions, the production of healing spell scrolls did not stop.

After all, with Elrond's current strength as chief magician, making a second-level spell scroll does not require much mental energy and magic, nor does it require much time. You just need to take the time to draw one every day.

During the recent period, Luo Ning also used the materials he bought in Wushan City to make more than a dozen third- and fourth-level spell scrolls, such as Detection Wind, Speed, Pyroblast, etc.

However, he was not prepared to sell these, leaving them for himself or his knights.

"Also, inform Pearson for me and ask him to purchase 50,000 kilograms of iron ore and transport it from Marsh Town to Huitu Village."

In the past two months, after William built a larger blower, the iron-making blast furnace was finally able to completely melt the iron blocks into molten iron, which meant that Wubei Territory could use casting technology.

Now that he can smelt iron by himself, Luo Ning no longer needs to buy wrought iron from outside. Instead, he can directly buy iron ore and smelt it himself.

A pound of wrought iron on the market costs at least forty copper coins, while a pound of iron ore sells for between five and eight copper coins.

Although a pound of iron ore may only produce 30% to 40% of iron in the end, and you need to prepare your own fuel, labor, etc. when refining it, but after some calculations, it is more economical to refining it yourself.

"Fifty thousand kilograms of iron ore..."

Rogner was hesitant to speak, "Sir, making iron by yourself is time-consuming and laborious, and the output is very unstable. Why don't you just buy wrought iron directly?"

He didn't know that an iron-making blast furnace had been built in Huitu Village.

To be precise, the ironmaking area has become a confidential area.

In addition to instructing that no unrelated persons should be allowed to approach the work area, Luo Ning also arranged for guards to guard the work. At the same time, he issued a hush-hush order to Kallus and other blacksmiths. Anyone who leaks out will face the most severe punishment.

Regarding Luogna's suggestion, Luo Ning smiled and said that he wanted to give it a try, and then changed the subject.

"There is a barony called Kona near Brilliant City that is about to run out of business, and many people are fleeing. Anthony has helped me gather 5 people. You can bring this group of people to Shanlin Town with food and a convoy."

There are a lot of bankrupt barons and pioneering knight territories in Wushan Territory every year, and Anthony has already targeted these territories with operating difficulties.

Moreover, this is not Antonella's first group of people.

Last month, he pulled 8 people in Muma City and Luo Ning arranged them in Shanlin Town.

If we include the more than 500 people this time, the population of Shanlin Town has reached 3,500.

"Okay sir."

Rogerna sighed inwardly. It seemed that he would have a life of running around in the future. (End of chapter)

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